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Buffalo Super Fan

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Everything posted by Buffalo Super Fan

  1. The potential problem is what if 22 year old running athlete quarterback is all Josh Allen can do? At 27 years old his body can’t continue with that style of play. The issue I think is Josh Allen doesn’t want to put in the film study to make him a better quarterback like the great ones do. I don’t think the problem is all the offensive coordinator and the coaches. I think Josh Allen has Joe Namath issues too much into being a celebrity problems. Joe Namath never put in the time needed to be great he partied in the nightlife and didn’t protect himself from injuries when he played which we are starting to see with Josh Allen. Yes Joe Namath won a Super Bowl early in his career but he wasted a lot of his talent partying and too caught up running around with chasing women and celebrities around New York City and Los Angeles instead of focusing on what got him famous being a football player with the New York Jets. Maybe the Buffalo Bills organization like Sean McDermott don’t have the backbone to tell Josh Allen? But I wonder if Stefon Diggs has? That could potentially be the problem between those two who knows? But I do think the problem is Josh Allen needs to put in more film room and game plan study time and Josh Allen is still relying on his athletic ability to get by as a NFL quarterback like a high school student back in my day just winging the test with cliff notes instead of actually reading the Shakespeare book. Where Patrick Mahomes puts in the film room time and game plan study. When you get picked off first play of the game your are not putting in the film study time. Again Josh Allen can correct that but it is up to him. The Buffalo Bills can fire who ever and if Josh Allen doesn’t do the extra work there is nothing the Bills can do about it. Because Josh Allen already has the guaranteed money so it is up to Josh Allen at the end of the day in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  2. Yes but they are there for the party big event like a concert. They aren’t really big sports fans there what I call big event party people that want to just eat and drink in a large social gathering. Again nothing wrong with that but there not really having a in depth conversation about the game itself. Just like the teams need the party big event fans they can’t just have them only. I am sure the teams wish they could because they are easy to please with no team standards. But you lose them if the teams don’t have hard core sports fans with standards because then seats are empty and the party people are the first to run away if the stadium is half empty because then it isn’t a big event anymore in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  3. He had a lot of help the missed call with the offensive lineman on the last drive in there own end for the big play to get the New England Patriots in Buffalo Bills territory and the Bills were terrible yesterday tackling. Here is the deal ask the New England Patriots fan rubbing it in today you want Mac Jones or Josh Allen? I rest my case Josh Allen in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  4. Here is how I feel about Josh Allen in his prime untouchable. I would trade the entire Buffalo Bills team everyone including the trainers before I trade a talented player like Josh Allen. There is no way as a Bills fan for almost 50 years am I going back to everyone is great but the quarterback for 17 loser draught years again with no playoffs. That severely damaged me as a Bills fan that I prefer the UB Bulls football over the Bills today I am not a UB alum either because of crap like that. Sure I watched the Bills games during the draught but I was never the same again because I didn’t trust the Bills organization anymore after all that. That is what getting rid of a superstar quarterback in his prime would do. The final straw for me giving up my Bills season tickets was the Bills explaining away dumping Drew Bledsoe to the Dallas Cowboys after giving up all that draft capital and enjoying watching him zip the football down the field for loser JP Losman. Goodbye Bills season tickets it was the best thing I ever did regardless of the Bills organization calling begging to comeback. My live football was at UB plenty of parking for free, tickets were dirt cheap and 10 minutes UB Stadium was from my home. I never looked back that is what dumb moves do fewer are going to pay for that crap regardless if it’s the NFL shield. The Buffalo Bills organization can’t be stupid anymore about that stuff like that with a new very expensive stadium coming see the Buffalo Sabres attendance. Few real football fans the party fan won’t care but real football fans that are at the stadium for the football want to not have gifted and talented players on the Bills. The NFL shield doesn’t guarantee attendance if the quarterback plays like he can’t chew gum and throw 20 yards down the field in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  5. Exactly the Buffalo Bills organization and ownership missed the boat we should have kept Daboll the Buffalonian and fired Sean McDermott after 13 seconds. We also shouldn’t have given Sean McDermott more power becoming defensive coordinator firing Leslie Frazier that was a dumb move because you can’t even fire Sean McDermott tonight if you want to because this team has no defensive coordinator. I blame that on Terry Pegula being a clueless owner letting Sean McDermott seize that much power in the Bills organization. Some Bills fans think Sean McDermott is all golly gee trust the process. Sean McDermott seized a lot of power if it is Sean McDermott or Brandon Beane Beane doesn’t win that power struggle. Sean McDermott has become like New England Patriots head coach/GM Bill Belichick power wise coach and de facto GM in the Bills organization without winning 6 Super Bowls insanity. The Bills are a messed up organization. And believe me I don’t think Stefon Diggs wins that power struggle with Sean McDermott at some point the Bills will blame him for something and get rid of him. Sean McDermott is no fool he sucks up to Josh Allen because that is one man that Sean McDermott doesn’t win a power struggle with along with Terry Pegula and Pegula family members so he sucks up to those two groups. The sad thing is the Bills should have fired Sean McDermott two years ago and kept Buffalonian Daboll in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  6. Injuries of defense and this Buffalo Bills team doesn’t have the depth or the ability to acquire players because of the contractual commitments it has made in the future. Plus add in our defensive players are getting older and you have a declining Bills team that needs major youth movement this offseason in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  7. What? I don’t see how losing to the New England Patriots and Bill Belichick a last place team in the AFC East today is a good thing in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  8. I get it but after while you want Buffalo to actually win one for us Buffalo fans. I am tired of rooting for Bob McAdoo to get a ring with the Los Angeles Lakers. Dominik Hasek getting a ring with the Detroit Red Wings. Jack Eichel with the Vegas Golden Knights after a while it gets old and you ask yourself what the heck are our Buffalo sports organizations that we put trust and faith in are doing? I am at 99.9% blame ownership today weather it is there fault or not. And it is because of the just ridiculousness of the past 5 decades of missed field goals, no goals and bad officials calls for Buffalo sports teams. That is how you become like Buffalo Super Fan all the just stuff it builds up over time and you stuff it deep down inside and try to forget about it but it is always there how is Buffalo going to screw it up. You can only say golly gee wiz wait until next year for so long. Then add cities like Miami winning tons of majorchampionships that could care less about all there team’s winning 2 World Series, 2 Super Bowls, multiple NBA championships and NCAA championships in college football and here is Buffalo waiting and waiting. I had a hard time rooting for Sam Reinhart on the Florida (Miami) Panthers. I don’t feel warm and fuzzy inside with where he went Miami. Then the ease that the Vegas Golden Knights won a Stanley Cup in 6 years it is ridiculous it just adds to the ridiculous of our Buffalo sports teams failures. At some point rooting for former Buffalo players winning championships isn’t enough you want Buffalo to actually win one for us in Buffalo in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  9. Yes Von Miller is over the hill but contract wise the Buffalo Bills are most likely stuck with him for next season. Von Miller got his Super Bowl ring he is happy in Buffalo. I would keep an eye on is Stefon Diggs who doesn’t have a Super Bowl ring and is going to be 32 years old. I think that is going to be a huge issue at season end. Also letting Stefon Diggs go is a mistake I wouldn’t do that. I could see Stefon Diggs on the Kansas City Chiefs to pick up a Super Bowl ring with Patrick Mahomes. While the Bills dilly dally blaming Ken Dorsey like that is going to fix the Bills problems see how that turned out blaming Leslie Frazier same deal? Von Miller is probably here longer than a lot of us Bills fans will like because he isn’t chasing a Super Bowl ring he has one already in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  10. Halloween 1978 I was 10 years old at one of Buffalo’s many drive ins back in the day in my pajamas in our car sitting next to my dad stuffing my face with snacks back when people weren’t crazy with you shouldn’t eat this or that like some people are today. When I was a kid you could get a candy bar for .15 cents and a large pizza was $5 sports tickets and concerts were dirt cheap compared to today everything is a rip off young people don’t know any better they think it’s a bargain well it isn’t in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  11. The Buffalo Sabres went forward instead of playing too much in there own end. The Sabres tonight against the New York Islanders drove to the net. The Sabres need to do that more if they want to be successful this season in my opinion. Go Sabres! Let’s Go Buffalo
  12. Huge road win for the Buffalo Bulls over the Kent State Golden Flashes. UB Bulls are right where they want to be now it is up to the UB Bulls players. If you want to win the MAC East you have to beat the Miami and the Ohio’s. It should be a fun run the rest of the MAC season looking forward to the Halloween game against the Toledo Rockets in my opinion. UB Horns Up! Go Bulls! Let’s Go Buffalo
  13. How good is Josh Allen? I have followed the Buffalo Bills since 1975. The three best football players I have ever seen on the Buffalo Bills are in number order. 1. Josh Allen 2. O.J. Simpson 3. Bruce Smith I didn’t grow up watching the 1960’s Buffalo Bills so I can’t rate Cookie Gilchrist and players like that. Josh Allen just on his short body of work is number one and I have been watching the Bills for almost 50 years. Josh Allen is the best Buffalo Bills player. Now Josh Allen isn’t John Tavares of the Buffalo Bandits until he wins a Super Bowl. John Tavares is the best Buffalo player in uniform I ever saw play for a Buffalo sports team college or professionally he won as a player 4 times and once as a coach he is number one for me as a Buffalo sports fan in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  14. He won’t get NFL ownership unless he buys it in a ownership group in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  15. Neither one is that good I rather have Van Miller with his bad eyes at the end of his career then either one of these two Buffalo Bills play by play announcers. I blame the university and colleges training announcers in a television style instead of the other way around training them in a radio description style. They both can’t help they weren’t schooled right and just lack the talent Van Miller had in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  16. Look the only lose that I was unhappy as a Buffalo Bills fan happened while I was sick in the hospital was the opener against the New York Jets. That Bills loss was a embarrassment and is why the Bills aren’t in first place in the AFC East. It was a really bad loss that could potentially cost this Bills team big time at the end of the regular season. There was no reason for the Bills to not be prepared and the Bills were healthy so no excuse for that in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  17. I don’t know why this matters for Buffalo Bills fans? We don’t really know and really who cares if doesn’t effect the Bills anymore plus the NFL is a very competitive business. I don’t want Sean McDermott not competitive smiling and clowning around with the enemy opposing head coach as far as I am concerned. If you are not a Buffalo Bill anymore you are the enemy that is how sports work in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  18. Of course he is he makes the NFL owners lots of money in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  19. The Buffalo Bills should have worn there throwbacks with the standing red Buffalo for this game between two old AFL teams in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  20. No I don’t want Sean McDermott fired if the Buffalo Bills don’t make the playoffs this season. First Don Granato needs to be fired if the Buffalo Sabres miss the playoffs this season regardless if it is only one point he needs to go if the Sabres don’t make it. I would hire Michael Peca as the new Sabres head coach. I don’t think the Buffalo Bills are Super Bowl contenders right now that window closed for now and the Bills need to rebuild on the fly in the draft. The Bills need offensive line badly, secondary help on defense and a go to running back with elite talent not above average talent before I start looking at Sean McDermott. With one exception if Bill Belichick became available I am interested as a Bills fan. Bill Belichick coaching a elite quarterback in Josh Allen would be the only exception where I would fire Sean McDermott. If Bill became available Sean goes as head coach only for Bill Belichick Brandon Beane would still be the Bills GM. Because I have no interest in Bill Belichick as a GM in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  21. Maurice Linquist could lose all the rest of the UB Bulls football games and he is back next year and the next few seasons regardless because of his contract has too much term on it for UB donors to just buy out unfortunately so asking for that isn’t happening. What UB can do is the Wade Phillips Ronnie Jones deal and make Maurice Linquist fire his incompetent offensive coordinator friend or be fired himself for insubordination is the only way to try and right the UB Bulls football ship. The UB new offensive coordinator is way over his head and should be replaced at season end. I would also look to fire UB AD Mark Allnut he created this mess along with extending UB men’s basketball coach Jim Whitesell’s contract is enough just cause to fire the UB athletic director in my opinion. UB Horns Up! Go Bulls! Let’s Go Buffalo
  22. Yes and USC Trojans finally removed there track but they had one at Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum for years. Also Buffalo Civic Stadium/Buffalo War Memorial Stadium use to have a race track around it in the 1940’s and 1950’s so yes it’s a built in parroting excuse to really not wanting to go to the game which is fine. Buffalo Bills fans use to watch the Buffalo Bills behind a pole at the old Buffalo War Memorial Stadium. I saw Buffalo Bisons games at Buffalo War Memorial Stadium you went because you were a Buffalo sports fan. You either want to go or you don’t. I would still go to Buffalo Bisons games at War Memorial Stadium behind a pole today because I am a Buffalo sports fan and a Buffalo Bisons fan. The UB Bulls could play at Tim Buck Too and I going to the UB Bulls game because I love the UB Bulls you either want to go or you don’t in my opinion. UB Horns Up! Go Bulls! Let’s Go Buffalo
  23. Yes long term I think UB should work towards a new football stadium. But I will say I don’t think it would happen until the mid 2030’s at earliest after the Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Sabres are taken care of in my opinion. UB Horns Up! Go Bulls! Let’s Go Buffalo
  24. My guess a wildcard game, win a wildcard and out in the second round in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
  25. I would add do you have any type of sports experience over the violin. Because if you played or coached any sport at the high school or college level it’s basically the same type of commitment you got to love the game. I coached baseball at one time a long time ago when I was thinking about going into coaching and physically education in college. I was a team manager in basketball for the Canisius Golden Griffins. Even for that Division I basketball two a day practices usually weight lifting and conditioning at 6 AM. Then breakfast, classes, lunch, more classes than 3 PM basketball practice sometimes it would be reversed weight training in the afternoon and practice in the morning than dinner, study hall, bed. That is your day every day during the Griffs college basketball season. If you don’t love it forget it. It takes a huge commitment that is just for Division I college. If you are Army, Navy etc add military duty at 4 AM than the weight lifting at 6 AM than everything else I mentioned. My respect goes out for the student athletes at military schools the committee is incredible. I was just a team manager at Canisius and I was exhausted during the basketball season and I didn’t play. So I know the commitment it takes. Vince Lombardi coached basketball at one time as a high school coach. He coached at Army the man was committed. So it isn’t like you can’t pick it up especially if you grew up watching the game. It’s all the same deal you got love the game. Lionel Messi has the same make up as Tom Brady the goal is to win. Same with coaching you can pick it up pretty easily if you grew up with the game as a kid. I don’t doubt Don Shula would have been successful whatever sport he coached because he had it. Organization, detail oriented and actually had a clue. Sean McDermott could coach another sport and be successful because he has a lot of the same qualities I mentioned that Don Shula had. Football, basketball, baseball it’s basically focus and commitment to a single goal to win it has nothing to do with music that is totally different in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo
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