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Posts posted by Lori

  1. Milledgeville Police Report (page 1 of 2):


    In her own written words:

    "We went to the Brick where they happened to be, and we continued to have casual conversation, he even made crude sexual remarks. They ended up leaving, and we went to capital, where they also were. Ben asked us to go to his "vip" area (back of capital) we all went with him."


    Straight from the horse's mouth. The woman met him at the first bar (velvit elvis) took pictures with him, followed him to the second bar -- brick (where he just happened to be) and followed him to a third bar -- capital (another coincidence). Do you honestly think she was not infatuated with him, followed him and was flirting with him. If she was turned off by his sexual advances (which he allegedly made at bar #2) why would she follow him to bar #3 and accept an invitation to join him in his "vip" area.

    Didn't "follow." The sorority girls went to the second bar because one of their group worked there and could get an employee discount. That's in the report, too.

  2. When I first read the thread title, I thought there was some new Buffalo sandwich made just for the draft.

    Got you to click. :devil:


    Not just the best , the ONLY draft coverage by a Buffalo radio station. WGR is hockey-addled.

    GR is covering Round 1 with Brian Koziol and Joe Buscaglia; unknown about any live remotes from RWS or special guest stars. Obviously, they'll be carrying the Sabres game Friday night.

  3. I live in Pittsburgh; I was talking to my buddy the other day who has 4 kids. He's going through the process of slowly converting them to Polamalu fans, but he said it's been hard. These little kids have been programmed to say that their favorite player is "Ben Roflesberger."


    This is football country here. No matter what people say about athelets not being role models, they are here. I go to church on Sunday, and 90% of the congregation--men, women, children, pastors--have on Steelers jerseys.

    The Pittsburgh native who now lives up here has offered her son his choice of any other player's jersey in return for his black-and-gold #7 shirts. He picked Favre, who may be a diva, but to the best of my knowledge doesn't troll college bars looking for drunken hookups...

  4. WECK 1230 Webcast link


    From the Riter Radio blog: "Brad Riter, Scott Wilson and Bob Gaughan don’t pretend to be NFL Draft experts. They just watch a lot of college football. "


    Those three will be in the studio for Round 1 of the draft, with Buffalo News beat writer and "Sports Insiders" co-host Allen Wilson chiming in from Ralph Wilson Stadium. Brad says, "I promise it'll be the best coverage in WNY."

  5. Congratulations to your father for raising an outstanding human being.

    Cheers, B. <_<

    Hey, waitaminute, this is the Dean we're talking about, right?


    Of course it is. You were there for him at the end, Brian, just as you have been for years. Hope that brings you some comfort in the difficult days ahead.


    Thoughts, prayers, and hugs your way, brother.

  6. Where the hell is Lori? She should have cracked the code and posted the entire schedule by now. What are we paying her for. :thumbdown:



    Serious answer: working on preps stuff, transcribing interviews, and waiting for a call from a track coach. Y'all gonna have to handle this one yourselves.

  7. FWIW: I'm not willing to wager that the number relayed to me will end up being the final answer ... but I will say that it supposedly came from an e-mail originating in the NFL offices, via an acquaintance who works for one of the networks. (NOT ESPN, for what it's worth, and not anyone who posts on this board.) Goodell is not amused. At all.


    And completely speculating here -- what happens if the NFL investigation turns up proof that money exchanged hands with the bar owner and/or someone inside the local PD?

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