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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Dumping Dock, letting both Preston and Fowler leave, targeting Hangartner, and drafting two first-day interior linemen gives us a reasonably clear suggestion of what the Bills front office was thinking, doesn't it?
  2. Funny -- K.C. Joyner just wrote about this very topic. From Tim's blog: Joyner's title? "Bills Prove Rule: It’s the Blocking, Not the Back."
  3. You do. But unlike cable companies who pay television networks (like CNN) for the right to carry their programming, ISPs are free and clear when it comes to allowing access to copyrighted content. Hmmmm ... perhaps THAT'S what needs to change. And although there are a few independents somehow managing to make a go of it, online ads aren't paying anyone's salary at anything but the biggest sites.
  4. It's correct earlier in the story. Probably thinking about the transition to Levitre, who, of course, did play at OSU. Easy enough to do. In any case, I'm sure it'll be fixed soon. (Add: And so it was.)
  5. Absolutely true. When I do visit, it's normally just to stick my nose inside the door for a couple of minutes, shudder, then back out of the room and try to block the memory of what I've seen. John, "PPP" can be found in the index as "Politics, Polls, and Pundits," which was created during the 2000 Presidential election. Take this group, get them arguing politics in an almost-anything-goes setting, and ... well, you can probably imagine the result. (Actually, there have been some incredibly good discussions over there, about topics a heck of a lot more important than who's going to be the Bills' third-string QB -- or whether or not you listen to a certain sportstalk radio host. Like here, though, there is a mighty big haystack to dig through to find those few needles.)
  6. Nope: http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/B/BrowTr01.htm AVP started that Miami game and played the first quarter before leaving with a shoulder injury.
  7. Anyone else remember the summer the Bills had Kingsbury in camp? The one night practice I attended, the only throwing reps he got were simulated "punts" to the return men. Afterward, I told him, "I thought they were going to burn your arm out doing that ... and then I remembered where you played in college." He chuckled. Nice kid. They cut him a week later.
  8. "Take advantage"? So you're saying we shouldn't be ALLOWED to write "human interest pieces"? Good grief. If you don't like the story, stop reading or change the channel. Easy as that.
  9. Also a valid point. Yay ... 20 pages.
  10. Poll title: "The Best QB ever" Lead-in: "IMO, the greatest QB of all time is...." Thread: fail.
  11. Understood, bbb, which is part of the reason I gave you a straight answer. (That, and to head off any speculation.) And if nothing else, perhaps it might remind some people that whether they love or hate him, the guy is more than a disembodied voice on the radio. I should add: most of the people posting in this thread have stayed away from making personal attacks, and I thank you for that.
  12. I might choose a different phrase than "flaked out," but yes, the birth parents did change their minds, and the Schopps made the incredibly difficult decision to return the child to them. That must have been truly heartwrenching, and my thoughts are with them. If it's all the same, though, can we discuss the radio show without including his personal life? No good can come of that.
  13. To answer the original question: Everyone, unless they write something we like.
  14. That photograph was taken at the league meetings in March. Note the white No. 6 jersey second from the left? That's new Broncos coach Josh McDaniels holding a Jay Cutler jersey. Sure to be a collector's item on the clearance rack in the Broncos' stadium stores ...
  15. #89 and I were talking about that on the drive to the stadium last Thursday; this December will mark the 10th anniversary of Larry's death, with this board doing its best to provide a support system for her. And whenever I see Jay's son Ben, or Scott posts new pictures of Andrew, I remember when they were this big ... 'S why I keep coming back. Because Lord knows, we haven't had much in the way of good football to talk about for most of that decade.
  16. I still disagree with your basic premise, but I appreciate you taking the time to expand and clarify your thoughts. I never sit down at the keyboard thinking I have to "tug at the heartstrings," and I sincerely doubt Graham does, either -- we're just trying to tell the story. What you call a "sentimental portrait," I call learning the kid's backstory, what makes him tick, how events in his past might influence his future while he plays for the team I like. So you're saying the "writers" are to blame for the backlash against Whitner, who has yet to turn out to be the next Hall of Fame safety? I think his top-ten draft status has more to do with that than any 100,000 words written on the topic.
  17. Inside info ... ? Um. Thanks for sharing, I guess.
  18. What, no link? http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-8-21/...-for-size-.html And judging by how the Lions almost completely ignored their O-line in the draft after trying to get Derrick Dockery, I wonder if they were waiting for a vet like Jones to become available. (Daniel Loper? Yeah, okay.) And depending on their cap space after signing Larry Foote, they might be able to top anything the Bills would be willing to pay. I've heard the Bills may have had some interest in Foote, and you know that a large percentage of the team's fans want to see anyone but Keith Ellison starting at LB this season. Care to speculate whether they might still try to make a move at that position? Thanks.
  19. My vote? This guy. And if you don't want pre-1980 players included, don't you DARE call this the "best quarterback of all," because it's not.
  20. Useless without pictur ... umm, wait, never mind. Cheers!
  21. His wife Darlene, his "bestest babe ever," died suddenly in May 2004. No symptoms, no warning signs, just ... gone. He tried to go on, spent the next two years gracing us with his great wisdom and acerbic wit. But he couldn't bear being apart from her, and it showed. Two years to the month after Darlene passed, he took his own life. DC Tom, a good friend of his in real life as well as here, informed us of the loss. From that thread, the same one I quoted from earlier:
  22. Not a chance, if you believe what Brandon said about how strongly they pursued him in FA (and I do).
  23. FWIW: the other night, Dick Jauron said that he was very much in favor of eliminating the wedge, and had in fact advocated for such a rule. (Then, being Jauron, he delved into early football history to mention the fact that President Roosevelt -- that's Theodore, not Franklin -- once called for the game to be banned after "wedges" were blamed for several player deaths. Interesting lesson for the people there who may not have been aware of just how brutal the game used to be, a century ago.) "It's a great rule," he said. His main concern, which I think was echoed by April in Brown's story, is whether or not those new rules are going to be enforced consistently. Add: Cincy, none of those rules would have affected the Everett play, but it may have drawn attention to the kicking game ...
  24. If that's not "questioning integrity," I guess I don't know what does qualify.
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