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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Hell, Kay Stephenson BENCHED Smith early in that season because he didn't think he was strong enough against the run.
  2. I wasn't aware that Mr. Brandt was in attendance at Bills minicamp? This is from someone who was: TBD favorite John Wawrow has also suggested an expanded role in the defense for Maybin, which directly contradicts what Dick Jauron said at the end of April about starting him out as strictly a DE: "'Aaron Maybin is a defensive lineman,' Jauron said. 'We plan to just play him as a defensive end, primarily in pass rush situations.'" That leads me to believe that he's picking stuff up quickly enough that the coaches feel comfortable throwing more of the playbook at him ... and to wonder who Brandt might have been talking to up here.
  3. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=90523 Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  4. Decent pay for a regular job, but not even close to 7K. http://www.nflplayers.com/user/template.as...=692&type=c
  5. Yup. Hed's not bad, Sphere, but this is already being discussed here and here ...
  6. Assuming he's still in Stage 2 of the treatment program (per Philly Inquirer when he played for the Eagles), the conviction guarantees at least four games. Little got eight when Tagliabue was still the commish. With Goodell, I'm thinking at least that many, and wouldn't be shocked -- or displeased -- to see a full season.
  7. You had me going right up until the last two words.
  8. Except that the AFL canceled its 2009 season ...
  9. Flutie last played in Canada 12 years ago, and Levy and Moon were involved with the league long before that. Bunch of guys with NFL experience are trying out for the UFL, and Fassel, Dennis Green, and Jim Haslett all have head-coaching experience.
  10. From Clark Judge's blog: http://www.cbssports.com/mcc/blogs/entry/6384866/15580028 Hearing from a different source that we might be able to replace "should" go to Vegas with "will." Guess we'll see.
  11. There's a PPP thread, but this is far too important a topic to restrict it to that board.
  12. Only three reasons? Don't forget the fact that he's still on the shelf following hip surgery, and wouldn't have been able to practice even if he had bothered showing up for their OTA's.
  13. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=86956 NFLN has since added Jason LaCanfora (former WaPo Redskins beat writer) and Matt Millen.
  14. Not sure that would be allowed. He wants a new contract based on his on-field performance. The Broncos, understandably, aren't ready to fork over a bunch of guaranteed money to someone with Marshall's OFF-the-field performance. And Denver just signed Brandon Lloyd. Sit out and rot, Marshall.
  15. Did you say the same thing in 1989?
  16. Right. The minute Obama says anything publicly in support of the protesters, it becomes "foreign powers trying to stir up dissent." That said, I'd like to think we're doing something to help. (Of course, that didn't work out so well in 1953 ...) National strike called for tomorrow.
  17. And so it begins: Youtube has been pulling a lot of stuff down, so I'm not sure how long this link will be active:
  18. You mean technology like this? Lots of people: http://twitpic.com/7gtbu http://i.friendfeed.com/f447b5d79cd90090d4...a6cc10a0f11ebb3 The government is trying to shut down the news feed, of course -- BBC's satellite has been jammed off and on since last night. But the protesters are responding in kind, hacking gov't Web sites. And people all over the world are using Twitter to pass along "safe" proxies and ways to get around the filters.
  19. 'Rents had a similar-sounding problem -- in-ground pool, cartridge filters. Think they have to soak the cartridges in some sort of acid solution, and then they're OK for a while. We both use Baquacil, FWIW. (Mine's just a little aboveground, 100-lb sand filter.)
  20. I hate to agree, but ... Twenty years ago, I was a naive 20-year-old spellbound by the reports coming out of Tienanmen Square. With that many people protesting, something good HAD to come out of it, no? And then the tanks rolled in, the "People's Army" made a couple thousand of their own countrymen disappear, and everyone else faded back into the shadows. I hope this has a different outcome, but the wrong side still has the weaponry. Another link: http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2009/06/15/tehran_two/
  21. Riots in the streets. And I'm not talking about Lakers fans. http://twitter.com/search?q=#iranelection http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8099952.stm http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/bahramks/Rio...882071862065202
  22. I don't think it was an ego thing. He'd been a head coach before, and was probably just waiting for another chance. You're right, though -- the K-Gun was at its absolute best when he was here.
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