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Everything posted by Lori

  1. There's apparently still a big gap between the Bills and Pats, but some of the other division games were close. It took a four-turnover fourth-quarter meltdown to lose in Miami, and without that infamous rollout in the Meadowswamp, there's every reason to believe they would've split with the Jets. And thanks for the kind words:
  2. He's been reinstated, but he apparently never bothered to complete his community service requirements in Monroe County. Something tells me that he'd be in no hurry to show up at St. John Fisher in July, because he knows the Sheriff's Dept. would be waiting for him ...
  3. Umm, you might want to read the last couple of pages. Or just look at the post directly above yours. Either one will work.
  4. I typed that because until now, I'd been consciously staying away from expressing an opinion on this one. I do appreciate the kind words, though ...
  5. You had to ask, didn't you? I'm not a T.O. fan, let's make that clear right off the top. I've always preferred the guys who quietly went about their business (Marvin Harrison comes to mind), not the prima-donna 'tude copped by so many elite wideouts. That said ... The one-year deal is good for both sides. He'll be motivated to kick some a** this year and try to snag one more good contract, and if some blowup does happen and the Bills decide to dump him, they don't have to worry about eating a big cap hit. How much does he have left? Not sure, to be honest. But he WILL show up at SJF in shape, and as regards pure physical talent, he's light-years ahead of anyone else the Bills were going to line up across from Evans. That includes Coles, Galloway, or anyone else they looked at in FA. My concern remains the mental side of it, especially with a young QB and a coach on the hot seat. This signing could be a stroke of genius ... or a disaster of Hindenburg proportions, if he starts brewing up a storm in the locker room. And right now, I have no clue which way it'll go.
  6. Something like this .. yeah, there WAS no other news. But eventually, we will want to start letting other stuff sneak back onto Page 1. Just wanted to mention it, in case anyone wondered.
  7. So far, I have two Steelers fans asking me what the heck the Bills are doing, a Panthers fan sending me condolences, and a guy from Toronto who wants me to order him a TO jersey.
  8. Yeah, it's another Tim Graham link. You should expect these from me by now. He's compiled the immediate reactions from pundits near and far, from Sully to Judge to Prisco (and more): Owens deal gets nation talking about Bills And yeah, it's yet another T.O. thread. No chance we were going to enforce the duplicate-posting guidelines once this news hit. See: Custer's men at Little Big Horn ...
  9. What happens if it doesn't? Wait, I think we already know that answer. So now, we need a line good enough to let TE work downfield. A starting LG would help that. Any word yet on Kendall Simmons -- or anyone else, for that matter?
  10. Not exactly a "penalty fee," but Ocho Cinco was told he'd be responsible for buying all the No. 85 JOHNSON jerseys remaining in stock. That's when he decided to drop it.
  11. Yeah. The ripped-up knee, and then the staph on top of it ... Wouldn't hurt to bring him in for a visit. But it would have to be an incentive-heavy deal, and only after a thorough look-see by the medical staff.
  12. You are correct. Ralph gets his $78M no matter how many tickets they sell. If they end up short of a sellout (as I suspect they did in both games last year), that's their problem.
  13. Sure beats the standard Jauron press conference ...
  14. Since you've had your say, stang, this particular crusade can end.
  15. For an expanded version of Tim's thoughts on T.O., you might try clicking here: Bills shake up their offense with Terrell Owens. And here: T.O. gives Bills desperately needed target And my question: whether this deal ends up being a stroke of genius or a train wreck, your job just got a little more fun today, didn't it?
  16. More often than not, he signs with teams that had a winning record the previous season. PHI: 12-4 and a trip to the NFC Championship Game in 2002 and 2003. 13-3 and an NFC Championship win (without him playing) in 2004, his first season there. 6-10 in 2005 while he did sit-ups in his driveway. Back to 10-6 in 2006, after they cut him loose. DAL: 9-7 in 2005. 9-7 in 2006, 13-3 in 2007, 9-7 in 2008. Honestly? With the possible exception of the 2007 Cowboys, those records don't show much of a difference with or without him. And as someone still dithering on whether or not to renew my season tickets, the accompanying circus act would be enough to push me into the "no thanks" camp. Be great fun for the local media, though.
  17. You just compared "Team Obliterator" (thanks, Skip) to Lofton, one of the classiest guys and best locker-room presences to ever wear a Bills uniform? Please tell me I'm reading that wrong.
  18. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  19. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  20. Too many headslaps from Deacon Jones back in the day?
  21. Todd Christensen was the color man. Charlie Jones on pxp, IIRC.
  22. Mr. Pants, FWIW, Tim was still in Buffalo covering the Sabres for The News in 2005. They must really love that Cassel post, then. Still trying to figure out how it morphed into 2,700+ comments and a debate on the Steelers and steroids, but I'm sure not going to dive into that mess to find out. Oh, wait -- that was the one where we found out how many of your commenters have never read "Alice in Wonderland," too. Down the rabbit-hole we go. If I might toss in a couple of questions ... - Judging by the guys they've looked at, we can be reasonably sure the Bills seek an upgrade at weakside 'backer. But considering their paper-thin depth at all three LB positions last year, could you see them signing more than one free agent and/or drafting one on the first day? -This one's very, very important. Is the bleu cheese for the wings or the celery?
  23. Cold. Funny, but cold. No. Note that I didn't exclude myself.
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