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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Actually, the guy is a credentialed sports writer who covered an NFL beat before joining the four-letter, and just spent some quality time with both Russ Brandon and Dick Jauron at the league meetings, but thanks for playing. And he's not the only one beginning to think it's going to end this way. First question in Mark Gaughan's chat this morning: Do the Bills trade Peters, yes or no? Answer: yes. And this from Sal Maiorana, a couple of weeks ago:
  2. (pure LAMP, so continue at your own discretion) Just about right ... NOW, two Friday nights ago, a marketing firm in Toronto was sending out e-mail invitations to a survey for the Bills in Toronto group. Unfortunately for them, they sent it to someone who knows someone who works for ESPN. Uproar ensues. Last Friday night at a little after 10 p.m., the (false) rumor about Ralph Wilson hit the Wall (and elsewhere). Uproar ensues. So here I sit, nervously wondering what bombshell is going to drop this week ...
  3. Fourteen confirmed dead -- including one believed to be the lone gunman -- and four more in critical condition. The shooter, who had recently been laid off from IBM, opened fire on a citizenship class. http://www.pressconnects.com/article/20090...MMUN05/90403027
  4. Take the picks? Someone has to offer 'em first. Should be an interesting countdown to draft day.
  5. Slight edit, if I may. Strong arm be damned, the more I read about this kid, the less I like.
  6. So Team Cutler apparently just assumed that since the Illini had shown some interest, the scholly was there for the taking? Their bad.
  7. Damn, you're good. Better than the guy who made two Pro Bowls here? TKO didn't rip the Achilles until 2005.
  8. Came up early in Graham's ESPN chat: Serious answer a couple of minutes later:
  9. You know the drill. Tim Graham, chat ref Ed Hochuli, and the usual gang of suspects over at the four-letter site. Scheduled for 3, but he started early ... http://proxy.espn.go.com/chat/chatESPN?event_id=25771
  10. No, it didn't happen at the newspaper, but he might be working on the story. (He's in sports, but this qualifies as an all-hands-on-deck moment, I'd say.)
  11. I guess the question is, did the school ever officially offer Cutler? I couldn't find any quotes from Turner in a quick search; everything I'm reading is told from Cutler's point of view. If not, it wouldn't be the first time a recruit has assumed something not in evidence. But if they did ... yeah, that could be fun.
  12. Ooh, octagons, good point. Sacred architecture and all that. So yeah, I bet they would be.
  13. "As many as 13 ..." in the lede. Still unconfirmed, although it could certainly be that high. Ugh. Thoughts to everyone out Bingo way on a horrible afternoon.
  14. FWIW, I've heard the same rumor. Kennard McGuire represents both players, so I'm sure the possibility was mentioned when he hammered out Pace's deal.
  15. Holy crap. I know a guy who works for the Bingo paper. Here's their site: http://www.pressconnects.com/apps/pbcs.dll/frontpage
  16. Ouch. Since you were on the job, I hope AP took care of whatever the schmo's insurance didn't cover. And SKOOB, you may drive a prettier car, but I think I'll stick with John's "inside sources" for now ...
  17. Or watch a game on a color TV. And if you're happy with your purchase, Gordio, that's all that really matters, isn't it? I'll keep pointing out the obvious flaws in the ones posted here, most of which are junk. But when the league DOUBLED the price of its authentics, I lost any desire to buy one. (Own one, certainly ... but sorry, not for $300.)
  18. You are correct; I read "9th season" on his bio and didn't do the math, because they have Taylor listed as "12th season" even though they show 12 seasons worth of stats. The reporter regrets the error.
  19. Hey, that's HIS line. HFB, cincy.
  20. After watching Antonio Gates hoop it up against my Bonnies long before anyone in the NFL was paying attention, I'm intrigued by this idea.
  21. Fixed. Career: Taylor 120.5 sacks in 12 years, Schobel 68 in nine. Both are coming off significant injuries, and Taylor is a couple of years older. But comparing both players in their primes, I'll take Taylor. And contrary to a lot of people here, I like Schobel.
  22. You never know ... if you drive a Ford, you might run into Ralph's chauffeur at the dealership where he takes the Taurus to be serviced.
  23. If they ever do dump Ruff, he'll be out of work for approximately five seconds, and he'll take his next team deep into the playoffs. I still wonder if he regrets agreeing to a new deal before learning that they were going to let BOTH Drury and Briere walk. Don't know if he'd be interested in the Habs job, the NHL's equivalent of the Yankees or Notre Dame football, but I'd love to see him there.
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