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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Converting ...? Maybin played RDE in a 4-3 at Penn State.
  2. Try to sell the rights to the Bills in Toronto group. Seriously? I wish they'd trade down in that scenario, but haven't seen anything from the current player personnel group to make me believe they would agree. I hope -- HOPE -- they realize they need either a pass rusher or an O-lineman at that spot, although I think you and I agree that they wouldn't pick a guard or center that high. Schedule should be out anywhere in the neighborhood of April 7-14, but I haven't heard anything official yet. I'm just hoping they don't decide to take Tampa Bay, the only team I've never seen in person, as the Toronto game.
  3. I heard that, Bill, and immediately thought of you. All I can say is, I hope they're wrong. And if Jenkins is indeed the top player left at any position, please let the Bills trade down.
  4. They'd been there all day. They were told she was stable, and that they should go home and try to get some rest. Later, they got a phone call saying she'd taken a turn for the worse, she didn't have much time left, and they needed to get there as quickly as they could if they wanted to say goodbye. I've gotten a call like that twice myself. Both times, I made the trip to the hospital -- 20 miles away -- in less than 20 minutes. You're telling me you wouldn't do the same? Moats had his four-ways on. Stopped at the red light, where the only other driver at the intersection waved him through. If I see that, then follow the guy to the hospital, my first thought is that there's some kind of emergency. Instead, while this cop took TWENTY MINUTES to write a ticket and deliver a lecture about "attitude," Moats' mother-in-law died. F%^& this guy.
  5. Yes, Drizz, it does say "field access" in the e-mail.
  6. Thanks, Sphere. I'll also note that Tim Graham is scheduled for his regular 3 p.m. show, if you want to add that to your title. I should probably add that Graham will be on Brad Riter's show tonight, because he was traveling yesterday (when he's normally scheduled). Believe that's at 6 p.m.
  7. Oh yeah. That might have been the most entertaining part of the entire game; for lack of anything better to do, I spent most of the second half mentally adding up what the trip was costing me ...
  8. How about the franchise leader in INTs, Butch Byrd? This part of the ballot was simple for me. One (James) is on the Wall of Fame, and the other (Byrd) should have been a long time ago.
  9. From that link: So even the other cop on the scene apparently thought Powell was wrong, and thought it was serious enough to report.
  10. Wow -- good stuff, John. As a mutual friend keeps telling me, "News is what people are talking about," and I can't count the number of times I've been asked about Owens in the last three weeks. And this is in a small town in northern Pennsylvania. I was at the Bonnies game when I got the text about the presser the day he signed, and when I got home, the "most users ever" stat was the first thing I looked at. (For the record, the previous high of 1,450 was from the day Donahoe left/was pushed out the door.) Just imagine what that number would have been if the news hadn't hit on a Saturday afternoon. Before the Owens era began, I was actually thinking about trying to get credentials for a day or two at SJF -- nothing special, maybe snag a couple of interviews with the rookies while staying out of the beat guys' way. Now? Fat chance. The place is going to be a zoo, with all the "national" guys parachuting in. Oh yeah, and the VH1 camera crew ... (Note: yes, unfortunately, the archives do only go back to 2004, and a hard drive crash wiped out the entire 2007 season. And while I do help run the place, SDS is the head honcho here ...) Add: And I think Joe Mesi copyrighted "third franchise," didn't he?
  11. Pure speculation at this point. Eagles could use a tackle, Peters might want out of Buffalo ... add them together, and you have their equivalent of the Brian Waters rumors.
  12. If you're interested, there's a separate thread on the Parker/Taylor thing: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=85762
  13. Again: I hate all generalizations. Guessing Bob DiCesare does, too:
  14. That play marks the exact spot when I officially gave up on last season.
  15. And yet, this other Web site (nice ad, by the way) cites Dirty.com as its source, does it not?
  16. Yup, if nothing else, at least it shouldn't be boring ...
  17. That's the difference, plenz. Attitude, and I'm not talking about Moats. It gets better (or worse, perhaps): Dallas police: Officer drew gun during traffic stop of NFL player outside hospital
  18. "I can make your night very difficult." Like the imminent death of his mother-in-law wasn't already putting a crimp on the evening. Yeah, yeah, policemen never know what kind of situation they're walking into when they make a stop, etc., etc. Duly noted. Still sounds like a power trip to me, and for running a red light? C'mon.
  19. They could be providing different services, perhaps? Dunno ...
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