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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Reporters, or columnists? Again, there's a difference. And yeah, I realize I may be belaboring this point, but I take media-bashing a little more personally these days ...
  2. "Dirty.com reports" As you might have guessed, I have a real problem with seeing those words together. I posted the link in the other T.O. thread, but I'll repeat what I said there: consider the source, and decide for yourself whether you believe it or not. And yes, it's telling that the dreaded MSM hasn't picked up the story.
  3. Some pretty cool stuff there, although the Raiders could have moved away from the stock art for theirs, I think. Love the cartoon buffalo on the Oilers one.
  4. Dude just finished a book on the AAFC Bills. (Yes, I'm sure he'll/we'll let you know when it's available for purchase ... )
  5. Again, I would ask only that you differentiate between the reporters and the commentators. For example, Skip Bayless has been calling Owens "Team Obliterator" for a long time, so I don't expect him to stop now ... but to make that generalization is unfair to guys like Gaughan, Wilson, and Wawrow, in my opinion.
  6. "Rock solid" enough that he said he wasn't touching it, and never mentioned the site by name? By the way, to update the original T.O. story from this week, he has now said that he won't be attending ANY workouts unless they're mandatory. I hated it when Henry, McGahee, and Schobel all did it, don't like it now, but I've more or less given up tilting at that particular windmill.
  7. Thanks, John, and welcome to the funhouse.
  8. Grant, if you can't tell that I was responding to the people who posted after my last reply in this thread, more precisely the ones who ripped into Tim for something he had no part in, I can't help you. A longtime SE once shared a piece of advice with me that his first SE told him decades ago: "News is what people are talking about." You don't think anyone would have wondered whether or not Owens was in Orchard Park on Monday if the dastardly media hadn't been there to report his absence? The beat writers would have been there whether Owens was a Buffalo Bill or not, because it was an open session: The earliest link I've seen for the Alzheimer's announcement was the second one in the original post, 7:00 a.m. Wednesday. John Wawrow got the info, reported and wrote the story, and put it on the AP wire at some point later in the morning, and the major media outlets posted it shortly thereafter. Considering that to the best of my knowledge there were no press releases about the event from either the Bills, Owens, or the Alzheimer's Association, it amazes me that people are actually bitching about the turnaround time on this. And one other comment: the beat guys aren't the ones suggesting Owens was selfish for getting 81, or skipping some workouts. Columnists and television analysts can share their opinions whenever they wish, as long as they're not flat-out misrepresenting the truth. Please, PLEASE don't lump them in with the reporters actually out there covering stories. Thank you. And kudos to Owens for trying to make a difference against a horrible disease. That point's been lost here, and that's a shame.
  9. That's not even remotely funny. Don't give them any ideas ...
  10. Day-umn. I miss all the fun. FWIW, here's an exchange from the "Ask Tim" thread, on the night Owens signed: And not that he needs me to defend him, but I might point out that he's been: a.) on California time since Saturday afternoon, b.) spending the last four days talking to Roger Goodell, (I believe) every coach in the AFC East, and other NFL people, and c.) scooping EVERYONE else in the media on the "Bills in Toronto" survey by an entire friggin' day. Yeah, he's been a little busy lately. So when the Alzheimer's story -- a wire story at that, which goes straight to Bristol -- doesn't get posted until 9 a.m. Pacific time, I'm not inclined to jump all over one guy in California for refusing to post it because he hates T.O., or any such other crap. You want to B word about the people putting stuff online from ESPN headquarters, be my guest. Just my opinion.
  11. Backup to whom? Pat Thomas ?!? Either get June or Keiaho in here, or draft a nasty, glass-chewing, nail-spitting 'backer on the first day (my preference). Please? P.S.: try scrolling down next time, Steely ...
  12. The original uniforms ripped off the Lions, silver helmets and all. The current throwbacks honor the 1965 AFL Championship team.
  13. I was waiting for someone to get that ...
  14. She did not, as an above post (probably typed at the same time as yours) points out. But delving into the mind of Rome, she's a girl, and calling Jim Everett by a girl's name is an epic take.
  15. Now that Mr. Wawrow has sent it across the wire, other outlets will pick it up shortly. Edit: already have. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4014732
  16. Because he thought he was being funny. Personally, I thought watching Everett tip that table over on him was far more amusing ...
  17. As you know, I was completely unaware of those reports rumors until roughly an hour ago. And yeah, I cringed a little at linking to a Web site calling itself "The Dirty" ...
  18. I hadn't heard about it, either, and the TMZ-type stuff is probably as good as we're going to get. So, believe or disbelieve at your own choosing.
  19. Well, that takes care of today. Looks like he was busy over the weekend, too: T.O. Dodges DUI: Terrell Owens a No-Show Monday At Bills Workouts EXCLUSIVE: Terrell Owens Fails Field Sobriety Test **Update**
  20. I know you've been counting the arrests. How many meetings with the commish, though? And I'm not asking that to be a wiseass; I seriously don't know the answer. If Marshall's offenses were lumped together into one meeting, that might be different than Goodell warning Lynch last summer, then having to speak to him again ... even though Marshall's rap sheet is more serious.
  21. Try again. I'm two hours east of Erie, and my father lives in Muncie, IN.
  22. Maybe ESPN didn't know about it. They do now ... and nice find, mr. millbank.
  23. The substance abuse thing? Certainly not by itself. In fact, even if Goodell does decide he should go into Stage One of the program, we probably won't find out about it -- they have some strict confidentiality rules. But will it give the commish one more thing to think about when he makes his decision? Absolutely. So will the "traffic incident." As Tim found out, Goodell is NOT happy that he's had to talk to Lynch for the second time in less than a year. A general comment to anyone who believes Lynch isn't getting some time off in September: Don't smoke that stuff in the car.
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