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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Hahaha. That Sunday morning, I stood over on Abbott Rd. visiting with the WGR guys as they passed out their "Jerk Nation" signs. Then, I wandered up to the gates and watched security make people throw them away. Good times.
  2. So, you were up to visit for the weekend? Since you've already told us you live in Pittsburgh ...
  3. It is, although we do have a companion Sabres site, if you're inclined to pay them a visit. And by that point, was Donahoe venturing out of the bunker to talk to anyone besides Chris Brown?
  4. Slammed? Is that what happened to Marshawn? Edit: Dammit, Chef ...
  5. Hahaha. Well played. Yeah, unless this is substantiated really soon, I'm inclined to dismiss it as more message-board B.S. ...
  6. My own fact-free point of view, Time To Choose: the Sabres did the same thing to The News that Donahoe pulled on WGR. They didn't like the beating they were taking, so they decided to freeze out their supposed persecutors. (I have to admit, I'm not an expert on the situation. Did they also ignore calls from the beat writers, or just the columnists?) But while Sully and Gleason are free to take shots at Golisano and Quinn in their News columns, Wawrow's job is to write an unbiased report for a national audience, and providing both sides of the issue to his readers is absolutely necessary. To be honest, the last graf in the piece quoted above dances fairly close to the dividing line between reporting and opinion. (I agree completely with the sentiment expressed there, mind you -- I'm just a little surprised that it got in.)
  7. Should note that everyone ranked 24th or lower on that list is beginning their first full year in their current head-coaching job ...
  8. Implied by who? Most of us use the [bold] tag to emphasize specific points in our own posts. When I read the excerpt you supposedly quoted ... ... I saw no reason to believe that anyone other than John wrote any of those words, until he pointed out the discrepancy. Turns out, his description -- not your uncredited rewrite -- was correct. And because he called you on it, you think he has issues?
  9. All righty then. Now that that's been cleared up, nothing to see here, move along ...
  10. From the Bills: Individual game tickets for the home opener vs. the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the New Orleans Saints and the Cleveland Browns are sold out.
  11. Single-game sales normally begin in July. Just got this from the Bills, though: "Individual game tickets for the home opener vs. the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the New Orleans Saints and the Cleveland Browns are sold out." Looks like Stubhub for you, PIZ, although you can try posting something on our Trading Post first.
  12. I respect your expertise in dealing with calls to domestic situations, and I'll agree that Whitner probably wasn't the designated driver the night he got busted. Still seems like a hell of a leap to parlay those two incidents into a history of substance abuse, though. While I don't know about his blog/Facebook, I just scrolled through his Twitter feed and found exactly one reference to drinking -- post-midnight, and Dom Perignon. Many more tweets about workouts (he's picked up yoga), and one on draft day where he told Chris Jenkins he'd rather be home watching the draft than going out. Can I completely discount your hunch? No. Was that the first possibility which came to mind when I read the original post? No.
  13. Mocking the original poster troll, mostly.
  14. AP style omits the hyphen in most cases where "over" is used as a prefix. And the overreaction I'm citing, of course, was the one in the first post of this thread.
  15. Here's the difference. I excerpted this from the first "Ask Tim" thread, but it applies equally to Wawrow. (Emphasis mine). Either one would be rightfully pissed to have someone here intentionally misquote them: John didn't say precisely who told him there were no extras hired, but I would assume that came directly from someone on the VH1 crew, perhaps when he rode along with them to report on one of Owens' house-shopping expeditions.
  16. Agree completely. Oh, wait. You were talking about Brown's report, not the overreaction it inspired, weren't you? Never mind ...
  17. I'll never forget watching that play. Nobody hit him -- he just tried to make a cut, and his knee went sideways. Ugh.
  18. Pats have already lost one of their draft picks to an ACL injury. Believe the same thing happened to them last preseason, too.
  19. That's what we went to last season, and it worked well for us.
  20. Is that before or after the riot begins? Because there would certainly be one.
  21. Also a quality suggestion. A note about the Shaara books, Pooj: they're fact-based, but the recreated dialogue classifies them as historical novels.
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