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Everything posted by Lori

  1. When you taught on Monteagle Ridge, how many profs swore by (instead of at) Strunk and White? As you sow, so shall you reap, and all that. To be honest, remembering to affix those commas/periods inside the quotes was one of the toughest things to learn when I began writing to AP style. And while I'm on that subject, I'm not sure anyone would notice if I stopped. Recent hed added (not by me, thank you) to one of my stories: "Gators's Tune Up For District's."
  2. I've flown Continental on most of my recent trips out of Buffalo, but I'll pay extra to connect through Cleveland instead of Newark, and to get on a jet instead of a turboprop. I want one of those puddle-jumpers, I might as well save the extra driving and fly out of Bradford instead. (And if you've ever landed on that mountaintop after circling while the ground crew chases the deer off the runway, you know how crazy that idea is.)
  3. Hmph. Figured you'd just saved it from when you took that class in 1936. Messrs. Strunk and White also agree: "Typographical usage dictates that the comma be inside the marks, though logically it often seems not to belong there." Now you know which two books have taken up permanent residence on my desk, shoving aside the collection of Bills media guides. (Actually, three books, including the separate AP punctuation guide. Sigh ...) I'd still rather discuss arcane style rules than parse the original post, though.
  4. The funniest thing with the Levi Jones Wiki-jack HAD to be the guy who started the new thread -- BILLS OFFICIALY SIGN LEVI JONES -- using the site as confirmation, after people were laughing about their "updates" on another thread here.
  5. Not according to the AP Stylebook. (Then again, they also prefer "RBIs" over "RBI" for runs batted in, so they're not infallible.) And knowing you, the misspellings were entirely intentional, so I'm ignoring them.
  6. More "Fun With Wikipedia." Great. I thought I told you kids to stop messing around on that site ...
  7. Guessing he's on the hook for his own gear at the WWL. Actually, if this was the same one that hiccuped while he was still on the Sabres beat, I'd be more surprised to learn that the BuffNews doesn't provide work laptops.
  8. The Dean: the same guy who broke out the "Suppress them! Suppress them! Make them relinquish the ball!" cheer at the Bills-Titans game, circa the First Annual TBD Tailgate. That was before he got tossed out of the stadium ...
  9. Nothing against Keith Ellison, I like the kid, but I'd rather not see him start at LB for the Bills next season. So, this move would definitely work for me. Better than rolling the dice and thinking Nic Harris can make an impact as a rookie, too.
  10. Here's one for you: Can you name the teams of the Big Four U.S. Sports?
  11. Thanks for the scoop on Pisa, and condolences on the laptop, Tim. And I guess the Bills aren't the only AFC E team with issues at RB: http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-8-43/...A-from-OTA.html Is there an outside chance that Shonn Greene is their opening-day starter?
  12. Shouldn't you be reporting "inside info" on the Texans' D-line this year instead?
  13. Replithentic Throwback I believe Mitchell + Ness made their own choices for the SB XXV jerseys, instead of asking the Bills.
  14. Because someone from here was messing around with it. A note of interest from Tim's chat:
  15. Thanks. I checked the comments on Tim's blog, but not Joyner's.
  16. All right, kids, stop messing with teh Wikipedia ...
  17. Sack totals aren't always a good quantifier for DTs. Keith Millard and Warren Sapp are the only two names to jump out at me in the top 50 of this list, and Millard began his career at DE.
  18. Crayonz v. SKOOBY. (Gets popcorn ready) This should be good.
  19. Did you read the reason he decided to do the study? Here's the lede:
  20. Tim wrote about this on his blog this morning; he's trying to get that info from Joyner. Stay tuned ...
  21. So, wait. The Rams just traded a former second-round pick for a practice-squad guy -- one who spent some time with the Bills, in fact? Whoa. Guess I'm glad Buffalo didn't draft him.
  22. Either London or Kitchener/Waterloo might be a valid alternative to Hamilton, and less likely to draw a complaint from the Sabres. As for Toronto -- the city could easily support two teams, and nobody can get Leafs tix anyway.
  23. I love the idea that they're letting the people with some seniority have the first shot.
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