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Everything posted by Lori

  1. 1:39pm 3/3/09 BREAKING NEWS from V-coach: Buffalo re-signed fullback Corey McIntyre. McIntyre will enter his fifth NFL season in 2009. You don't say ...
  2. Quinn won what, all of one game last year? And we know which one that was.
  3. Nobody's been banned, and all opinions remain welcome. But yeah, I think we're done here.
  4. If there wasn't before the Cassel rumors surfaced, there sure is one now ...
  5. I'll be sure to do that, starting with yours. In fact, I'll be keeping a very close eye on you, if you get my drift. And on further review, since a good chunk of your first 80 or so posts were written merely to criticize other posters, perhaps that decision is overdue. By the way, you forgot the apostrophe in "everyone's." Have a nice day.
  6. Nope. Sullivan tells you what he thinks. And if you don't like it, he really doesn't care. And I guarantee that the News circulation department takes next to no calls either subscribing or canceling because of one J. Sullivan.
  7. Yeah ... that works. Oh, the humanity!
  8. If the Bills took Crabtree in the first round, I guarantee you our server would crash.
  9. I already have one, thanks. And if you hadn't noticed, a small part of it includes moderating these message boards. As such, I'll weigh in wherever I damn well please on our board policies. Thanks, and have a nice day.
  10. All right, between you and b.harami, I sit corrected on that particular play ... but I still hold fast to my original point. If you're sitting in that press box with credentials, you're not SUPPOSED to be a fan.
  11. Yeah, after missing three field goals and an extra point in regulation. Thurman's postgame quote: "If he would have missed that one, I would have dropped him from the plane somewhere over Minnesota or North Dakota."
  12. Not on their own site, to be sure, with its glowing talk of "improving efficiency." For the real news on this, check the newspaper. Syracuse Post-Standard: Syracuse's Channel 5 cuts at least 40 workers, guts news division (Mind you, if/when the P-S gets out the long knives, that scenario also works in reverse ...)
  13. It has: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=83691
  14. Actually, WTVH is a CBS affiliate, and part of the Bills' broadcast network. Granite has been circling the drain for a while now. See: departures of well-paid anchors such as Susan Banks and John Murphy, and large pay cuts for Keith Radford and Mike Randall, at WKBW. And WGRZ is owned by Gannett. They've hacked and slashed much like the GCI-owned newspapers, including more or less forcing consumer reporter Mike Igoe to take a buyout at the beginning of the year.
  15. The source is listed, but I absolutely agree with including a link -- in fact, for anything longer than that excerpt, I insist on one. It still doesn't fit the definition of plagiarism, though. Short excerpts like this one meet the definition of "fair use." And believe me, after another local paper lifted chunks of a story I wrote back in January without bothering to attribute, I'm all about tarring and feathering plagiarists.
  16. You think he does the GR gig for free? That might be the funniest thing I've read here in a long time. And when the job is to cover a sports team, no, you can't. As part of my job at the local paper, I get to cover my alma mater. Deep down, do I hope they beat our hated rival? Sure I do ... but I'd damn well better not write it that way.
  17. Big difference between broadcasting and writing, as you know. Has Sully become enough of a Buffalonian to hope the local teams do well, for the sake of the city and its residents as much as anything else? Yeah, he probably has ... but that's still a hop, skip, and jump away from being a "fan." Remember JP's infamous rollout in the Meadowswamp, and all the screaming here that accompanied it? According to someone else in the pressbox that day, Sullivan laughed at that play. They all did, following a chorus of, "what the F* is he doing?" That's the difference between a hometown writer and a fan. We're emotionally invested in the outcome. They're not.
  18. No offense, but they're paid to NOT be fans.
  19. We know Waters is unhappy and has asked for either a trade or release. A writer from an Internet fan site alleges, through a "trusted source," that the Bills would be interested in making a deal. Here's the real question: are the Chiefs? Because if they don't feel like granting Waters' wish, it doesn't matter how badly the Bills (or anyone else) might want him.
  20. FWIW, he'd probably agree with that assessment ...
  21. Attributing to the paper, not the specific writer, is OK in this case. And if the quote came from a press conference, it's actually fair game. I'd imagine -- I hope, anyway -- that Rotoworld also linked back to the source, Adam Teicher's ChiefsBlog, but they didn't do anything wrong here.
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