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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Yup. Whenever I think about posting something questionable on FB, I remind myself that my managing editor is on my friends list, and that's the end of that idea ...
  2. Expecting Lynch to stay off the police blotter after Goodell warned him last summer was apparently too much to ask, too. BTW, I finally got around to looking up Marshall's timeline, and his suspension was handed out after his FIRST sit-down with the commish. Yes, the punishment will probably be reduced on appeal ... but Goodell's displeasure that Lynch didn't heed the first warning is now clearly on the record.
  3. Except that it was linked on the front page of ESPN.com, mentioned on Sportscenter, and in this morning's Buffalo News. I won't defend what Rome and the other talking heads may or may not choose to discuss, and I suspect you're correct, they won't play this up. But the story WAS covered.
  4. Interesting thought. (And BTW, my first post came off sounding like I thought Schefter was getting scoops merely because he works for the NFL. Although that might give him a jump on certain stories, it's not the impression I intended. The guy was really good when he was at the Denver Post, before NFLN hired him.)
  5. Finishing a story on the baseball game I covered today. Thank goodness for the 10-run rule ...
  6. College newspaper editor finds carcasses on porch Kid writes an editorial slamming the school's baseball team, wakes up to the sight of goat guts (and other pleasantries) festooning his front porch a couple of days later. (To be fair, the op-ed piece was pretty crappy, and an apology was printed.) If anyone ever wondered why I don't normally put my contact info at the bottom of my stories ... yeah, this would be one good reason.
  7. There you go trying to get everyone's hopes up. Of course, all suspensions are for regular-season games.
  8. "Peters to be traded by Friday." It is now Thursday. The clock is ticking, Don.
  9. Would he still be tapped in if Roger Goodell stopped signing his paycheck? I wonder. And as whoever wrote the story you quoted earlier has already noted, this is apparently a contract dispute.
  10. Thanks, Tim. I figured on two, but I'm guessing there's at least a chance of getting to that number via appeal. But not much cartilage left in the knees.
  11. As do I, but with it on the front page of the dot.com, I'd think there's a decent chance the all-NFL-most-of-the-time Sportscenter might mention it. As for M+M and Cowherd ... I join you in not caring what they say.
  12. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4054242
  13. Ask, and ye shall receive ... P.S.: It was already on the blog.
  14. I have absolutely no problem believing any part of that story. And the guy's also an amazing piano player, although I realize that's not exactly the reason most people go to his shows. I actually knew Barnacle Bill when we were in college. (Well, a Barnacle Bill, anyway. USN vet whose name was William, so the nickname was mandatory. He fit the part, though.)
  15. Not a thing wrong with the software, just your settings. Click on the "options" button above your post, then select "switch to Standard."
  16. Yup, because the gig in San Antonio never happened, and we don't have any proof whatsoever that aussie and TD ever met ... Second-funniest part of that weekend: After we did our work Friday night and Saturday afternoon, spreading the word and rounding up a few hundred Bills fans, Jay Rubeo (who took those pics) and I were downstairs at the hotel waiting for the crew from the Bills to arrive ... and must have had 20 people say, "Hey, did you guys hear that Tom Donahoe might be here?" Yup, we heard. Funniest part of that weekend: The hotel gave us a $2-longneck Happy Hour special ... and they were SOLD OUT by 7 p.m. Saturday, and were calling other hotels on the Riverwalk to buy more cases from them. They said they've hosted Final Fours and NBA championships, but they'd never seen anything like us ...
  17. The Stadium Wall And yes, we knew that the front office was aware of this site long before Scott Berchtold and our own Aussiew arranged a meet-and-greet with Tom Donahoe at a 2005 road game. So while I wouldn't guarantee that Modrak lurks here, it wouldn't shock me in the least to think that he might drop by from time to time. Now whether he would (or should) take anything he reads here seriously ...
  18. Actually, that makes me MORE likely to believe the rest of the story. Just sayin'.
  19. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  20. Just for that ... Already wished elsewhere, Ken, but I'll repeat those thoughts here. Welcome to f ... fo ... fo ... augh. Can't say it. Still too traumatized. Here, have a beer instead.
  21. FWIW, there's a link to TG's blog (as well as Chris Brown's, the BuffNews Billboard, and Sal Maiorana's) on the drop-down menu on the front page of TBD. Hit "Resources," scroll down to "Blogs," and you're there. And if Rumblings didn't attribute their source, boo to them.
  22. Ohhh, goody. Another "inside sources" thread. I heard a rumor that SOPRANO sleeps with the fishes after his last "inside source" fell through. Hope that doesn't happen to you, Don ...
  23. Gaughan's good, no doubt. If he wasn't respected among his peers, he wouldn't be next in line for the PFWA presidency. And like most of his colleagues at The News, he's willing to interact with readers -- in some other towns, that's rarer than one might think. (I'll clarify that to send my props directly to The News' sports department. I've noticed the citysiders aren't quite as accommodating.) The post Trapped pulled that quote from, in case anyone else is wondering: http://blogs.buffalonews.com/billboard/200...roundtable.html
  24. Wishful thinking? The fact that WE all believe it's obvious that they need one? If the left side of the line consists of Kirk Chambers and Demetrius Bell when training camp begins ...
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