The same officer who was posing for pictures with Roethlisberger earlier that evening, and conveniently omitted his name from the initial incident report? Think I'd sooner trust BR.
I like Paul. Seems like a good guy from his e-mails and such, and I enjoy his writing style. That said, he focuses on a different division, lives in Nashville, and thinks Homerun Throwforward was legit.
Just sayin'.
So... I was just thinking about dropping you a line to ask if you'd picked up a Sabres playoff gig, and then I clicked on Riter's podcast and heard you talking about it. Fun to cover the pucks again? And did you ask for your old seat?
FWIW (shameless plug), a familiar face covered the Sabres' dressing room for the Boston Globe last night ...
The Personal Conduct Policy is part of every NFL player contract. Just like I can get fired for using a cellphone inside our factory -- which isn't a crime in any state, far as I know -- league management can set its own rules for its employees.
The NFL's security department is headed by a former director of the FBI's forensic laboratory and includes the onetime head of the Pa. State Police. They'll conduct their own investigation, and if they hand out a multigame suspension or six-figure fine, it probably won't be on Goodell's "whim."
That's no rumor:
Call it the "Bengals" rule, because they were the ones getting in trouble all the time when the NFL revamped the policy.
Read more:
Meet Sgt. Jerry Blash, posing for photos with Roethlisberger earlier that evening:
That answer should be obvious: It gets harder to promote the league when one of its superstars is behaving badly. How many advertisers will still want to do business with Roethlisberger?
A refresher on the Personal Conduct Policy, for those who didn't memorize it during our conversations about Marshawn:
For some insight into Goodell's thought process (and a shameless plug):
Roethlisberger is a professional athlete who lifts weights every day and weighs 240 pounds, and she's so drunk that her initial written statement is almost impossible to read. Is it really that surprising?
I remember posting that link last month. This is some newer stuff from the same guy, and it doesn't sound like he's changed his opinion ...