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Everything posted by Lori

  1. , although I assume quite a few people won't get that. Makes sense for Leftwich -- he has a ring, but he still wants a starting job.
  2. Or, y'know, he could think for himself instead of writing what someone tells him to write because it fits with their own personal crusade.
  3. Careful with those generalizations, Sparky. Or else I'll be forced to conclude that all Pats* fans are bandwagon-jumping morons. Oh, wait ... based on the ones who show up here, I think I already did that.
  4. And you didn't even stop and say hi. I see how you are.
  5. I'd be curious to see what those numbers look like between March 7 and now.
  6. Or perhaps the fact that this version of the board went "live" on Sept. 5, 2001, and most of the people from the old Wall signed up in the next couple of days? Click that link, and search by "join date." The names on the first couple of pages are the original moderating staff, and SDS's beta testers. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?act=Members
  7. Thanks, Sphere. I knew Tim was chatting today, but told him I wasn't sure I'd be near the computer to post it. (Chillin' in the B-lo, about to head out for some quality time with family ...)
  8. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, but this thread turns into a pumpkin at midnight Friday night.
  9. Next time you watch a Bills game, check the names on the Wall of Fame. You'll find Ferguson there.
  10. A must read: http://lylemspencer.mlblogs.com/archives/2...ering_nick.html R.I.P., Nick. And in his memory, I'd like to ask that the debate over the other driver's ethnicity go elsewhere. Thank you.
  11. I'd feel better about him starting than Ellison, but still wouldn't be opposed to a first-day pick on the OL. No. 25, I agree with you about moving back in Round 1 ... but based on past practice, I'm not sure the Bills will. Guess we'll see. And Tim, are you counting the days until you can get up here and cover your man T.O. in person?
  12. Yeah, I didn't think about that ... A serious note: I respect your right to your opinion, Armchair_GM, but using profanity (even an abbreviated version) in thread titles ... not cool.
  13. Oooh. This should go over well here, or perhaps not: GRAHAM: Hold the line on Lynch's suspension (Edit: I was typing while you were posting, LynchMob.) He makes an interesting point by adding the latest update on Marshall, who has continued to get into trouble after his suspension was reduced. Would he have done the same if Goodell had hammered him harder the first time? (Corollary: will Lynch and everyone following him pay the price now because he didn't?) I respect your opinion, but I'm not sure I agree this time, Tim. I think a two-game layoff -- what I expected to begin with -- would still send an adequate message.
  14. Hardball "for insane bucks" is the story I heard from someone who attended the league meetings. (No, not Graham.)
  15. That's exactly the way I read it as well, KTD. Someone (think it was Tim, or it may have been Allen Wilson) asked Goodell about Lynch at the owners' meetings, and the commish did NOT sound amused.
  16. Or at least set all that stuff to private, and further customize the settings so even random "friends" can't see it.
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