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Everything posted by Lori

  1. One more thought/question of my own on this news: with Schefter's departure and their continuing inability to fight their way onto basic cable, is the NFL Network becoming increasingly irrelevant despite their inside access? And don't get me started on what they've done to NFL Films since taking it over.
  2. Ah, gotcha. The post before yours mentioned Clayton, so I assumed you were responding to it. My bad. Carry on ...
  3. I really hope you're joking about that, seeing as how the McCann Award recipient was covering the NFL long before anyone had ever heard of Tecmo Bowl.
  4. You do know he switched from Fox to NBC a couple of years back, right? If not, I hate to think about all the games you missed while you were waiting for him to leave ... aggie, Collinsworth would be a good call.
  5. I believe NFL Network does air in Canada, but TSN has exclusive rights to those games.
  6. It's an NFL topic. Unlike some other sites, we don't have a separate Bills-only board. So why wouldn't it belong here? Back on topic, I didn't care for Madden's broadcasting style, but will always respect his knowledge of the game. Happy trails.
  7. Had the pleasure of meeting Mr. and Mrs. Indy Dave at the tailgate last year. Glad you survived another Final Four, Dave, and hope you folks can make it back for this year's party. Oh yeah -- Happy Birthday to all four TBDers!
  8. I have been told that the entire session only lasted 24 minutes.
  9. Since the boy from Berwick (and current ND QBs coach) spelled his name Powlus, probably not.
  10. Actually, now that I think about it, we'll have to tailgate BOTH days. Good thing I took that entire week off.
  11. Haven't been here for a Pats game since they actually got good, have you?
  12. Are you/they staying for the game, Steve? And several of us are driving down, so we'll have to find a time to set something up. Think Pinto Ken plans a Saturday afternoon tailgate ...
  13. You forget that the Canadians have already seen Losman play in person. If they knew he was making a return trip with the Jets, it may well convince them to stay home.
  14. Honestly? I'm glad it's not the Dolphins again. Other than that, I finally get to see the Bucs for the first time and Peyton Manning for perhaps the last time (will he still be playing six years from now?). Hate that they're taking ANY game, but really, any of the other five names on that list wouldn't have bothered me. In fact, I was selfishly hoping it would be the Pats game, just so we wouldn't have to put up with all the chowdahs at the Ralph for one year.
  15. Short week made even shorter by the New Year's Day holiday, Kelly and Bennett out, and a disappointing loss against the same team in the last week of the regular season.
  16. Which would explain why the Rams and Chiefs set up shop in Wisconsin, and the Cowboys in California? Wiseguy.
  17. Untrue. Sold out in both years, but too late to lift the blackout in '06. Attendance over 71,000 for both games. That I can't answer -- Graham or Wawrow probably could -- but I'm guessing they do get a chance to see it before it's finalized.
  18. That was brought up last year. The Bills did not try to include any restrictions against moving division games.
  19. Or he could just be reading the tea leaves based on what Tim and others have said.
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