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Everything posted by Lori

  1. I thought about segueing into that, but depressed myself ...
  2. You want to go coaches? Gilbride, LeBeau, Dan Henning and James Saxon in MIA, Fred Graves in TEN, Charlie Joiner in SD, Big Red (Pete Metzelaars) with the Colts ... You don't really want to know all the playoff coaches out there with Buffalo ties, do you? It will just depress you. Trust me.
  3. Eagles: Jon Dorenbos Falcons: Wire, Milloy, Jason Jefferson (who replaced Tim Anderson), Mike Schneck Panthers: Darwin Walker* Think that's everyone ...
  4. And Jim Leonhard and Willis McGahee on that team, Josh Stamer for the Titans. NFC to follow, although you already know about Pat Williams and Antoine Winfield in Minnesota. And you can make your own judgements on who's good or horrible; I'm just listing them all.
  5. Ummm ... not to answer for jz, but when he referred to jumping off a bridge due to circumstances beyond our control, I think he meant Jauron, not this.
  6. Relax? When there are still bad jokes to be made? NEVER!
  7. http://www.channelsurfing.net/watch-espn2-test.html
  8. There's a problem with that transition, though. While professional journalists are held to certain ethical standards, those same guidelines don't exist in the blogosphere. And our citysiders already have issues getting information from local governments; I can't see their level of helpfulness improving when they start getting those requests from Joe Q. Public, instead of the paper of record. 'Citizen journalists' obviously have a place in the future of newsgathering, but I do not look forward to a day when watchdog duties are left in their hands because the 'traditional media' has gone out of business. Bailouts? No, although it would be nice for all my friends in the business who have been laid off in the last year. (Another one yesterday, in fact.) But wait ... even if they did give corporations money, it wouldn't trickle down to the actual newsrooms anyway. Gannett started hacking and slashing to try to maintain their double-digit profit margins long before the bottom fell out of the advertising market. And don't forget, it's not just newspapers. Channel 2 consumer/investigative reporter Mike Igoe is cleaning out his desk this week, because his age/seniority made him an attractive candidate for a buyout. (Was it voluntary? He's saying the right things in public, but I have my doubts.) Will Gannett -- there's that evil word again -- replace him? If they do, it certainly won't be someone with the knowledge and connections he brought to the job. It doesn't serve their viewers, but hey, it's good for the bottom line ... and CEO Craig Dubow can continue collecting his multimillion-dollar salary while Rome burns around him.
  9. Hellz yeah. Now I know what to get my stepfather for his birthday. Thanks, Fez!
  10. You're undoubtedly correct about the charges being dropped or pled down to a parking ticket. The mockery, however, will continue indefinitely.
  11. Good call. The dividing line, I think, is whether or not you suffered through the 84-85 seasons and the "Bring Pro Football Back to Buffalo" jokes. I was still clinging to the Raiders as my team at that point, but going to several Bills games with my die-hard father. So when people say "It can't get any worse" ... well, I know better. It can ALWAYS be worse, and has been several times. Honestly, I'm not sure about my seasons for next year, especially if we get another $100 price hike for my seats ... but when the invoice comes, I'll probably pony up again, out of hope if nothing else.
  12. I was kind of hoping they'd have the video up. No such luck, but here's the story: http://abcnews.go.com/WN/WoodruffReports/s...6062&page=1
  13. Cardinals game is officially a sellout, and the Vikings got one more extension until 3:30 tomorrow: http://blogs.startribune.com/vikingsblog/?p=2376
  14. No prob. He always brings good info to the table. And I especially dig when he starts verbally smacking some moron upside the head, like the one you posted earlier in the thread. I did have another question buried in the queue, asking him about the worst "weather" games he's covered. Maybe I can get him to answer it here ...
  15. Sad but true, Bob. Sometimes, the bad teams make for better stories.
  16. Good point. I wonder if the officer laughed at Ko and told him his team sucked while he was making the arrest?
  17. Maybe he figured trying to elicit the officer's sympathy wouldn't work?
  18. Tired of sniping at each other ever since the news hit about Jauron? Let's go bug Tim Graham instead: http://proxy.espn.go.com/chat/chatESPN?event_id=24369
  19. First home playoff game since 1947 for the Cardinals franchise, and Glenn is correct, that game was in Chicago. Trouble is, they've never built a large base of diehard fans. As those of you who went to or watched our game out there know, there were a whole lot of tickets available. And with the real-estate market imploding especially hard in Phoenix, perhaps a few of those season-ticket account holders don't have the cash on hand for pricey playoff ducats. And based on their trip up here a couple of seasons ago, the Falcons fans don't travel well. There are stories about Eagles fans trying to buy up the rest of the seats in Minnesota, but I haven't heard anything like that regarding the birdfight in the desert.
  20. Um, just guessing here that the Mountain West perks (and groupies) aren't exactly on the same level that he pulled as a Raider. And on a totally unrelated "Where are they now?" note, I just checked in with former Empire Sports anchor Josh Mora. Lucky guy -- he got to cover the Blackhawks-Wings Winter Classic for his current gig with Comcast Sportsnet Chicago. Still misses Empire, though ...
  21. Do I have to buy a ticket? KC is tempting, since I didn't go this year. But if you're still planning for the Panthers game, then yeah, I'll probably be there.
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