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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Not really, since this is the first year they've opened it up to us commoners. Even without free food/beverages, though, I think the locker room and field access could draw at least 10,000. (Entirely my own opinion, based on the crowds for the uniform unveiling and the Celebration of Champions a few years back.) And I'm sure the Stadium Store will be open as well, with racks of brand-new T.O. jerseys and 50th Anniversary gear ...
  2. Jason Whitlock played high school football with him. Pasquarelli was recovering from the emergency bypass surgery he had while he was at Super Bowl XLII when he found out he had Guillain-Barre, the same thing Moore dealt with. Chris Mortensen did a powerful Q-and-A with him before this year's SB: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs2008...tory?id=3861360 And for those inclined to bash Mort every time his name appears, he missed the Pats-Giants SB because he was at the hospital with Lenny P.
  3. Who were grandfathered in under the rule against public/corporate ownership which was added to the league's constitution and bylaws in 1961 ...
  4. I tend to think the guy who put it here actually believed it, although I still think he's an idiot for posting it.
  5. That was just a couple minutes after Tim Graham posted that it was false, so, no chance for an update to get to you. Thanks ...
  6. Trust Mead to set our priorities straight. Thanks for making me smile. I needed that.
  7. How about a link to the original story, instead of to a board that forces you to register to read it? 'Cause I don't have too much patience for stories "reported" by other boards right about now. Thanks.
  8. Yeah, I just checked the deleted thread, and he was the first one to post a reply, a minute later -- and he mentioned other boards. That tells me we probably weren't the first to have it. Like I said earlier, though: knowing it most likely didn't start here doesn't make me feel any better.
  9. Help me out here, if you would. The thread here was started at 10:15 p.m. Some of you are saying you heard it earlier than that elsewhere? Because I'd really, REALLY like to track down and kneecap the ^#&$ who did this.
  10. Already done, although the horse is long since out of the barn.
  11. So you're suggesting the Bills are actually saving lives by not putting all of WNY through the stress of a playoff run? Interesting theory.
  12. Although I wouldn't be surprised to learn it originated there, that doesn't make me feel any better.
  13. They could theoretically claim that the county is breaking the lease, but you're correct, that would merely end up in court. Disagree about the NFL's health during the Great Depression, though. Multiple teams, including the Frankford Yellow Jackets and Providence Steam Roller, went out of business due to the financial meltdown. By 1932, a league which listed 22 franchises in their standings six years earlier was down to just eight, before fluctuating between nine and 10 for the rest of the decade. (If you're interested in that era, I suggest you check out the Professional Football Researchers Association site. You can direct any questions to KRC, the Assistant Executive Director and webmaster.) That was a different era, of course, with teams coming and going seemingly every season even before the depression took hold. I share your doubt that the current NFL would do the same ... unless we get to the point where the TV networks default on their contracts, and I think we're still a long way from that happening.
  14. That would be nice. Otherwise, the potholes by Pole 5 might be deep enough to swallow small children by next season. For those of you ripping on Ralph Wilson and the Bills, they're merely asking the county to live up to the terms of the lease it willfully signed in 1998. And Philster is correct about the survey, which was performed by the Logit Group (a marketing research firm in Toronto) for the Rogers/MLSE partnership.
  15. After a rumor surfaced here that Ralph Wilson had passed away, several respected journalists -- including John Wawrow of the Associated Press and ESPN's Tim Graham -- immediately confirmed that it was false. A post from Buffalo Rising: Ralph Wilson, 90 years old, and Alive And from the official Bills Twitter feed: "There is absolutely no truth to the internet rumor referencing Ralph Wilson’s health." While I have no way of confirming that the rumor first began here, I can tell you that the account of the poster who started the thread has been suspended. I do not presume to speak for either this site or its owner, but as one of the moderators here, I apologize that an unsourced rumor of this magnitude remained on the board long enough to proliferate. We try to keep a close eye on things, but we can't guarantee that someone will be here 24/7/365. Again, my personal apologies to Mr. Wilson and his family, the reporters who were forced to track down this obviously baseless rumor, and anyone else affected by the incident.
  16. Think he would have issued that without being forced to? Think he actually believes it? Yeah, me neither.
  17. Hahahaha. But as you can guess, I'm not the only one with the guy's phone number ... and no, I was peacefully watching the NCAA tourney at home, completely unaware that all hell was breaking loose here. Yeah, that was fun.
  18. I'm curious how he knew TO was in on the call? 'Cause last I heard, Owens was allegedly nowhere near Orchard Park.
  19. During his chat this morning, I asked Mark Gaughan whether T.O.'s presence would force changes in The News' Bills coverage. His reply: "I think we will have to change a bit, in the sense we have to react every time he sneezes." People are going to talk about him no matter how much ink or airtime he gets. Heaven forbid something happens when the beat guys aren't on the clock, because if they actually miss one of those sneezes, they'd never hear the end of it.
  20. Fair enough, Sig1, and I appreciate the input of someone who -- unlike the majority of us -- has actually been there, done that. I just really have a problem with sitting there running a license check while the guy's mother-in-law is dying, and it sounds like you'd agree about that part.
  21. His short career doesn't negate the fact that yeah, he WAS that good before the injury. Better than anyone else I've ever seen on this team. Likewise, I still believe Jerry Butler had Hall of Fame potential.
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