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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Sure -- hide out on the other side, where us commoners can't get to you ...
  2. Really? I think a primetime game will help their local attendance, and they've already proven they don't care what the WNY fanbase thinks. Guess we'll see.
  3. Still going to have to show up before 7 a.m. to get the primo spots at Hammer's Lot, I would think. Seeya there!
  4. Still have to do that. Been putting it off, because with the added income from the paper, I'm pretty sure I'll be paying this year.
  5. guestservices (at) bills.nfl.net, or you can reach them through the 800 number, 1-877-BB-TICKS (228-4257).
  6. Right. He probably meant there's no parking in the HOF lots themselves, Dan. Those are taken over by VIPs, merchandise and food tents, and bus tours for that entire weekend.
  7. Seems like there should be, since that's the entire idea of having a "family" section. Maybe that's something that should be brought to the attention of the folks in Guest Services. Solid advice here, PIZ. I'll repeat the "no end zone" warning, with the caveat that you can run into an #^&@ anywhere in the stadium. OJ was still here when Dad took me to my first game, which means I couldn't have been any older than nine ... but I'll be honest, I don't remember much from the first few. Now, by the time I was 15, sitting in the upper deck, buying my first beer at a game, and smelling the aroma of pot smoke from the guys behind us ... yeah, those games I remember a little better. That was in 1984, and boy, was that team terrible.
  8. Yup, I was just coming back to post that the site's back up. Nosebleeds, probably, but still blocks of 10 available.
  9. When we're not watching, they're still working Okay, I admit that I might go a little overboard at times shilling for my friends, including our man Graham's work on ESPN. But even though this one mentions our Bills only briefly, I still think it's well worth a few moments of your time. Great stuff, Tim. Thanks for writing it.
  10. Argh. Good thing you're on the ball, Jay. I was going to try to get some too, so we'd have 'em if people here needed any, but I was busy typing track agate () and forgot all about it.
  11. Well, sure, if they're playing around on there instead of paying attention in class or studying. I've had it loaded in a separate tab all morning, but knew enough to ignore it until I hit deadline (three stories this week). Now come join my Mafia.
  12. Thanks for the link, but FWIW, that's the same AP story from Mr. Wawrow's original post. (So the lazy people don't need to click on it twice. ) Edit: Never mind. Tim added some extra info in an update.
  13. Never seen him try. But he couldn't be any worse than Travis Henry, could he?
  14. End-arounds? Nope. "Wildcat" stuff? Yup. Anyone remember the display of broken-field running he put on to score a long TD against the Pats a couple of years back? And yeah, I've wondered more than once how he'd look as a third-down back. But because he's been one of the top three wideouts for most of his time here, we've never really seen them try it.
  15. Oh, I won't deny that he's got the 'curmudgeon' persona down to a T ... when he's on the clock, anyway. When he's not, he still has a sarcastic sense of humor, but he's not an out-and-out jerk. I'll be honest, I wish he'd write more features, like the one he did on Sean Galliher a couple of years ago. If I'd known back then that anyone was allowed to submit stories to the Best American Sports Writing series (instead of just the writers and papers/magazines themselves), I would've made sure Glenn Stout had a copy of that piece.
  16. As my fellow alumnus Jester points out, 7th-9th grade = junior high, 10th-12th = senior high. And because I skipped a grade, I graduated at 17. Thanks for your concern, though.
  17. Guess they paid attention to that survey after all.
  18. "Write from a position of optimism"? Seriously? Thank you. I keep trying to point out the difference. Makes me wonder how many people have me on 'ignore.' Again: seriously? Pom-pom wavers have their place, but the newspaper is not it. If you write about a team, you check your fanhood at the door to the press box. And, I might add, Sullivan had plenty of positive things to say about the team during the 5-1 start. After that, they didn't give him much to be positive about. So, in other words, he's not allowed to change his mind. EVER. Should the rip job on Williams have come with a caveat that he thought it was a good choice at the time? Yeah, maybe so, and I thought you were correct to call him on it ... but in my opinion, he didn't permanently forfeit the right to comment on the subject once he wrote the first column.
  19. Amusingly, in light of this thread, someone just sent me a friend request claiming to have been a high school classmate of mine. This, despite that surname never appearing in any of the six yearbooks I pulled off the shelf to check, and the fact that the three coworkers (and classmates) I asked tonight had never heard of him, either. Nice try, "Sam." Better luck next time.
  20. Yeah. Seems like the Bills have already tried that a couple of times lately ...
  21. From the TBD Terms of Service, on the list of things NOT to post: "Personal 'crusades' (posting the same information/opinion in an excessively repetitive manner. We want posters to share opinions not bludgeon others to death with them.)" And suggesting an idea for a story is one thing, but telling someone what opinion to put under his own byline? Seriously? That wouldn't fly at my small-town weekly, much less anything larger, and I'd be offended if anyone tried it -- including my editor. Sorry, Tim. You can have your thread back now.
  22. Mr. Pot, there's a Mr. Kettle on Line 1. Said you'd know what he was calling about.
  23. I am not Crayonz. Neither is he. And I think I'll leave it at that.
  24. Could say that for a lot of things about this team, no? (And I think we probably have, over the years ...) Yup, those are our Bills.
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