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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Hardly. He was making questionable coaching moves 40 years ago.
  2. He called him "doddering," which Ralph took exception to. The only place I've ever seen dementia suggested was on this board, and I've seen no proof from reputable sources to back it up.
  3. One of my friends, on the board I got this from: "Every reporter who covers Notre Dame this season should include Weis's record in every single story all season."
  4. Actually, I don't think it will take nearly that long to prove you wrong.
  5. Or that's what you'd think if your only source of information was Weis' biography in the 2009 Notre Dame media guide, anyway: Irish leave out losing seasons in bio of Weis
  6. True enough. Fallingwater is awe-inspiring to visit, but I'm sure the novelty would wear off quickly.
  7. That's precisely the game he's talking about. All right, Tim, you're starting to convince me.
  8. http://www.boston.com/news/health/blog/200...ery_from_a.html http://www.athleticadvisor.com/Injuries/LE...e/acl_tears.htm
  9. http://www.buffalonews.com/opinion/columns...ory/677981.html Sullivan's column would appear to refute any rumors about Mr. Wilson's cognitive state, wouldn't you say?
  10. Yeah, but all those 10-cent words sound pretty.
  11. Ditto for Fallingwater. By the by, the general contractor for that job was from my hometown, and his son, Raymond Viner Hall, became a protege of Wright's. If you drive west out of Port Allegany on Rt. 6, as you crest the first hill you'll see the house Walter Hall built for himself, known as Lynn Hall. The son designed my alma mater. Obviously, the Wright influence is strong in both buildings.
  12. Not our job to decide which stories you should or shouldn't read. That way leads down the slippery slope of censorship.
  13. Unless those memories of him burning up the Pats secondary in SB XXXIX were merely a figment of my imagination? So yeah, I thought it was worth a from here in the toy department, on behalf of everyone who gets tired of hearing "it's only sports."
  14. No. At most newspapers, that title would mean he's the one responsible for actually getting the pages finished and sent to the press, second in command to the managing editor. Presuming the TN is an a.m. paper, that means a deadline anywhere from 10 p.m. - 1 a.m. Oops. Bad presumption. It's a p.m. He would still be in charge of the night shift, though.
  15. Depends. I think this one calls for further review: HOPKINS: T.O. in the B-lo? O, no! KEPPELER: A meat market is a meat market Perhaps their page designer should do more of the writing, too.
  16. "You hadn’t even stepped on the practice field and you were treated like you’re a five-time Super Bowl winner when in fact you’ve never even played in the big game." This is why citysiders should have someone from sports proof their copy when they try to step into our sandbox. And that's all I have to say about that.
  17. 37. http://www.thegolfchannel.com/tour-insider...t-cancer-29413/ http://www.cbssports.com/golf/story/11768456 KD, Stefanie Spielman is now fighting cancer for the fourth time, 11 years after the initial diagnosis. The outlook doesn't sound good ... but she's still fighting.
  18. Seems like the team could use some work on learning how to execute plays during inclement weather ...
  19. I don't believe jockeys drown or electrocute the horses they ride, but perhaps I'm just underinformed. Link, please?
  20. Does this sound like McIntyre's laughing?
  21. Nothing funny whatsoever about being arrested, even less so if it turns out to be a case of mistaken identity.
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