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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Yup, Dannyboy sure does know how to spend money. And since he took over in 1999, the Redskins have an 80-96 record -- three games better than the Bills' 77-99 -- and more 10-loss seasons (4) than playoff berths (3). One more note: the last time Washington beat Buffalo, Mark Rypien was their quarterback.
  2. It's not so much a teaching role as the willingness to step aside without creating a scene when the young superstar-in-waiting is deemed ready ... a personality trait most of the great QBs don't have, IMO, because of their natural competitiveness. Favre wasn't about to help Rodgers take his job, and Kelly was the same way.
  3. Nice birthday present -- yes, Bulger turned 33 today -- which leaves A.J. Feeley as a potential mentor for Sam Bradford. As for Bulger, don't think he's going to get anywhere near the $8.5 million he would have been due this season...
  4. http://blogs.nfl.com/2010/04/05/rams-end-s...-release-bulger And .... go!
  5. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  6. Released him last Friday. You can read about it in this thread: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=110834
  7. After sitting through last night's show, I have one question: how the !@#$ did he ever get elected? Good grief, Charlie Brown, that man is a moron.
  8. Thanks for the linkage, GBID. Been a long time since I've watched this one, and yeah, it's pretty neat. (I used to have a tape of it, until I lent it to someone here and never saw it again. But that's a story for another day ...)
  9. Just curious ... what makes you think Darth is anywhere near Buffalo?
  10. It absolutely was, for anyone who had already seen the latest "trade Lynch and Evans" thread.
  11. Ralph DID want Flutie ... but he signed with the USFL that February, so we'll never know how that war-room battle would have turned out. He liked him some Dwayne Wright, too. Who? Exactly.
  12. From Trey Wingo: "not surprising on flozell release. as @markschlereth has been saying.. adams retired three years ago and didn't tell anyone"
  13. Valid point. So, I'll do it this way. (Apologies for teh Wiki, but I'm working on other stuff right now and don't want to spend a ton of time delineating my platform plank-by-plank.) From that list of principles, the "nuclear family model" is the only one I agree with. As long as it isn't hurting anyone else, it's none of my business what someone decides to do in their bedroom, and I worship no god.
  14. Regarding the bitchfest about the Edwards story ... yes and no, Tom. As both GG and I pointed out, the guy who started that did so because he didn't understand how the AP works -- they want the "flash" out there, with the full story to follow. Would he have said a word if the brief hadn't been posted, and we hadn't seen ANY story until the writethrough came across the wire? Doubtful. He probably would have clicked on the story that evening and thought nothing of it. As for the follow-up ... Like John, I'll stay away from commenting on agate clerks, but I do hold the opinion that until you've actually gone out and covered an event, you just can't get a good feel as to how time-consuming this job can be. Case in point: We (Kenny, Scotty, and the Pinto crew) are invariably the last people out of Lot 1 at home games. Most of the time, it's at least 4-5 hours after the game ... and there are still several cars in the media lot when we leave. It's true even at the high school level. I just got home from a prep baseball game a short time ago, and by the time I finished talking to the home team's coach, the two of us and his father (who was patiently waiting for us) were the last people in the ballpark. So I think (hope?) that thread helped some people better understand John's job -- and in my mind, that's a GOOD thing, because I want to scream every time I read a "lazy sportswriter" or "I could do that job" slam. Wow, did we ever drag this discussion off its original track. Eh, that's okay. I'm sure there will be plenty of other Tea Party threads before we're done. P.S.: Taro, I make you look like a liberal? Interesting, because I haven't voted for a Republican Presidential candidate since 2000 (and even then, it was a write-in for McCain instead of Bush.)
  15. Yeah, but that's because of my own interactions with certain people at OBD, not anything that anybody in the media did.
  16. No joke, unless the Plain-Dealer is either in on it or being duped. FWIW, both Barry Switzer and St. Bonaventure baseball coach Larry Sudbrook have been arrested for the same thing. Mere forgetfulness (or stupidity, if you want to call it that), but probably not something that's going to give him a Plaxico-style prison sentence.
  17. Food for thought, LA. Thanks. I'm still not seeing it, but then again, I suppose that could be because I fall on the wrong side of your dividing line in that construct. (Not that I'm claiming to be an authoritative voice on the Bills; I write about them, but I do NOT "cover" them, with all that word entails.) I've never felt that disconnect -- remember what I told you a while back about hanging out at the local rag as a kid, the same one I write for now -- but I guess I can respect that others might, even if I don't understand it. If anything, my disconnect is with the team itself; I'm less of a fan now than I was before getting a few glimpses of how they make the sausage in the front office. I used to think I wouldn't be able to last inside the RWS pressbox without breaking the "no cheering" covenant, but I'm not so sure about that any more. Or maybe that's just from a decade of on-field mediocrity beating the fandom out of me. --------------------------------------------------- JW, no more or less of a dumbass than anyone else here in the mosh pit ... and yet we keep coming back for more.
  18. Good luck getting it. McGahee may be a moron, but he also didn't have any suspensions on his record when the Bills traded him.
  19. Let's not make this about Tim. I will say this, though: Constructive criticism is one thing, cheapshots and questioning someone's integrity decidedly different, and "well, he should be used to stuff like that" is a lousy excuse. While SDS wrote the policy about interacting with Tim and John in their professional capacity, I agree with it 100%. And yes, the rules are different for PPP, and JW was warned about this place before he ever set foot in here.
  20. I miss ALL the fun ... Graham, not Wawrow, is the tequila connoisseur. Or so I've heard. And LA, my friend ... about that fourth wall. There's a difference between acting and writing. Hell, you've done both, so you know that better than I do. Try as I might, I fail to see how JW's personal views on politics have even a smidge of an effect on his job covering sports. Honestly: Did anyone here read the feature on Eric Wood, say, and think less of the story because it was written by someone who you disagree with on health care?
  21. Y'all might be interested in one of his tweets from last night:
  22. The board software was written before they changed the DST implementation dates. Remember, it just moved from April to March a couple of years ago.
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