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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Now all the young'uns will REALLY wonder what the hell we're talking about. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  2. FWIW, Steelers president Art Rooney II will talk to the media at 2:30 p.m. Guessing the team wants to get their position out ahead of any potential discipline from the league; I wouldn't be shocked to see them issue their own suspension.
  3. Practice. Typing games, a thousand posts on here, whatever strikes your fancy. I'm still no 100-wpm touch-typist, but I know I've gotten better since I started filing a few thousand words a week. Good thing, too, since I wore the letters off this laptop keyboard less than a year after I bought it. (The rest of the family can't use it now unless they look at another keyboard as a reference. Ha. Ha. ) Then again, I know a guy who's been working at a newspaper almost as long as I've been alive -- he won a national writing award last month, in fact -- and he still hunts and pecks...
  4. Yup. Called the quote function, which you showed to good effect in your post. Doesn't waste as much server space, either.
  5. Have to admit, that one threw me too. Still haven't been able to translate it.
  6. Desdemundo!!!!!!! Where the have you been?
  7. Actually, Whitey already has the degree, from Newhouse (Syracuse J-school). He's been at GR for probably 10 years, co-hosting evenings with Brad Riter before moving to morning drive when they hired Howard Simon in 2004. Also took over the Lee Evans Show upon Riter's forced departure. One more note: although the WGR guys no longer log in here, White joined TSW in 2004 and presumably still drops by to read the board.
  8. In which case he'd have the immortal Cornell Green covering his backside. Not sure I'm down with that plan, either. And the two names which immediately spring to mind in that scenario both frighten me.
  9. I pray he's wrong about that. As much as certain people in the front office loved Demetrius Bell -- they think he can be another Peters, but hopefully without the lousy attitude -- fact remains that he's a.) incredibly raw at the position, and b.) rehabbing an ACL tear. Not a good combo for your blindside pass protector, in my opinion.
  10. Not "done" quite yet -- he still has to pass a physical, cross the Ts, dot the Is, etc., etc. -- but for those wondering, this is per Adam Schefter on Mike+Mike.
  11. FWIW: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100406/ap_on_...ea_party_blacks Someone might want to make sure that BuffNews reporter sees this story ...
  12. From what I've heard, Saints PR people have been tools ever since Payton got there. Last season, they decided to do the same thing to Brian Allee-Walsh (who covered the team for the Times-Picayune for DECADES), because they didn't like a story he wrote for NewOrleans.com. That would be like the Bills telling Scott Pitoniak to go away because they don't like TBD. Luckily for Allee-Walsh, once the playoffs began the league handled credentialing issues instead of the team, which probably wouldn't have given them to him. Believe PFWA also had something to say about the matter. Also, after perusing a few fan sites, there are apparently some affected season-ticket holders the Saints have NOT contacted.
  13. http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/04/07/1011...-on-albany.html Not often that Donn Esmonde and I see eye-to-eye on political issues, but ... I feel like Flounder at the parade in Animal House: "Oh boy, is this GREAT!!!"
  14. I've heard Valium is a wonder drug. I presume you're talking about this Charles Davis, the former All-SEC defensive back at Tennessee. http://www.staatalent.com/Headlines/09/09/21davis.php
  15. One of my best friends died of AIDS 10 years ago. Newsflash: His diagnosis didn't land him in any "entitlement programs." Get the !@#$ off my planet.
  16. Yeah, but I bet his 40 time stinks.
  17. Them's fightin' words, Ray ... but at least you didn't include Connolly.
  18. If you could point me toward the research which supports that assertion, I'd be much obliged.
  19. Outstanding question. Don't see many black people at hockey games, either. So that must mean the NHL is racist too, eh?
  20. For the times I've flown (nothing more than a four-day trip), I have never -- NEVER -- checked a single item. If it doesn't fit in my carry-on or my laptop bag, it doesn't go with me. And any airline that decides to start charging for carry-ons will lose my business as long as there's even one other carrier flying that route.
  21. You mean what Feynmann does, with the mile-long quote-and-reply posts for which I could strangle him? (Just kidding. Sort of. ) See the "Quote" button next to "Reply"? Click on that for each post you want to include, hit "Add Reply" at the bottom, and they should all copy into the text box.
  22. Rotoworld's a day late, then. On to the boilerplate: This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  23. So do 99.5 percent of the people living outside the Durham city limits.
  24. Wait. That little kid in the Moulds jersey? Graduating?!? THUD. Tempus fugit ...
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