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Everything posted by Lori

  1. The same officer who was posing for pictures with Roethlisberger earlier that evening, and conveniently omitted his name from the initial incident report? Think I'd sooner trust BR.
  2. True. A month into the 2008 season, he wrote that Trent Edwards could be an MVP candidate. Then again, at the time, most of us agreed with him.
  3. You're playing the Broooooonz. We WANT you to win. A read some of you might enjoy: Sullivan: Kennedy, Kaleta share dream ride
  4. I like Paul. Seems like a good guy from his e-mails and such, and I enjoy his writing style. That said, he focuses on a different division, lives in Nashville, and thinks Homerun Throwforward was legit. Just sayin'.
  5. Repped for real talk. Besides, Darin's the only one willing to put up with you schmoes.
  6. Glad you didn't include hockey:
  7. So... I was just thinking about dropping you a line to ask if you'd picked up a Sabres playoff gig, and then I clicked on Riter's podcast and heard you talking about it. Fun to cover the pucks again? And did you ask for your old seat?
  8. FWIW (shameless plug), a familiar face covered the Sabres' dressing room for the Boston Globe last night ... http://www.boston.com/sports/hockey/bruins...orget_this_one/
  9. Wanted: babysitter for 28-year-old multimillionaire NFL quarterback.
  10. The Personal Conduct Policy is part of every NFL player contract. Just like I can get fired for using a cellphone inside our factory -- which isn't a crime in any state, far as I know -- league management can set its own rules for its employees. The NFL's security department is headed by a former director of the FBI's forensic laboratory and includes the onetime head of the Pa. State Police. They'll conduct their own investigation, and if they hand out a multigame suspension or six-figure fine, it probably won't be on Goodell's "whim."
  11. That's no rumor: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5098560 Call it the "Bengals" rule, because they were the ones getting in trouble all the time when the NFL revamped the policy.
  12. Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10106/10508...m#ixzz0lHxJj9l5 Meet Sgt. Jerry Blash, posing for photos with Roethlisberger earlier that evening: http://unionrecorder.com/local/x1029320403...efore-complaint
  13. Just checked, and he's not listed on the schedule, TS.
  14. That answer should be obvious: It gets harder to promote the league when one of its superstars is behaving badly. How many advertisers will still want to do business with Roethlisberger?
  15. A refresher on the Personal Conduct Policy, for those who didn't memorize it during our conversations about Marshawn: For some insight into Goodell's thought process (and a shameless plug): http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=67753
  16. Confirmed by Salguero from the Herald. Saturday (late-round) pick in return. http://miamiherald.typepad.com/dolphins_in...-francisco.html
  17. You mean, if you were a Rams fan living in St. Louis, right? Would be poetic justice if the team returned to SoCal.
  18. Roethlisberger is a professional athlete who lifts weights every day and weighs 240 pounds, and she's so drunk that her initial written statement is almost impossible to read. Is it really that surprising?
  19. One of my buddies on another board has taken to calling him Pig Ben.
  20. We had a good day today, yes?
  21. Already posted, yes ... but worth posting again, and the only one who should be sorry is Roethlisberger.
  22. I remember posting that link last month. This is some newer stuff from the same guy, and it doesn't sound like he's changed his opinion ... http://justwatchthegame.com/blog/is-this-j...arning-a-lesson
  23. You're either kidding, or you think it's cool for someone pushing 30 to troll in college bars. Time for Big Ben to grow up.
  24. Thanks, think I will! Enjoy your day.
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