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Everything posted by Lori

  1. FWIW, the guy who wrote those has been a member of this board since August.
  2. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-6-38/...bout-Bills.html http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-6-39/...-for-Bills.html Yeah, okay.
  3. Nick, you guys are killin' me. "Hardy, if you don't give him your number, you're cut."
  4. True dat, but they'll still sell a crapload of them.
  5. Hey, Nick, thanks for dropping in. And "interesting" is an understatement -- wild stuff, man.
  6. Gotcha. You bolded both sentences, so I wasn't sure about that.
  7. That was Brad, not Nick. (And I agree about hoping it works out.) And for the record, I talked to Brad at 3:00 this morning, and he loves the deal, too. Edit: Whitey's on with John Clayton right now.
  8. "This is a great day!" Just guessing here, but I think Nick likes the deal.
  9. Just the way the schedule works, dogg. The Bills would have played at whichever AFC South team finished in the same place in their division in 2007 and 08; this year's trip to Jacksonville has been on the schedule for six years, reciprocating for their visit here in 2006.
  10. http://player.streamtheworld.com/_players/.../player/?id=WGR Nick Mendola (edit: and Jeremy White) are working some OT today, if anyone's interested ...
  11. Ask and ye shall receive ... Looks like you've got some reading to do.
  12. Doesn't happen often (and won't here, as the situations are entirely different), but the Skins traded for Jason Taylor after losing two D-linemen for the season on the first day of training camp.
  13. Obviously, his sources inside One Bills Drive aren't as good as they used to be.
  14. Well then, let's hope that part -- but not the rest of the equation -- holds true for our Stanford man.
  15. We're still waiting for you to fix the link, so we can read the original story.
  16. Jeff Garcia, Don McNabb, and Tony Romo couldn't handle T.O., but seem to be doing OK otherwise ...
  17. Did he really? Oh, brother ... (And just so you know, that's for him, not you, NYC.)
  18. AJ's post, the one I replied to, didn't see any down side. So that's why I posted a potential one. You know me, Lori the Contrarian. Fair enough.
  19. How about if he wrecks Trent Edwards once and for all, and we have to go QB-shopping once again next season? Now, you might say that if TE lets that happen he's no franchise QB anyway ... and I might agree. But it is a factor.
  20. Depends on whether you'd rather direct them to the front page or send them straight to the message board, since it looks like your story is here. Or link the Wall, but toss in a mention of TBD somewhere along the way so people can make the connection. You're good. You'll think of something. And I don't know if you saw this on Sal's blog Saturday morning, but I'm asking him for some MegaMillions numbers:
  21. Ross is cool. One of the times I talked to him at training camp, he and Sam Adams had just had a shoving match that ended up with Adams laying on top of him. When we asked him if he could tell us what it was about, he said something along the lines of, "I told him Big Macs were better than Whoppers. Guess he likes Whoppers better." One quibble, though: If you look hard, I bet you can probably find a martini bar or five in Buffalo.
  22. So Tim, are you planning to put in a link to here? If so, we should probably pick up a little, and maybe order in some more beer food ...
  23. I'd imagine Hamilton was working the Sabres game.
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