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Everything posted by Lori

  1. He's missed exactly one home game since he began covering the team in 1973, and that was because of an auto accident. And because I know his disdain for the me-first primadonnas in the NFL so well, this column is EXACTLY what I expected from him. Why do you care what he looks like?
  2. I can tell you, because he's a very good friend of mine, but I don't think I will. Got a take on the actual column?
  3. FWIW -- the previous high was 1,450 on January 4(?), 2006, right after Donahoe left/was forced out. That was one of the first things I looked at when I got home and logged on Saturday night.
  4. May I introduce you to one of my other homes on the Web? Should explain a lot about me, actually ... http://www.testycopyeditors.org/
  5. No. 3cheese said "crawling" back. This was a dead-on sprint.
  6. No, because you left out the apostrophe. You were thisclose ...
  7. Brad loves the idea. His first comment of the night: He wasn't going to renew his season tickets. Now he is. And a lot of his friends are telling him the same thing. He's heard from a few, but VERY few, people opposed to the deal -- at least 90 percent in favor. He's with the group here that doesn't see a downside to the signing, and actually used the "What's the worst that could happen, we miss the playoffs again?" Shawn Stepner did quickly bring up the off-the-field issues, but both he and Jeff Russo also seemed to be in the "this makes the Bills better" camp. As for Tim, his bit was a prerecorded phone interview with Russo, saying pretty much the same things he's been saying here. The move surprised him, if only because it's not how the Bills normally operate, but the addition of Owens could go a long way toward opening up the offense. I DVRed it, but I have to grab some sleep. If anyone needs more details, I can probably get back to it after work tomorrow ...
  8. AFC West is in the running for the second one, with coaching changes in three out of four teams since the beginning of last year. Lucky for us. They accounted for four out of the Bills' seven wins last season.
  9. I'd rather check the TBD front page (shameless plug) in the morning to see what everyone wrote than watch Reali egg Mariotti and Paige on toward total inanity. On the other hand, I'll probably try to catch PTI tomorrow.
  10. It isn't. The numbers I've seen were all in the 15-to-20 percent range. I haven't read the entire thread, but the guy who wrote that is from Toronto, if you couldn't tell. Edit: as is "eagles79." Thanks for stopping by, Mr. Palozzi.
  11. We HOPE we have Schobel back and healthy. No matter what the team says, I'll wait on that one until I actually see him on the field ...
  12. Which begs the question, why would anyone watch writers argue with each other and try to rip off the best one-liner while PTI's errand boy plays with his joysticks?
  13. If any of you Buffalo-area folks are interested, I have it on good authority that Brad will be talking T.O. on Channel 7's Sunday-night sports show. There's also been a report that a certain ESPN.com writer will also join the conversation, but I haven't been able to confirm that ...
  14. Reiss is not only late with this, he's wrong. And this has been discussed before.
  15. How is aught-8 a typo? Refers to the nastiness the Brady bunch dumped in his mailbag last fall ('08), when he dared to suggest the Pats might decide to keep Cassel if their precioussss wasn't healing fast enough. Does look like there's a missing word in the first sentence, though.
  16. So why do they need to cover up seats to make it one of the smallest stadiums in the league?
  17. Or maybe I just took it the wrong way; that seems to be going around. And I agree completely with the sentence I bolded. We're cool.
  18. Yeah, I remember the movie scene, but this script is outstanding.
  19. Holy crap. Genius. All right, who did that? If you're here, 'fess up and accept your round of applause ...
  20. No. You feel comfortable judging all 9,000 members here after six days? All righty then. As to the linked story, Sanders (the county exec) is grandstanding. Gee, there's a surprise, right? They're in the middle of renovating Arrowhead (including a retractable roof), they'll probably get a Super Bowl when it's finished, and the Chiefs aren't going anywhere.
  21. The first batch is online: Bills fans abuzz over T.O. deal: Part 1
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