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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Owens better than Rice? Well, yeah. After all, Rice is 46 and has been out of the league for several years. Oh, wait. You meant better than Rice in his prime? Not even close.
  2. "Keeping the old ones" in their old jobs wasn't an option, if those guys didn't want to get screwed out of part of their pensions. Dean's got it right -- they're trying to figure out how to work the system to keep Moore and Mudd involved.
  3. Christensen and Big Red have been there for some time. Sure he wasn't talking about these guys instead? http://indyfootballreport.com/index.php/archives/1960
  4. Mullin spent a lot of years at the Trib covering the Bears, going all the way back to Ditka's tenure there. I suspect his resume could get him a job at most any paper ... that is, if any papers were still hiring instead of firing. Add: That fact has nothing to do with this story; I'm equally unimpressed by it.
  5. Too much of an overlap between the two seasons, I think. The majority of the baseball season is played when the other sports are off. (Or at least it used to be, before the World Series started dragging on toward Halloween ...)
  6. Actually, he already is -- he was one of the latest cuts at the Chicago Tribune, laid off last month. Out of respect to him, I won't ask the obvious question about how much someone who covered the Bears could possibly know about NFL offenses ...
  7. "Best sports college in the ..." Hahaha. Okay, I'm walking away from this thread now, before I get myself in trouble. I'll leave you with two sets of numbers, though, and let you figure out what they mean: 22-4 55-13
  8. I would've thought my detestation for all things Orange was a well-known fact by now ...
  9. That Rosenhaus quote was a statement to ESPN? Funny, I read it on his Twitter feed: http://twitter.com/RosenhausSports Eh, slight differences. Must be he also sent out an e-mail to accompany his Tweetspam.
  10. Oh, c'mon. It's the NFL offseason, and Bron-Bron's (obviously) in the news. Tim's not allowed to have a little fun with this? (But yeah, I see he's getting torched by the commenters over there for the same reason.) Goes back to a discussion Wawrow and I had on one of the T.O. threads: if people weren't watching/reading those stories, the dreaded "media" wouldn't be spending time and resources on them. They are. So what's that tell you? (Edit: I see there's a separate thread on the piece. I'll take my opinions out there for any further discussion, instead of hijacking this one.)
  11. All those sports are in season. Football isn't.
  12. Just got a message from one of the Packers beat writers: "Don't tell Favre, but I think Peter King has moved on."
  13. Great read about LeBron James' NFL potential, Tim: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4194437 Now I know why you were looking up Rickey Dudley's stats. Was the story your idea, or ESPN's? Either way, it's fun to speculate about him lining up against a 5-10, 180-pound CB.
  14. ewwwwwwwwww. If you'd rather read it online from the safety of your own computer, here it is: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writ...rady/index.html
  15. Figured since most everyone else has been complaining about "the media" lately, I'd throw my whine into the mix: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sports_illustrated/3567265822/ Indy 500, NBA and NHL playoffs ... so, naturally, they're running a cover shot of a guy who hasn't played a game since September 2008. Yes, I know his return to practice is newsworthy. But this newsworthy? Practice, man. We're talking about practice.
  16. Yeah, that I can live with, and I'll add that we both hate the Bruins.
  17. I managed to keep from hurling the remote through the big-screen when SU tied it, and again when they scored in OT, but I'll be damned if I was going to watch them celebrate. Think I'd better stop there.
  18. FWIW -- you, too, can follow Terrell Owens' Twitter updates! http://twitter.com/terrellowens81
  19. No reason to wonder, thanks to the Howard Simon Show: Kelly on Vick, Owens, no-huddle (hat tip to Nick Mendola for the story)
  20. You should see Roger Goodell's Twitter page.
  21. I'll trust Graham and Pitoniak -- two guys who actually were in the Ralph Wilson Stadium press box last season, unlike Matthews. And they're saying "no deal."
  22. FWIW, seeing the words "Florio" and "journalism" mentioned together is raising my blood pressure. Just thought I'd share that. Carry on ...
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