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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Only the second half. (Unless you want to relive the leading role Collins played in the 26-0 start ...)
  2. I was going to razz you for "they're," but then I saw what you did there. Well played.
  3. Chillax. Big move's only a couple of days away, and last I knew, he was still looking for a place in B-lo. He'll be back.
  4. (I'm actually not kidding. My uncle owns a farm in that part of the state, and I end up using AOL dial-up when I visit them ...)
  5. No Bruschi hatred in this household. (Well, not more than any other Patriots player.) Hatred of the ESPN broadcast crew which all but anointed his return as the Second Coming? Absolutely. That's what makes the GR spoof so damn funny.
  6. Well, the commish is kind of busy right now -- he summitted Mount Rainier today, along with Seahawks coach Jim Mora, Jr. -- so it might be a few days yet. Also FWIW, for those of you who don't read the blog (for shame!), Tim's on vacation. No chats or mailbags on ESPN for the next three weeks, while the Grahams officially pack up and flee the sweltering South (weather.com sez it's 87 lovely degrees in Miami right now) to return to a place with actual football weather. So ... depending on how things go with that, he may or may not have much free time to hang out here. And once they get to Ohio, I'm not sure whether his 21st-century intarweb technology even works in Amishland ...
  7. Puppies, AND their squeaky toys. He went back after the toys, you know.
  8. Nope. The WGR bit, from October 2005, predated South Park's.
  9. "Half man, half god, half possible centaur ... either way, I wish he was my dad." That link was some of WGR's finest work ev-ah.
  10. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but the Panthers/steroids reference cinched it. Good call.
  11. Speaking of Tucker's column, I believe there was something in there about players on IR practicing (which is also against the rules), as well. Wouldn't help them for the game that Sunday, obviously, but gave younger players a jump-start on being ready for the following season ... something Paul Posluszny could have used after he broke his arm, for example.
  12. Now the members of PFWA are in on the conspiracy to sweep Spygate under the rug? For the second time in this thread, I have to ask: seriously? However, I'm completely with you on the thoughts about teams restricting access to their personnel. "Paranoia" and "duplicity" are words I've heard a lot lately.
  13. Interesting edit. Let's try that paragraph again, including the part you left out: Tim is using Edwards and Fiedler, the "insiders" to whom I referred, to make the point that it wasn't a big deal. I think there's room for debate. But no matter how much we dislike it, the record book isn't changing any time soon, so I've chosen to find other sources of stress in my life. Not quite sure where you drew the conclusion that I think "their videotaping offense was minor," but I hope you didn't draw it in ink.
  14. Is it over? Is it safe to turn the television on yet?
  15. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed seeing them get whacked with the $500K fine and the first-round pick, and I still employ an asterisk from time to time (mostly to push the buttons of any Patsfan trolls who wander into our neck of the woods). But whether or not it helped them -- and despite the insiders' opinions you've shared with us, I do think there's some room for reasoned debate there -- the league isn't sending repo men after their Lombardi Trophies. Given that, I see no real point to obsessing over it two years later. Then again, this is the board that still fires up a Flutie/Johnson flamewar every now and then just for old times' sake. Knowing your opinion on Spygate ahead of time, I had a pretty good idea how this thread was going to turn out. So ... good luck with that.
  16. Please don't tell me you're serious. The Boston Herald, the paper which originally BROKE the Rams walkthrough story -- and which still employs John Tomase, the writer who made Matt Walsh famous -- is now a "Pats* site"? That's like calling Jerry Sullivan a shill for the Bills' front office.
  17. Only trouble is, you have to buy a ticket to a Bisons game to get in ... Even though it was definitely jacket weather on Friday night, the BPO and the fireworks crew did their usual outstanding job. The Bisons, well ... they lost, of course, but at least the game didn't run past 9 p.m. So that was good, too.
  18. My goodness, this topic seems familiar. Oh, right -- that's because it is: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=88324 Welcome to merge-land.
  19. A previous thread on this story: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=91225
  20. Oh, absofriggin'lutely. I visited Boston the summer they drafted Bledsoe, and figured I could find some good football talk. Hah. Every time I brought up the Pats, the reply was, "They suck. Nobody cares about them." That was right around the time they sold 19,000 season tickets, too. No, wait, I'm giving them too much credit. Here's the actual quote from the Pats' weekly release, on the page where Krafty Bob brags about himself: To compare, while the Bills were in the high teens a couple of times (1978, '84-85), they haven't sold under 18,000 season tix since 1964.
  21. You would've liked my original version of that line even better, but if I'd posted it, I'd have to ban myself.
  22. If Cassel was still there, and Brady wasn't ready ... With Cassel in KC, 2008 third-round pick Kevin O'Connell -- whose only playing time during his rookie season came during garbage time of two blowouts -- is currently No. 2 on the depth chart.
  23. The 2001 Pats, the lovable underdogs who beat the mighty Rams, not so much of a laugh (although that Tuck Rule thing is still galling). The 18-and-D'oh! version running up the score, with Brady mocking Plax Burress' suggestion that the Giants could hold his finely-tuned offense to 17 points in Super Bowl XLII? I'd switch to watching rhythmic gymnastics before jumping on that team's bandwagon. BTW, Tommyboy, 17-14 -- and you didn't have the 17. Choke on that.
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