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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Dayumn. No sense of humor. Guess I should've included a
  2. That's one more than Temple, right? (taking cover)
  3. And one who could run Homerun Throwforward would be cool, too.
  4. No prob, and I probably should've tossed in a after the first part, because I was just busting on you about that. We do take copyright laws seriously here, though -- Warren Buffett, the owner of The News, has a lot more money to hire lawyers than we do. Couple paragraphs are fine under "fair use" rules; we just ask that you don't copy/paste the entire piece, and that you include a link to the originating site. Again, thanks for understanding. Ramius, be honest: You just hate blue and orange.
  5. Your wife doesn't have to worry about getting sued by The Buffalo News for copyright infringement.
  6. Could've found it at the top of TBD yesterday morning. Also, "You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by TBD." Link and excerpt, please and thank you.
  7. The recent chain-wide job cuts may have created the cityside opening he's moving to, but I have no reason to disbelieve Mark's explanation. A friend, offered that very same job a long time ago -- talking decades, not years, here -- decided to stay where he was instead of signing up for the soul-sucking grind of a pro beat. Sounds like he's making the right move, and by his own choice -- something few people in our industry can claim right now. I, too, wish him the best. On a related note, his sadness about leaving the press room for the final time hits home, and leads me to mention a kindness by the Bills organization. They invited Scott Pitoniak to the season finale at the Ralph, so he could watch one last game from his old seat next to Sal and Leo in the press box. Applause to Scott Berchtold, or whoever came up with the idea, for a classy move. (If only the team had given him a game worth watching as a going-away present ... )
  8. Ko makes it to Deadspin: http://deadspin.com/5123105/ko-simpson-is-...-worth-millions
  9. Yup, they're the closest thing Buffalo TV has to old-fashioned muckrakers, and I mean that as a compliment. (Totally unrelated note: I didn't realize you were 'local' again ...)
  10. Yup. Shocked the hell out of me to watch him call actual running plays when the Giants were up here last season.
  11. Favorite line from TBD that afternoon: "Even God is pissing on the Dolphins." And Simon, I can only imagine what your definition of 'appropriate restraint' might have been.
  12. You're not familiar with Igoe's work, then, I take it. He's one of the good guys. Unfortunately, those ranks are dwindling ...
  13. Sprinklers ... hahaha, what a great memory that still is ...
  14. What he said. They eat guys like Pennington for lunch.
  15. Picking up Suggs to go along with it would be nice ...
  16. Metropoulos still needs a stadium. Till then, nobody's going anywhere.
  17. If that's how you read that, you might want to ease up on the alcohol intake ...
  18. I like the guy, but he's starting for the Ravens because Dawan Landry is on I.R.
  19. Good pass rush, backed up by a Hall of Fame talent at safety. Would that the Bills had either one of those components, much less both.
  20. That's the back judge's responsibility, not the referee's. And yes, despite his egregious error in the SD-DEN game, Hochuli is one of the best.
  21. Aw, don't pick on poor Willis. After all, his season's over since he didn't get 1,000 yards, right? From Mike Penner's blog in the LA Times:
  22. Undoubtedly. In fact, knowing them, they're still bitching about last year's Super Bowl. You know what? Good. I'm still wondering how a team the Bills handled with relative ease is through to the second round of the playoffs.
  23. Started out at the OTH when he was still in high school. I thought he was another intern from St. Bonaventure at first, until I read a prep football gamer with his name in it (instead of on it), because Chuck was already trusting him to write the occasional column. Good voice for someone so young. He's still at Newhouse (Syracuse j-school), but I think he graduates this spring ... and if there are any jobs to be had out there, someone would be smart to give him a chance.
  24. Yes and no. It was written for a fan site, but Tyler actually is a sportswriter who used to work for a friend of mine.
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