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Everything posted by Lori

  1. A small weekly, that I'm guessing roughly five people here have ever heard of: Reporter Argus. Mostly preps and local-interest stuff, although I do keep tabs on two hometown kids playing professional baseball, including one who pitched for the Cardinals in the 2006 World Series. (So, no, I doubt the Bills will credential us any time soon. Sorry to jack your thread, by the way. I'll give it back now. ) As to your more recent thoughts, I could see them trying something along those lines on the bb.com board, but I doubt they'd give us similar access. Maybe I'm wrong about that. Dunno. I will say this: the more interaction with the fans, the better, and I do kind of like the idea. For me, it's just a tough sell trying to mix that in with the media availability sessions, especially in the postgame crush. On the other hand, if someone (Jauron, a player, or whoever) was willing to stick around for a few more minutes after practice (and after the pros get what they need), I could possibly see something like that working.
  2. Sorry, my bad. I'm so used to reading the anti-News sentiment that it fit right in ...
  3. I know who Paul Peck is. Guess I just don't see the resemblance ...
  4. Strange how you keep feeling the need to attack Graham, but whatever floats your boat, I guess. And FWIW, my clips from here DID help me get my first newspaper job ... so yeah, cheers to SDS for that!
  5. Would have been absolutely BRUTAL -- maybe under 40K -- without the Owens signing.
  6. One addition: Gaughan, Sullivan, and the D+C's Sal Maiorana are ALL on vacation this week, before the draft/minicamp grind begins. Dunno about Mark, but the other two are out of town. So those of you complaining that Jerry didn't write -- curiously enough, most of the same ones who complain when he DOES write -- can hold off on heaving your brickbats for a couple more days.
  7. I don't see their criteria for awarding credentials on their media page right now, but the last time I checked, they were pretty strict about giving them to "online" outlets. (Obviously, ESPN.com is a little different story than BillsFanSite.com.) I'm just glad I have that much access; some teams -- Steelers, Pats, Jags, to name a few -- restrict portions of their Web sites to credentialed media only. Too bad the Bills never followed through on the press box relocation, eh?
  8. Hey, he said it sounded good. He didn't say how likely it was to happen.
  9. Strange that ESPN hasn't offered any of them a job, then. Hey, I'll be seeing Chris LaPlaca on Tuesday. Want me to put in a good word for you?
  10. From our point of view? Sure, that would be cool. But from the viewpoint of the working journalists who need to get their information -- and quickly -- so they can write their stories or edit their broadcasts, not so much. I do happen to be a working sports writer (albeit at the small-town level), and I'd have a tough time arguing that I belong in the media workroom at the Ralph for a postgame press conference.
  11. There are a few other WR/KR types and CBs in the 170s, and Moorman is pretty close, at 172. But a quick scan of the AFC rosters in the 2008 R+F Book doesn't turn up anyone under 171. On to the NFC (because I needed a break from transcribing anyway) ... The Rams had a scrub CB named Darius Vinnett listed at 170, but I don't remember him on the roster when the Bills played them. That's pretty much it. I admit I'm a little surprised that even the kickers outweigh him. P.S.: Santana Moss is 5-10, 200, and Randle El is 5-10, 190.
  12. No. Welker is a solid 185. Parrish is listed at 171, and I'm not entirely convinced that weight doesn't include his uniform.
  13. In other words, this is a rumor of an impending deal, not a report of one that's already been completed?
  14. You could be right. He's definitely eligible, as he was activated for only the last two games in 2008.
  15. No doubt. I'm actually not kidding about the Taurus, though -- a while back, it was reported (by The News, I think) that a Bills staffer picked someone up at the airport in "Ralph's Taurus." Maybe when Jauron or Sherman was here for his first interview? Ah, here it is: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=39752 Channel 2, supposedly, and Ralph was doing the driving himself. He and Mary also have a PT Cruiser. Nicely appointed, with Bills logos embroidered into the leather seats. But you're right, neither of those compares to the bright yellow H2 Travis Henry used to have -- the sound system in that bad boy rattled MY windows when he pulled up alongside me on Milestrip one night -- or some of the other players' rides ...
  16. Have the Eagles or Parker (hah) leaked any of the numbers from the new contract? As I told someone last night, I presume Peters will get a good chunk of that guaranteed money this season. And mentioning a Ford dealership in Orchard Park? Man, you WILL go a long way to cultivate a source. So how often does Ralph Wilson -- errr, Ralph's driver, I mean -- get the oil changed in his Taurus?
  17. Whoa, now. I'm flattered by that question, Kevin, but Tim's the one who actually covers the team. I just write about 'em from time to time. It is an interesting question, though. Wouldn't mind knowing the answer to that one myself.
  18. But (with the exception of Greer) not while they were still on the way out the door. To read some accounts, Bannan was a bum who sucked in equal measures on the DL and OL (remember that experiment?), Leonhard was a good guy but nothing better than a backup, and Crowell hosed the team by waiting until the beginning of the regular season to have his knee surgery. Of course, there were also people who defended those players ...
  19. Agreed. I truly think if everything had been left to Regier, the Drury/Briere mess wouldn't have happened. Probably would have still lost Chris, but not BOTH of them, which essentially forced the team to match Edmonton's offer sheet to Vanek.
  20. True. I retract the "everybody." Just most of them ...
  21. The way I read that, he's making $53 million above what he would have received from his current contract. I have to assume there's a nice signing bonus involved and the new deal is front-loaded, so no, I doubt he'll still be working for $3.5 million this year, or whatever he was slated to get.
  22. I hear that. When the Bills got inside the 5 against the 49ers last November, I cracked, "Hey, at least we're in field goal range." And then, of course, Lindell shtoinked the 20-yarder off the upright ... Not sure about that, gringo. Seems like we turn everyone who dares to leave Buffalo into a pinata. BTW -- Greer? You mean Jabari, right? If so, Saints, not Eagles.
  23. I'd be curious to know how many of those rushing TDs were one-yard plunges. I know they were all under 20 ... Checking my FFL site: 1, 3, 1, 17, 1, 1. So, most, but not all.
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