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Everything posted by Lori

  1. That was supposed to be a wisecrack about your earlier story, of course ... but for what it's worth, both Chris Brown and Mark Gaughan have remarked on the amount of no-huddle reps in the OTAs.
  2. Win for Brandon? Marv was still here when McGahee was traded in 2007. Ah, memories ...
  3. Hope Tim doesn't get in trouble for reporting that ...
  4. McKinney has a heck of a lot more experience than Chambers, who has started precisely five games -- one at guard -- in his NFL career. If they're keeping Levitre and Wood on specific sides, it should be easier for Levitre to move up the depth chart.
  5. That's one of those Pandora's Box thingys. Not quite sure at what point (almost) everything became fair game for the mainstream media, although I'll blame the influence of National Enquirer-type fishwrappers and TV shows. And no, I doubt most anyone here would enjoy the fishbowl treatment accorded to celebrities these days. Most of the fans I knew back then had heard and discussed the stories about Kelly's crew, though. (I should note that the tidbit about Thurman sleeping it off in the trainer's room, so he wouldn't be late for practice the next day, came directly from him.) Should we sit in moral judgment of people we don't know, based solely on what we read/hear? Perhaps not ... but we do, don't we? Here's a question to ponder: what would have happened if the guys covering Mickey Mantle had written about his nights on the town? (Now THERE was a guy with "quite the alcohol problem.") Would he have denied it, or sought help? And would the adversarial relationship between the media and the teams they cover (generalizing here) have existed much sooner than it did?
  6. Or places like this, to be honest. Imagine what fun we could have had with the Super Bowl years, when Kelly was ripping up the Big Tree and Thurman was sleeping at the stadium after evenings at Network ...
  7. i.e., during the game. Won't matter to us, since we'll be at the stadium, but even better for anyone who wanted to watch it there.
  8. Love the story about Smith faking Clyde Frazier out of his Pumas.
  9. What a coincidence -- same weekend as the home opener. Which means, good luck getting into the Anchor (if you so desire) that weekend.
  10. Merely a townie, entering this world a short jog down West State Street from the SBU campus. If you seriously want to know what I do, though, click on the "me" link in my sig. (Last week's updates aren't up there, but you'll get the idea.)
  11. Di Sciullo's always been quick to respond when I asked a question about their Bills programming (whenever I get ready to update the radio/TV thread, for example). And I didn't rant; merely pointed out that "in my opinion, it's bad form to put a 'posted by' cite at the top of a story in place of a byline for the guy who actually wrote the piece. It would be simple to look at the top of the story at that link and mistakenly believe that Joe Maxfield, not John Wawrow, was the author." Again, I appreciate his reaction. (However, I cannot confirm whether or not he typed his reply while rolling his eyes and mumbling about that nutty <bleep> at the Bills message board ... )
  12. Definitely a hack, of the small-town-weekly variety.
  13. The playoff drought would tend to dispute that, at least in my judgment.
  14. No, but your description of what he was wearing does matches the original poster's.
  15. Bad call, Dean. Twenty-two. Wow. Thoughts to Irv and family tonight ...
  16. Hahaha. Yeah, there has to be a better name for that. Call 'em updates, same as Facebook, I guess -- and some of the ones I've read make FB updates look like doctoral dissertations. Gotta say it was kind of neat to read a real-time conversation between Peter King and Chris Mortensen on there this morning, though. By the by ... for any of the Tweety crowd, http://twitter.com/salmaiorana is desperately seeking followers.
  17. Uh-oh. You mean I shouldn't have fired off that angry e-mail to WKBW? Actually, I did send them one. I realize they're entitled to pull your name off it, but I think the way they're presenting that story could lead people to believe that the guy who posted it actually wrote it. Received a quick response from PD John Di Sciullo, saying that in future, they'll leave the AP writer's name in place when they post something. So, a tip of the hat to him.
  18. Yes, Lindsay (typo in their byline) is Vic's daughter. She's a sports management major who's interning with the team, or so I've been told.
  19. A story about Fine could get more fans to talk about him, but I have to believe the professional media isn't taking their cues from anything written by a Bills intern. And I'll add, you make a VERY good point about the team controlling the content on that site. May no one ever forget that.
  20. Not strange timing at all -- she possibly read the other one and thought, Hey, I'll write about this guy instead. Or she could have been planning it all along, considering that there's essentially an open competition at the position ...
  21. I was just about to rip the hell out of that myself. If you're going to put ANYTHING there, it should be a byline. Add: in fact, here's an alternate link with the correct byline. http://www.timesunion.com/AspStories/story...?storyID=808191
  22. So were you or were you not in Buffalo over the weekend?
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