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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Actually, you just spent the better part of 350 words doing PRECISELY that.
  2. What y'all said. Miss you, Paul, but I know you missed Darlene more. From the original thread; I don't imagine kegger will mind ...
  3. Jim Kelly officially announced his retirement on Jan. 31, 1997, 10 days after Marv Levy and John Butler informed him that he was no longer in the team's plans. (Source: Relentless.) Hunter Kelly was born on Feb. 14, 1997, and wasn't diagnosed with Krabbe leukodystrophy until June. Ergo, Hunter's illness had no effect on Jim's decision to retire.
  4. I know we have several Bandits/HS lacrosse fans here, and a few people who knew Tom, so I thought some of you might be interested. Oh, and read the entry form closely for a good chuckle. From Prep Talk guru Keith McShea's story: http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/highscho...ory/654174.html _________________________________________________ When: Monday July 20, 2009, 10 a.m. Shotgun Scramble Where: Holland Hills Country Club Cost: $75 per golfer Please join us in honoring the memory of Buffalo News sportswriter Tom Borrelli. Proceeds benefit the Tom Borrellli Memorial Award and Scholarship Fund. The inaugural award to WNY’s top senior lacrosse player will be presented on this day. Price includes golf, cart, chicken-and-ribs dinner, one-hour open bar and the chance to hear Jerry Sullivan lie about how well he played. Prizes! Auctions! Raffles! Drawings! Dinner-only guests: $20 (limited space) ------------------------------------------------- Name _________________________________________ Phone ________________ Number of golfers ($75 ea.) __________ Number for dinner only ($20 ea.) _________________ Total payment submitted $________________ Please make checks payable to the Tom Borrelli Memorial Award and Scholarship Fund Send form and payment to: Tom Borrelli Memorial Award P.O. Box 115 Boston, NY 14025 Can’t play but still like to donate? Send contributions to: Tom Borrelli Award, c/o Community Fundation for Greater Buffalo, 712 Main St., Buffalo, 14202-1720
  5. Oh no, don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the coverage hype. Some of it was so far over the top, I hope those reporters were wearing parachutes. (Or maybe not. ) I will continue to think that it was merely an overreaction, not a cynical ratings ploy, though. Just my opinion. (Or my hope, if you will.)
  6. I believe the "Titans" (nee Oilers) throwback jerseys are also white, to go with the blue helmets. And I'm just thankful we get to see the standing buffalo once at the Ralph -- I fully expected the single "home" game to be the nationally-televised one from Toronto.
  7. Always/never: dangerous words. Go back and read Sully's stuff from last season's 5-1 start, and tell me he's 100 percent negative.
  8. Larry Felser weighs in. I've been waiting for this column, and he didn't disappoint: http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/story/661446.html
  9. Honestly? I don't think it was done for ratings. The way I see it, it's just like forecasting a storm. Once someone mentions what could be the worst-case scenario, some people take that as what WILL happen, and the story snowballs into an avalanche. Chicken Little syndrome, if you will.
  10. Summer of '04. And John, that post was worth 16 pages of this thread.
  11. Just for the record, y'all are freaking me out when you use S&B. Five years later, I still read that as Simon & Brinson. Back to the show ...
  12. And yet, it lives because people keep posting in it ... Bandit: Gotcha. Just trying to establish the timeframe.
  13. Considering that John's been here (and covering the Bills) since 2000, I assume the fact that you've never met him means that you haven't been in the RWS press box during that time?
  14. Because the guy in front of him was a preseason All-American?
  15. Thanks for the "Behind The Story" take, regardless of what brought it on, and thanks for continuing to put up with us. I don't know the exact number of national writers who are willing to actually seek out interaction with fans, but it has to be a very small percentage -- at best, most grudgingly tolerate the comments sections on their own sites. So ... do whatever you have to do, and know that most of us do appreciate your presence here. By the way, I'm sure you're aware that the "Saint Joe" image isn't exactly shared by the PSU press corps, so I'm guessing you're not sitting by the phone waiting for that callback from Paterno ... Off-topic: Any thoughts on the NYT's threat to file WARN papers to shut down the Boston Globe, leaving the Herald as the last (major) paper standing ... errr, wobbling ... in that market? (Update: Never mind. Guess they've backed off that.)
  16. Fixed. Until proven otherwise, I'll rank this one right up there with Cutler-to-Buffalo and all the other "inside sources" crap that's been posted here lately. FWIW, the e-mail announcing his daughter's passing included a paragraph from Ralph. And since the memorial service hasn't even taken place yet, is it really all that strange to think that he isn't really in the mood to make public statements right now?
  17. Have to agree about Cowlings, Tim. It's been long enough that if you say that name to most anyone outside Buffalo or L.A., you'd probably get a blank stare in response ... "You know, the guy who drove O.J.'s Bronco in the chase." "Oh, that guy." Same with Norwood. A 10-second clip of the fateful kick, and cut to commercial while Bills fans around the country retch and everyone else shrugs. More sports fans would recognize T.O. than Kemp, merely because the latter played in a league which ceased to exist 39 years ago. I'd like to think the general population would flip the other way -- "Old No. 15" DID run for President once upon a time, after all -- but I'm not sure I have that much confidence in my fellow Americans. That one might be close ... And Rashad might be undersold here. He has a ton of TV time, including all those Michael Jordan testimonials interviews ...
  18. I would have gone with "curmudgeon" instead of "cranky old coot," but whatever ... I think this is now officially the running, all-purpose sportstalk radio thread.
  19. Amen, Rk. I dislike the Cowboys franchise as much as most around here, but there's absolutely nothing funny about this. Remember our reaction to the Kevin Everett jokes on that classless Seahawks fan site? Yeah. Think about it. Thoughts and prayers to Behm and DeCamillis, and I'm glad nobody else was seriously injured.
  20. "Embracing the Internet" is something The News has gone into full-speed-ahead in recent years. Making enough money to pay the writers and editors, now, that's something else again. The Rocky was all over "new media," adding tons of video, blogs, podcasts, the works ... but the rate of return obviously wasn't good enough to keep them in business. And if anyone has some good answers for that problem, there's a whole bunch of us out here who would be mighty appreciative.
  21. It is. Ralph announced it during the Wall of Fame ceremony.
  22. It's May. Training camp doesn't begin for two more months. And there's nothing wrong with learning a little more about the newest Bills players before then. Chill.
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