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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Related to Loch Ness, maybe? For the record, here's the jersey that other one is SUPPOSED to be.
  2. I bet Cutler would stink at playing defense, though.
  3. Whooo doggy, is that one ugly jersey. Of course, the Bills still used screened, NOT sewn, numbers in 1994, so M+N would do the same. Plus, authentics are nylon mesh, not polyester (which, as someone previously noted, is a lot easier to rip/snag). The lettering font sucks -- check out the M -- and the sleeve stripes are flat-out hideous. But if anyone wants a Thurman Thomas jersey for 10 bucks, be my guest. Just remember that you get what you pay for.
  4. The W is an upside-down M. Man, that's ugly. Not worth it to me at any price, whether or not I was planning on buying an Owens jersey. (For the record, I'm not.)
  5. Slightly OT, but still in one of your areas of expertise. Who's in worse trouble right now, Regier or Ruff?
  6. *MY* sources say ... it might be a while.
  7. Welcome to SKOOBY's world. I'll let you decide whether or not it bears any resemblance to the one the rest of us inhabit.
  8. And another one of Soprano's big scoops falls flat. I'm shocked. Shocked!
  9. They would be, wouldn't they? And they did make the Portis/Bailey trade with the Donks a couple years ago.
  10. No, I'm reasonably sure that Preston was a favorite target long before he cashed his final paycheck from the Bills.
  11. Welcome, wyo. Game on, indeed. These are not my personal selections, but the players I think might end up with the most votes, depending on which names the kids recognize: Coach: Marv Levy QB: Jim Kelly RB: Thurman Thomas WR: Andre Reed, Elbert Dubenion, Eric Moulds TE: Pete Metzelaars OL: Kent Hull, Joe DeLamielleure, Billy Shaw, Ruben Brown, Will Wolford DL: Bruce Smith, Fred Smerlas, Tom Sestak LB: Cornelius Bennett, Mike Stratton, Darryl Talley, Takeo Spikes CB: Butch Byrd, Bob James S: George Saimes, Henry Jones K: Steve Christie P: Brian Moorman ST: Steve Tasker Luck to all.
  12. Dude. Ramen. At least they include the flavoring packets. (And if you want to work in journalism, you might as well get used to them. )
  13. Now that's a certified gourmet spread. But hey, the price is right ... Me? Grilled chicken, salad, and fruit ... washed down with a Leinie's Fireside Nut Brown Ale. Mmmm. (What? It's not like I was consciously going for healthy food tonight, it just happened that way, so I had to do something to compensate.)
  14. Autopilot Sweet! (Of course, this is their April Fool's Day joke ...)
  15. Not pretty: Broncos Country Message Boards > Broncomania
  16. Other than Chuck, I believe Ed Kilgore is the only other journalist from the Saban 2.0 era still on the job. His take: Lou Saban Did It His Way Think most of us already have.
  17. Oh, there's no doubt he'd be an upgrade over the bums on the current Jets roster, and all those people who ran out and bought No. 4 Favre jerseys last August do need something new to wear. But if he loses a couple of games, throws a pick or two, release the hounds ...
  18. I'm not sure which would be more fun to watch: shipping him to someplace like Detroit, or seeing him face the NYC media after a Jets loss? Damn, I hate QBs who whine. Elway, Eli, whoever. Yeah, so those two won Super Bowls in their new homes. Doesn't mean I have to like them.
  19. I wouldn't get anywhere near that bet.
  20. Sounds like the mental makeup I want in MY franchise QB. Or not.
  21. No. In September 2003, he was a junior at Illinois.
  22. Here's Bowlen's original statement, as quoted by King: http://www.denverbroncos.com/page.php?id=3...mp;storyID=8920
  23. Yeah, Duke, and you were a big part of that sorry record, weren't you? (Disclaimer: I'm not trying to say that the Bills were anywhere near being a good team ... just that Preston ain't all that, either.)
  24. Here's the official report: http://multimedia.nydailynews.com/pdf/2008...ewzKennels1.pdf He wasn't on the phone. He was there.
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