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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Nah, Simon killed the latest one instead, and I dragged this one back up top just for the heck of it. Plus, I'm running out of room to edit the subhed.
  2. In today's column, Chuck Pollock said that 13 different people sent him the link to this video. I bet we've had at least that many threads with it here ...
  3. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  4. You could order one on Tuesday. They'll be on the racks in the Stadium Store starting at 11 a.m. on Sunday, and the store isn't normally open on Sundays out of season.
  5. I reject Martz based on my own observations. And if you'd been paying attention, I'm not all that happy about Owens being here, either. But thanks for stopping by, Mr. LaMont, and good luck with your client's job search.
  6. When I e-mailed him last night, he said he actually ended up with too much info to use. Now you know why he hasn't been around here for the last couple of days ... And yes, I echo the "Nice work"/"Lucky to have him here" thoughts.
  7. That's Jabari's normal personality -- always upbeat, always smiling. And ironically, one of his first standout games (albeit preseason) was in the Superdome, where he picked off two passes in the '07 exhibition opener. I wish him well.
  8. Rob Royal, we hardly knew ye.
  9. Then who do you have taking Fred Jackson's 130 carries from last year? None of Faulk's backups ran the ball more than 78 times in a season during the 1999-2001 time period. Lynch also didn't have the Greatest Show on Turf taking DBs off the line of scrimmage, ramping up his ypc average. And Lynch isn't a Hall of Famer. Faulk was pushing that status before he left Indy. The Rams ran on 43.4 percent of their total plays in 1999, 37.8 in 2000, 41.3 in 2001. By the time Martz coached his final full season in St. Loo in 2003, just 38 out of every 100 plays were runs. And for the most part, the Rams were a decent team while he was there, so some of those were undoubtedly to burn clock at the end of wins. Take that away, and ... Lions 2006: 304 of 963, 31.6 % (down from 404 of 955, 42.3 % the year before he got there) Lions 2007: 324 of 965, 33.6 % To compare, the Bills ran 45.9 percent of the time last year, down from 48.7 the year before. "RB neglecting"? Guilty as charged.
  10. So THAT'S why they cut Robert Royal ...
  11. Really? Because our offense totaled 439 carries last season, 448 in 2007. 448>439>255. (And, by the way, Faulk did play all 16 games in 1999.) You do realize the history between the two, don't you?
  12. Per Vcoach: Owens will wear 81, Hardy 84.
  13. And will continue to be, even if people want to keep talking about Owens.
  14. He did take a couple, but Artie's shift ended at 8pm. yall, I miss 'em too. And bbb, Squish the Spiders!
  15. And something I've been waiting five years to hear: "Empire was doing great," Koshinski said. "We were making tons of money. And the people at Adelphia Communications decided to pull the plug so they could charge you $2 on your cable bill without providing a product. It had nothing to do with the bankruptcy."
  16. The refs, not the Dolphins, put the hurts on the Lanier-less Brown Indians in that game.
  17. Why, the WECK sports director, of course. I'm assuming this was his idea.
  18. Awesome -- I KNEW that was Koshinski's voice! Cool, Brad. Way cool.
  19. 'Gratz to Jayson Gee (Cleveland State) and John Brannen (VCU), both former assistants at St. Bonaventure, for making it to the show! And here's hoping Jim and Jimmy Baron find a way to join them.
  20. MadMikeMartz? Here ?!?!? Good grief ... Ask Bobby April how he'd like that idea.
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