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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Matt Williamson's ESPN bio: Not sure how many "groupies" have actually scouted for an NFL team.
  2. Sean Taylor, who was shot while trying to defend his home against an attempted robbery? Yeah, good call. And for those saying the media is ignoring Lynch ... huh? They've written a ton of stories about him. That's what upset him and made him refuse to talk to them for most of last season, remember?
  3. That is odd, isn't it? Personally, I'm not often in earshot when he's on. I'm grateful for that. I still think Buffalo would be better served with local programming in the 10-noon timeslot, and I've voiced that opinion to Andy on several occasions. However, I'm sure there are cost/benefit considerations, and possibly contractual obligations as an ESPN network affiliate, to consider.
  4. Safe travels, and have a great trip home!
  5. It was Stroud, and I'm pretty sure it was at least 24 hours before anyone in the media mentioned it. That's why I trusted his source when he posted about Ralph's daughter passing away. (Even then, I still asked for more info, then called on a couple of people who I knew could confirm or refute it ...)
  6. True enough. I'm just wondering if we can sue Allen's source if Tinoisamoa ditches the visit. Research that for us, will you? Thanks. And good luck in law school, btw. Seems like that's a popular destination for ex-journos these days ...
  7. Depends on what his knee looks like. Multiple reports suggest the cartilage has been gone ever since he was in college, and that doesn't ever get better.
  8. Actually, he listed him among "other options," and behind Rex Grossman. Not exactly a vote of confidence.
  9. A "liable" source? As in, legally responsible for his words?
  10. Absolutely. Completely off the record, as far as I'm concerned.
  11. Mr. Wawrow, I am intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
  12. The original "Ask Tim Graham" thread is beginning to creak under the weight of more than 800 posts, so I decided that once the odometer hit 100,000 page views, it was time to let it retire gracefully and fire up another one. For those of you just joining us, this pinned thread is a place for Stadium Wall members to interact with Tim Graham, the proprietor of ESPN.com's AFC East blog. From "Ask Tim," v. 1.0: So ... the glasses are washed, the bar's been wiped down, and Tim's Place -- where the wings are hot, the beer is cold, and the football talk doesn't stop at closing time -- is open for business.
  13. Wasn't him -- Juice has a different IP address, in a different city, than the TSW member who did make that revision. And yeah, I know who it was, and will take my revenge at the appropriate time.
  14. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use FACTUALLY CORRECT subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  15. I dunno, unraveler. I always thought that when the guy who wrote the story starts a thread himself, it's kinda hard to miss ... By the way, here's more on the story from Graham: http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-8-47/...p-for-OTAs.html
  16. Type in Cardinals, and it shows up in both boxes. Same with Kings, Rangers, Giants, etc. And Tom, I found that link on a board full of sportswriters. Go figure.
  17. Got most of those for Commodore 64, along with the Lost Treasures package for Windows 3.whatever.
  18. That Zork looks interesting, even if the name is a ripoff of one of my favorite computer games of all time. I wondered about the requirements for the glass -- after all, that's what I do for a living -- but it appears to work on a standard cork-finish bottle. Further: looking at their spec sheet, there only appear to be two critical measurements. Should be an easy bottle to make. The supplier list is weird, though -- while Vitro makes containers, their US subsidiary doesn't. And we're not on there, even though we're the largest glass-container manufacturer in the world. Hmm. Maybe it's time to change that list. Thanks for the info, Dean.
  19. Whoo, diggin' that $30 BRUUUCE tee. (Or not.) Some neat Bills stuff available at the Pro Football HOF store, though: http://www.profootballhof.com/store/depart...partment_id=193 And through May 17, use this code and get 10 percent off your order: SHOPNSAVE10
  20. We're talking about Tim's 'puter, not yours, Dean ... Edit: On that off-key note, this thread is getting a little unwieldy -- I think I actually heard my cellphone scream when I tried to open it the other day -- so this looks like as good a place as any to start a new one. I'll wait a day or two to unpin this one, which is also linked at the top of version 2.0.
  21. Sensible choice, and even more so these days. No waiting for an IT department to fix something, or getting stuck with obsolete equipment. When David Andriesen went to turn in his stuff at the (dearly departed) Seattle P-I, they told him not to bother bringing the laptop, because it was so antiquated they had no use for it. And most company-issued rigs probably don't come with beefed-up memory, DVD players, and cool games, either ...
  22. When I opened that copy of the paper -- which included a second hedbust on the same page -- I didn't know whether to cry or beat my head against the desk, so I settled for laughing instead. By the time it's in print it's already too late, so what else can you do other than politely suggesting the correct usage for future reference? My bad. For some reason, I thought it was NU, not CC. You need to hit Olean at some point to complete the Big 4 Challenge. Regarding S+W, my copy has a 2000 copyright and a foreword by White's stepson, some guy named Roger Angell. (Think I've heard of him.) But using Churchill's famous quote as my guiding light, I'll still dangle my prepositions wherever I darn well please, thank you.
  23. So can we expect a cameo from TBD's favorite AP sports writer?
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