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Everything posted by Lori

  1. We'll be expecting exclusive photos when you and T.O. go bar-hopping, John. And I think I already commented about the bastids who robbed your place, but may they get double the bad karma that's coming to them.
  2. Actually, Cincy, this program doesn't begin until July. $400 a week, and you're not allowed to use those credentials to freelance for any other outlet. Sorry, but I already have two jobs including the newspaper gig, and I can't afford the paycut. OTOH, for someone who just got out of J-school and is only now discovering how few writing jobs are available, this would beat the crap out of working at McDonald's. (Plus, it is a nice way to build up some decent clips -- IF the writer takes it seriously instead of going all fanboi, and if B/R allows that to happen.)
  3. Bingo. The league's Personal Conduct Policy includes the possibility of a lifetime ban. Will Goodell invoke it? Probably not. Should he? I'm glad I'm not the one making that call. Here's Lombardi's followup: http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/2009/0...-vick-the-rams/ The Lawrence Phillips draft was a long damn time ago. And Devaney was director of player personnel for the Falcons when Vick lied to Arthur Blank, so he should have a VERY clear understanding of the negatives ...
  4. To update, Mike Lombardi plans to write about this today. When he posts it, you can check it out here: http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/
  5. The news about the Rams being put up for sale -- with no restrictions on the buyer keeping them in STL, which is a new development? This guy. It was on the P-D's Web site before midnight last night, and he blogged about it at 3 this morning.
  6. Because the Barry Bonds thing was broken by ... two guys at the SF Chronicle. Because the former mayor of Detroit was taken down by the Freep. Yeah, okay. Slow to get facts? Not really. Slow to get them to the public? Yes, if they're not invested in 24/7 Web updates.
  7. If they are, it's news to at least one guy in the sports department at the Post-Dispatch, because he laughed when I asked him about it. (Well, he actually typed "BWAHAHAhahaha" at me, but you know what I mean ...)
  8. Funny, I could swear I just read about that somewhere: Evans and T.O.: Opposites attracting
  9. Indy's the team I always seem to hear about -- think I read somewhere that one year, they counted an average of 15 more total tackles for each game than the number of plays run by the opposing offense/ST. Ah, here we go. Good piece by the DMN's Rick Gosselin from last year: NFL should tackle statistical silliness Turns out, 15 extra tackles was way low. And I'm starting to regret mentioning the mug ...
  10. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  11. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  12. Niiiice. From true believers of the "Third Franchise," I take it. There was a great wisecrack about HGH, and him switching from S to LB, in one of the comments on the blog. I was going to respond with something about wings and beer being the substances of choice, but thought better of it ... I still kinda like the serious pose a little better, but either one's an upgrade from the high school senior picture. (Sez me, who resists any and all attempts by our photog to get a shot of me.) Did you actually get to watch any of practice in Foxborough, Tim, or is Fortress Belichick in full lockdown mode? I'm very curious to see how that D looks without Vrabel's steadying influence.
  13. I was going to ask you not to call that piece "journalism," but I discovered that the guy apparently does have a weekly column in one of the local papers. I feel shame for our craft. JW ... yeah, I think you hit all the lowlights, and the riff on "overheard" made me chuckle. (Even if it made you want to throw that dude's laptop off the Peace Bridge.) Think I'll stick to reading your copy instead of second-hand analysis.
  14. Good. Because if you hadn't, I was going to offer to help.
  15. Yup. "Thank you for reading," even when typed with gritted teeth (as we all sometimes do), would have definitely been more professional. Corrections aren't fun, but they're part of the job. One more thought before I move on: A columnist's job is to give his opinion, and perhaps initiate a discussion. If the "nearly two dozen" replies to this piece represented more than his other columns combined ... ouch.
  16. Must ... resist ... urge ... to ... attack ... I'll say it again, every writer needs a good editor. The "might live in a hotel" quote was from Wawrow's piece. Maybe he'll chime in here ...
  17. Big difference between "there's no interest from NFL teams right now" -- which Tim said earlier in the month, by the way -- and "Losman will never play again."
  18. You weren't the only one. Good grief, folks, if you don't want to read another story about James then DON'T CLICK THE FREAKIN' LINK. There, that was an easy solution. And it's funny that after all those negative comments, the story is still No. 3 on ESPN.com's "most sent" list. Good read.
  19. In other words, SKOOB's doing his copyright-violating thing again? I figured, but hadn't checked to see where it came from yet. Thanks. Add: post edited.
  20. Thanks, Rich. And we found out how solid Tim's sources on McGee were last season, when the Bills sent out a press release denying his breaking story (which turned out to be 100 percent correct) that No. 24 would miss at least one game...
  21. I know three people on this board (and another who hasn't posted here in a while) who I'd trust without question if they posted something about Losman's future plans. None of them appear in this thread. Just sayin'.
  22. Nice piece by Dunne. He must be focusing on the OL right now -- he's the same one who wrote the OTH story on Jordan Bell. And Scott might just end up being a factor at OT.
  23. That would be WGR's Nick Mendola, who occasionally sticks his head in the door over here at TSW. Sorry I missed him.
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