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Everything posted by Lori

  1. FWIW, this was an assigned story, with each blogger arguing in favor of his division's team. Didn't stop me from wanting to when I read it, though. Carry on ...
  2. Because we're lazy. (Matt Cassel is the answer you seek.)
  3. You picked an odd post to reply to, especially considering the part you edited out: The few times my path crossed Losman's left me liking the kid and hoping he succeeded. But Bandit nailed it -- sometimes the other guy is better. Players change teams all the time, and the world moves on. Some people here DO hate Losman, just like some hated Bledsoe, or Rob, or Doug, or pretty much every high-profile player the Bills have acquired in the last 10 years. I still have problems understanding that level of fanaticism, but eh, whatever. For most here, though, the answer goes like this: we wish him good luck, but we'd rather watch someone else play quarterback for the Bills.
  4. Weck platter, with German potato salad, every time I'm in there. They bake their own rolls (along with all their desserts, which we unfortunately never have room for) and have two carving stations out front in the restaurant.
  5. Maybe so ... but I didn't like Cowherd to begin with, and the way he skewered RCWjr did nothing to change that impression. I spent about a year trying to talk Andy Roth into replacing him with a local show on GR, but had no luck.
  6. Considering that both the headline and the vast majority of the piece discussed drafting, does it really need the above edit for clarity? Eh, whatever. Were I Felser, I'd hope that my own readers would be able to arrive at that conclusion on their own.
  7. Gee. Big of him, considering all the airtime he wasted with Ralph-is-senile jokes after the CBA was passed in 2006. You know -- the one Ralph voted against, and ended up being right about?
  8. Just curious. Did people who feel compelled to point out the Walker/Dockery signings miss the headline of Felser's column? Sabres and Bills draft tough to fill needs The entire column is about the various leagues' entry drafts. He didn't write about Walker and Dockery because their signings were completely irrelevant to his point. While I'm on the topic of the draft, the two best o-lines in Bills history are the Electric Company and the Super Bowl-era group. Let's see how they lined up: EC: Bruce Jarvis (3a-1971), Donnie Green (5a-1971), Reggie McKenzie (2-1972), and Joe D (1b-1973) were all drafted. Dave Foley (Jets) and Mike Montler (Pats) arrived via trade. TE Paul Seymour (1a-1973) was an unofficial "third tackle." SB: The Bills used No. 1 picks on Jim Ritcher (1980), Will Wolford (1986), and John Fina (1992), and got lucky on House Ballard (11-1987), who would have been a UDFA under the current setup. Kent Hull and John Davis were the only FA acquisitions. And when Davis was injured, 1990 third-rounder Glenn Parker stepped in. Crunching the numbers, each group contains at least three Bills draftees selected in the top three rounds. (FWIW, Foley was also a first-round pick.) To compare, in the 14 years between the selections of Ruben Brown in 1995 and Eric Wood and Andy Levitre this past April, the organization selected a TOTAL of three first-to-third-round o-linemen: Robert Hicks (3-1998), Jonas Jennings (3b-2001), and Mike Williams (1-2002). Marv Levy ditched the last one, Williams, shortly after taking over as general manager ... and yet Brad Butler (5b-2006) was the only OL the Bills drafted before the seventh round in Levy's two seasons in the job. If you're trying to cobble together a line via free agency instead of building through the draft, be prepared to spend a lot of time patching holes.
  9. I'll be glad to answer this. The original question to Tim was posted shortly after midnight on June 30, on Page 23 of that thread. The conversation continued that evening and into the next morning; the "zero proof" quote he took issue with was posted at 10:17 a.m. on July 1. The posts I removed -- merely because I didn't want that thread to turn into a pissing match, like this one has become -- were timestamped at 11:21 a.m., 12:25 p.m., and 12:33 p.m. on July 1, following this reply by Tim: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?s=&am...t&p=1467005. If they hadn't been in the pinned thread, I doubt I would have taken any action. I'm beginning to rethink that line, but I still believe that I'd rather err on the side of removing too little content, rather than too much. The "Ask Tim" thread is an exception the moderating staff discussed before I started the first one -- there could be even more pruning done there, so he doesn't have to slog through off-topic stuff (including some from me, I'll admit). That said, if anyone here thinks someone else is crossing the line, there's a "report to moderator" button on every post. And if more people would heed this part of the TOS, even that might not be necessary:
  10. If only I could tolerate Cowherd long enough to listen to it ...
  11. Brady participated in the Pats' minicamp, and should be ready to go for training camp. Graham wrote about it last month: http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-8-169...to-impress.html Sorry to disappoint.
  12. To regurgitate a quote that I absolutely hate whenever someone uses it in an interview ... "it is what it is." People were so anxious for news about Michael Jackson's death that it crashed the freaking Internet. So of COURSE it's going to be covered. Not to turn this into a political thread, but there are some people in the media who haven't ignored the casualties in Iraq. Here's one: http://www.esquire.com/features/things-that-carried-him
  13. Man, you guys are O-L-D. (AOL here, circa 1994/Windows 3.1. Before that, my only online access was the compsci center at PSU while I was there in the mid-to-late '80s.)
  14. Just getting in from a weekend away... Absolutely shocked to hear this news yesterday afternoon. Although the "warrior" talk may be a bit over the top -- the guys and gals putting their lives at risk every day in Iraq and Afghanistan are warriors; multimillionaires playing a game not so much -- I always respected McNair's toughness. Yeah, I have my own suspicions about what happened in that condo, but checking the back page of this thread tells me that 1.) I'm better off keeping them to myself, and 2.) I probably don't want to read Pages 1-7. R.I.P., No. 9.
  15. Nope. They just wrapped filming it last week, and don't forget the house-hunting episode with Wawrow (the Buffalo AP sports writer) along for the ride.
  16. That's the AFL 50 logo all the teams in the "legacy" games will wear. Guessing the ugly one graces the current uniforms; they go well together.
  17. You're right about that, anyway ... It was Reed. Didn't even have to look it up. Which makes me wonder about some of the other stats in this thread, not that I give enough of a damn to actually fact-check all of them.
  18. Nah. He was just drafting off his teammates' heat. Um, wait. Who were his teammates in Philly, again? Oh, right. FredEx was there ...
  19. Oddly, I found it without too much trouble.
  20. Can't remember for sure, but he may have been the first one to start using it in the earliest days of TSW ...
  21. Didn't need the letters at the end of his name for that. I keed, I keed. 'Grats!
  22. How could there possibly be three other sites ahead of us?
  23. Because more likely than not, someone directly asked him about T.O. causing trouble in previous locker rooms?
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