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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Except that in Steve's case, it's true.
  2. That's the insightful commentary I've missed since you cut back on your writing, Gerry. And while I know which way I'm leaning, I'm not sure what decision I'll make when that season ticket invoice shows up. This, after 106 consecutive home games, emphatically NOT counting Toronto. Right now, there's only one thing stopping me from joining the crowd telling Ralph to get stuffed ... the friends I've made here, in Lot 1, and on our road trips. Honestly, at this point, I'd miss the tailgates more than the games.
  3. As Harv just pointed out, he did precisely that twice in two seasons.
  4. You're an hour late. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  5. "That sense of urgency hopefully comes from the top from the very first day this team re-assembles in March for the offseason workout program. If that sense of urgency can trickle down to the players perhaps more consistent play will be the result week to week." Good grief. You can tell that even Brown isn't drinking this batch of Kool-Aid.
  6. bb.com: Statement from Bills Owner Ralph Wilson My favorite word. "Continuity" = continuous mediocrity. Yeah, this should make for a fun evening on the Wall ...
  7. A blast from the past: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=11284
  8. The Comeback game was a witch to sell because it was a short week, with the New Year's Day holiday falling in the middle. Plus, as previously noted, getting waxed by the same opponent in the season finale (and losing Kelly in the process) didn't help.
  9. Keep doing that, and this thread will end. Signed, Someone who has made a late-night 911 call related to domestic violence, an experience I do not recommend to anyone.
  10. Thanks for the confirmation on that JAX game; Relentless didn't have anything. And because I live on the border between Buffalo and Pittsburgh, we get multiple NBC stations, so all of those blacked-out playoff games were available down here.
  11. Yeah, thanks for that memory. The first time I met Mike Hollis after the Bills signed him, I told him, "You know, I've spent the last five years hating you." He smiled and replied, "I've been hearing that a lot since I got here." And yes, that was the last playoff game at Rich Stadium. Not sure about a blackout, but the listed attendance was just 70k, so it's possible.
  12. Yeah, because Jerry says it will all turn into sunshine and lollipops if we just change the head coach:
  13. Yup. No sense of urgency, either there or when they had the ball with the wind in the third quarter. I've seen high school coaches display better game-management skills.
  14. Suggestion: since nothing you say or do will make a bit of difference to either Ralph or the NFL, if you're moving on, just do it already.
  15. For some reason, the word "clusterf***" comes to mind.
  16. (Um, if you're wondering, the dingo has a sarcastic streak ...)
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