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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Not even close. Son of Satan is at 22,700, Retatta is right around 25K, and the infamous homework thread is barely half of that. Now, they may have lost some hits when the board crashed last year, but probably not a sizable amount. I know this one had five thousand hits the first DAY, I think it passed both of the ones I mentioned within a couple of weeks, and as of the last update, it sits at 72,715. Tim, people care what you think.
  2. I'd like to think it does -- I'd like to be informed AND entertained, but if I had to pick one or the other, I'd choose informed. I'm not sure I'm in the majority on that one, though.
  3. Nah, preseason games are normally pretty mellow. The 4 p.m. home opener, on the other hand ...
  4. Man, that's ugly. Sleeve stripe is terrible, and where's the royal-blue outline on the lettering?
  5. Which one are you calling a dimwit, chucklehead? "Clarity, clarity, clarity." -- Strunk and White, Elements of Style Regarding a new thread -- yeah, probably a good idea, although it's been fun to watch the hit count climb on this one. I'll take care of that when I get back from the stadium later tonight ...
  6. Not sure you're talking about the same thing, though. Landry was a statue on the sideline, but I don't think anyone would argue that he was soft on his players. (For their ON-the-field performance, mind you, not the stuff made famous in "North Dallas Forty.")
  7. By the way, if anyone else is attending and would like to grab dinner with #89 and me beforehand, let me know -- I'll be online until 2 or thereabouts, or PM me for my cell # if you don't already have it. Probably Danny's, 5:30-6ish, but I'm also open to other suggestions ...
  8. per vtext I know some of you try to make plans for the Kids' Day game, so here's the heads-up: http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1...20-a6fdcd616754
  9. That's funny, I thought it was the Booster Club open meeting. They've always shared credit in past years, but it was actually conducted as a BBBC meeting ... http://billsboosters.wordpress.com/
  10. Glowing bunnies and turkey vultures. Miss you, Paul.
  11. That was the Chinese satellite one, correct? So many quality selections to choose from ...
  12. Honestly? Without listening to him to hear exactly how his approach sounded, I wouldn't have a clue how to answer that. I will say, though, that I liked what WNSA was doing when they were taking their best shot at WGR. Were you able to listen to that, back in the day? I'm not even a Sabres fan, but I thought the Sharpshooters segments with Roby and Kelley were great radio, whether Schopp or Simon was the host. Maybe that answers your question, maybe not ...
  13. He's still got the columnist's gig. This was on the side.
  14. You probably remember the list of closed newspapers I had in my signature until a couple of days ago. Radio/TV's in the same boat. Advertising revenue is in the crapper, and these giant media monstrosities only know one way to cut cost: slash payroll. Clear Channel is paying the price -- or rather, the 12 percent of their employees who have lost their jobs since January are -- for the unrestrained station-buying spree that got them into this mess. As always, JMO.
  15. Actually, though, it is -- Clear Channel is shedding jobs nationwide, getting rid of local talent and picking up syndicated programming.
  16. Given what I heard about CC actually pulling people off the air in Cleveland to boot them, I can't say you're wrong. I haven't heard anything out of Rochester in this round -- hope everyone there's okay. CTR's the one I'm really bummed about down Cincy way; after the Post ceased to exist, this is the second time in a little over a year he's had the rug pulled out from under him. Good guy. I was hoping this gig would last a while for him.
  17. Also not a big Kawika Mitchell fan. Sorry, no link on that one ...
  18. Pats game is on Sept. 14 this year. The first game in 1960, a 27-3 loss to the New York Titans, was on Sept. 11.
  19. We'll be sure to lift a glass in her honor at some point during Enshrinement Weekend.
  20. Ask Preston. October 28, 2009 will mark the 50th anniversary of the day Ralph Wilson was officially awarded the franchise, but the anniversary of the first game won't take place until Sept. 11, 2010. So -- 50th season is good, 50th-anniversary season not so much.
  21. They will not be releasing any further details, but yes, this has been just been confirmed through the Bills front office.
  22. No birthdate listed in the media guide, but I'd guess late 50s. Far too young ...
  23. Nothing has been officially released, but I have reason to believe it is true. R.I.P., and thoughts and prayers to Ralph and Mary Wilson and their family.
  24. Getting worked up is one thing. Correcting "erroneous interpretations" so they don't become accepted as fact is something else completely.
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