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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Que? Link looks OK to me ... EDIT: Ah, I see. Yeah, they've been using the coveritlive thingy for a while now.
  2. Ooh, Matt from Orlando is taking a (well deserved) beating ...
  3. Although both are frustrating, I'd rather have a few games from someone who can play well when he's in there than wait to see whether or not a first-round-pick can beat out a street FA to get on the active roster on Sundays. Moot point, since I'm not sure Jennings could pass a physical. Then again, McCargo was cleared by the Bills' docs, so ...
  4. Looks like Tim isn't the only one who may have "missed" a few things lately ...
  5. Great minds think alike ... and according to our man Graham, so do yours and K.C. Joyner's: ESPN.com: Don't be so sure Cutler makes Jets better Here's Joyner's post over at The Fifth Down, the NY Times NFL blog.
  6. Mangini might have been, if Favre hadn't decided to unretire. Ryan, I'm not so sure about ... but he did watch the Ravens win a Super Bowl with Trent Dilfer, remember.
  7. Cutler vs. the New York media maelstrom. You're right, that could be amusing.
  8. Just confirmed Tim's chat at 3. Editing to add his blog post:
  9. Sully's is already underway. His reaction to the Pat Thomas signing? ZZZZZ http://blogs.buffalonews.com/sully_on_spor...sullivan-1.html Tim hasn't posted on the blog about a chat today, but there is one listed on the schedule. If that changes, I'll let you know: http://proxy.espn.go.com/chat/chatESPN?event_id=25545 And here's the transcript of Mark Gaughan's session this morning: http://blogs.buffalonews.com/billboard/200...ive-chat-1.html (Sorry, but I was over at Prep Talk "watching" the Maple Grove game instead ...)
  10. Competitive within the conference, maybe. Outside, not so much. The MAC ranked 21st in conference RPI, behind heavyweights like America East and the Southland. When your conference's signature wins are two games against Temple ... Niagara had a better argument (and a better RPI) than UB. Everyone in the building knew Maynor was taking the last shot. Still, though, I want that kid with the ball in his hands at the end of the game. And that game's still killing me -- been rooting for the Rams all season, because of Maynor (and because their SID's a great guy).
  11. Aw, jeez, Simon. So sorry for your loss. We're here if you need us, bro.
  12. Had a sneaking suspicion that might be your answer. So if you had access to a time machine, what's the one fight you'd want to see? And I agree completely about the NHL. No matter who's playing in the final, I can't tear myself away from the TV when the winners skate the Cup. To miss that part of the story because you're hustling downstairs from the press box ... Reminds me of Sully talking about how he didn't see Norwood's kick in SB XXV.
  13. Five days ago, Mr. Van Winkle. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=85178
  14. Hey, good to see you back in business, scribe. My question: if you could choose one Big Game to cover (Super Bowl / NCAA hoops or football championship game / World Series / Stanley Cup Final / heavyweight championship fight, etc.), what's your pick? (Yeah, I purposely left the NBA Finals off that list, because I know better. )
  15. I still believe Bus Cook WAS here ... but he's denying it because he doesn't want to admit that instead of working, he was hanging out with E-Mo at the Sundowner.
  16. Which is exactly what he will do, I'm sure. My comment was in response to the NFLPA's desire to change the disciplinary system, not the specifics of Lynch's case.
  17. Next round of talks is going to be nasty, there's no doubt. I fully expect to see a work stoppage at some point.
  18. Not unless he's already been given permission to shop himself in a trade.
  19. Good luck with that. The union didn't have to agree to the suspension procedure in the CBA, but they did ...
  20. Los Angeles County DA's Office: NFL Running Back Pleads to Firearm Charge
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