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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Considering it's the Pats we're talking about, there's probably something in the rulebook allowing that ...
  2. Speaking of irrelevant ... This is a news story about a player the Bills will face twice next season, assuming he's ready to go for the season opener. As such, I deemed it worth including here. Sorry you disagree.
  3. The Post, which happens to have a working relationship with this "Splash News Agency" thingy. Oh, yeah, I already noticed that.
  4. We won't know that unless/until something actually happens.
  5. "Immoral"? Really? I happen to think they're a blight on the industry, but I'm not sure I can go along with "immoral," except for a few extreme cases. The guys who hounded Princess Di's car, for one.
  6. I debated about running this OT, but since it does involve a player in the AFC East ... http://www.nypost.com/seven/04052009/news/...ding_163064.htm I'm no big fan of the paparazzi -- or "stalkerazzi," which might be a more appropriate title -- but I think gunfire is still a bit of an overreaction.
  7. IMHO, if the front office hasn't made any progress with him before the draft, I think they will move him, because I'm not sure they feel they can risk another extended holdout. Again, just my opinion.
  8. Personally, I thought the "fanboi" crap got old way back when the names were Flutie and Johnson. Carry on ...
  9. I'll be expecting their written retraction ... oh, any year now. And I'll be pleasantly surprised if I'm wrong about that.
  10. It was pinned at the top of the football board through late last night ...
  11. Do you have a PFWA membership card? (That stands for Professional Football Writers of America, by the way.) Me neither. Graham does, along with the phone numbers for every GM, and NFLPA-certified agent, in the league. Just sayin'.
  12. One guy with recent gun charges on his record is (more than) enough for one roster, I'd say.
  13. Meanwhile, Edwards (and Fitzpatrick, because Edwards' next full season will be his first since ... high school? Did he have one there?) will get ragdolled because Peters is still eating up salcap space, leaving no room for a quality replacement. Not that I expect a quality replacement either way. The last 10 years of Bills football have shown me the wisdom of always expecting the worst, so as not to be unduly disappointed when it happens, and pleasantly surprised if it doesn't.
  14. No, some of us are merely amusing ourselves at his expense. There's a difference ...
  15. When you start counting the pressroom employees, and the delivery people, and et cetera, et cetera ... I'm guessing the Guild is the only one actually in the newsroom, but I could be wrong about that. Not sure what percentage of papers are unionized, to be honest. Pretty sure Gannett isn't, for example, or they wouldn't have been able to kick Pitoniak and his decades of seniority to the curb in Rochester. Buffalo is -- in fact, Sully was the president of the local, last I knew.
  16. Welcome to the exciting, glamorous world of journalism, kids. By the by, if you click on the BOSTON GLOBE??? link in my sig, you'll learn that they may beat even the SF Chronicle to the exit... Yeah. The Boston Globe. THAT Boston Globe. Heaven help us all.
  17. Well, actually, he didn't ... [/nitpicking]
  18. This presumes the Jets find an NFL-quality QB before September.
  19. I don't work Monday-to-Friday. In fact, I start a week's worth of 12-8 shifts in about an hour and a half.
  20. Evil Sully would probably tell you to get a life, if his chats are a highlight of your week ... The real Sully would more likely thank you for reading. Gaughan's chat from this morning: http://blogs.buffalonews.com/billboard/200...-live-chat.html
  21. You know, that's a really really REALLY good question.
  22. Not a thing. More like, warily looking over my shoulder to see what might be sneaking up behind me.
  23. Actually, Fingon, the guys at The News are getting really good about doing their chats and answering e-mails. Fans in some other cities aren't seeing anywhere near that level of interaction. So while I'll thank both Tim and John Wawrow profusely for deciding to become more than lurkers here, I do also have to commend the News staffers for their efforts.
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