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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. And good catch, Ghost. I remember that game, but not really until you brought it up.
  2. I’m not anticipating a repeat. However, if it makes you feel better they split with the Dolphins, then.
  3. https://www.google.com/search?q=2021+patriots+schedule&client=safari&hl=en-us&ei=WxI1YdLEMKOl5NoPhJGDmAQ&oq=2021+patriots+&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYADIFCAAQkQIyBQgAEJECMgUIABCABDILCAAQgAQQsQMQgwEyBQgAEJECMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BwgAEEcQsAM6CgguELADEEMQkwI6BggAEAcQHjoICAAQCBAHEB46BggAEAgQHjoFCAAQhgM6BggAEBYQHkoECEEYAFCvQFiEemDtlQFoAXACeACAAW6IAaYHkgEEMTAuMZgBAKABAcgBCcABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz#sie=t;/m/05g3b;6;/m/059yj;mt;fp;1;; Amen, Brother HUDS. Additionally, forgive me for not losing sleep on a team we haven’t lost to since 2019. 😁😉 btw, rundown the schedule yourselves. I could see them making a strong start, but I have them at 9-8. 10-7 if I am being generous. https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/schedule/_/name/ne sorry for the multiple attempts to link to their schedule. Losses to Tampa, Dallas, Cleveland, Tennessee, and us twice gets you to six. 7 if you want….I think San Diego can beat them. and that’s sweeping Miami which I gave them for the sake of argument, but I think is unlikely.
  4. jones translation: I want them out of Buffalo…now.
  5. You know how sometimes around here some people come in and tell you, “relax” and “who cares what they think” and “wait for the season”? I’m not one of them. This is b***s*** nonsense from SI and I agree with you completely. A member of this board, a friend of mine who was in ear shot of BB a few years ago at an exclusive setting heard him say, “I’m a .500 coach without Brady.” It wasn’t hyperbole regardless of his past successes. I just don’t see that this year from them. Additionally, first place schedule woes my a** with respect to the Bills, that some have said on why they will faulter. At worst I think our boys go 12-5. At worst. However if they go 11-6 I don’t think anyone in the division is tying them at that record.
  6. Even if I am following you tightly once you suddenly pivot…man, I’m dead. I don’t know how they do it sometimes. I would be a big advocate of allowing pass interference again, if my job was as a CB.
  7. I don’t know if it is the hardest, but the idea of chasing someone who knows where they are going (and you don’t) and is running at full speed…all game long…sucks.
  8. Thank you, as always my friend. BTW, a little bit of a moot point for me as I was home during lunch and there is underground work going on in my neighborhood and I lost my internet! 😅
  9. Promo we be clear on "free"? We don't need to purchase ESPN+ then, we just need the ESPN app/ WatchESPN?
  10. I read this news and I am outraged. So much so I will physically fight someone in defense of our fair team, and city's, honor and if need be I will willingly die* for it. (* I will not die for it, are you kidding me? Most of you around here don't even like me and I am going to die for your pride? Get bent! If put under any sort of physical duress I will most assuredly plead for my very life, possible cry, and most definitely p*** myself in the hopes that those standing over me will take pity on this poor excuse for a man. GO BILLS, though! )
  11. Brother, you and I have cut the same swath throughout history.  Given your post we are essentially spot on contemporaries.


    Not a surprise at all!


    Go BILLS!

    1. machine gun kelly

      machine gun kelly

      Luv ya buddy.  Call any time.  Dan.


      727-637-9706.  I don’t give out digits unless you’re a hot chick, but you keep yelling at me. 😇👏😜👌💪

  12. Couldn’t agree more. Absolutely get over yourselves, guys, there is nothing even aesthetically wrong with this helmet. Please, by all means wax on about how terrible the exact same charging Buffalo is while using all the same colors of the current uniform. Also the suggestion is for an alternate, not a replacement.
  13. Thank you, Nuch. Especially when you consider that Ben isn’t Brady or Rodgers in the sense that 3/4s of the way through your career you don’t decide, “now, I’m going to be healthy” and everything will be hunky-dory. That’s not the way taking care of yourself for your career works. That’s how “I don’t want to die soon” works.
  14. If the bills are in for close to 50% then I am fine with the county and state on the other half. My problem would be if the Bills were asking for the public to be in for all of it.
  15. Boy, Billy…solid. I was their for SB XXV myself. One of the vendors took pity on me on the way back to our RV and gave me a Bills banner for free. My days are longer behind me than they are in front of me and this is a feeling I wish I could experience just once. Stay healthy, team, play smart, and win…please.
  16. commenting about time limits is sooo couple of minutes ago.
  17. @Alphadawg7 Your Best To Date I am essentially with you on 53 out of 53. I am comfortable in rolling with Alpha Roster 3.0 at kickoff in 2 weeks. Well done and well reasoned my friend.
  18. 🙄 Please, if I had a nickel for every Bills fan I heard moved to Belize… 😂👍
  19. I officially feel like I am 100 years old. it’s weird, Bocce, because that team…I mean you just felt the plethora of superstars and mvps. We had the holy trinity: QB WR RB. No disrespect, but as good as we are on offense we have 2/3. Additionally, and unbelievable to say this, I had more faith then in Metz at TE than in our guys today. Additionally that Oline was ridiculous. Even though we had great defenders in the 1990s and maybe the best DE of all time I honestly give the easy nod to the current D. I mean easy. Is it a wash? No, but maybe a slight edge to the 90s, albeit I hope the 21s prove me wrong.
  20. 2 things, first I had original picked the Browns, but then realized…dang that will be a tough division so I picked KC. Sexond, for those of you that picked other, I need to know who you had in mind. Not judging, just curious. I’ll reserve the judgment for later. 😁 Raiders? Miami?! San Diego?
  21. The laughing makes the tears sting less and thankfully the booze makes everything wash away and leaves me fresh as a daisy. A gutter sleeping daisy awash in my own sick, but a daisy nonetheless.
  22. The Bills will be there for two reasons: to kick ass and to file their 3rd quarter 2021 State and Federal Income Tax Forms… …and they’ll be aaaalllll done filing their 3rd quarter 2021 State and Federal Income Tax Forms!
  23. “No, no, no!” *Checks last year’s schedule…269 games out of 269 games played. Only league in pro sports to get in every game.* Tilt head, parse lips, shrug ”Meh…go ahead.” *cue up “Curb Your Enthusiasm” theme*
  24. So thoroughly enjoyed this, Ja. Thank you. Look, I can be hard on Madden because I have played it for years. On and off, mind you, and not very well. If you have disdain for the game due to a lack of competition, I agree with you. NFL, please cure this after the next contract expires. However, for those of you who have disdain for this "game" because it is not real I feel bad for you. There is a great amount of joy derived from actually controlling and strategizing the action, with fairly realistic graphics that put you in the middle of everything. It has its warts, yes, but in the wake of either writing or talking about this team as you wait for Sundays this just adds a pleasant additional option. GO BILLS!
  25. Lyndon, respectfully, how many younglings around here probably don't even know what Zima is (was) until they look it up? Honestly, it is not worth your time, but jeepers it was huge years ago...and then died.
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