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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. I hear ya and agree with you 95% on this one, Dan. Although I would consider Lynch if he were still there. However, I am leaning more and more towards hoping and praying that Willis will be there... ...which means he won't be there.
  2. If we don't get Turner then i absolutely love the above. Nice job Horus.
  3. DB-94, from what you know of these guys do you think or feel they are ready to start? I think that is a fair question b/c i believe there was a feeling last year that Simpson was going to be able to see the field early in his first year at safety, where as they knew Youboty, although highly touted, was going to need a little time.
  4. I disagree with you that our other young LBs can step up with Crowell and Ellison. However, I'll go along with you as long as you can give me the name of a potential LB in the 3rd round who could start for us.
  5. I'll agree with you, mainly b/c I don't want to appear idiotic.
  6. I agree completely, disco. You can't see it but my emoticons eyes were rolling. I just was using those two as examples of what gives todays NFL bloggers the warm and fuzzies with respect to what teams should do. Additionally, I wish I could remember it exactly, but I remember Marv Levy's press conference after the draft last year when one of the reporters seriously questioned the Bills' picks and (I believe) stated that most NFL analysts said it was a bad move and Marv simply replied that he trusts his scouts and staff for putting the Bills together more than NFL analysts. I might be a little off on that but that is essentially what happened. Priceless! Nice job, Marv. Although i would hate to lose Modrak, but I'll believe his gone when I see it.
  7. Absolutely. I was just more so commenting about the "State of the Bills" that came out of the article.
  8. Nice! Guys, I know we're "homers" but come on, lately, any 5 of us can knock the hell out of most of these arguments or comments that the "analysts" have been saying about the Bills. It doesn't necessarily make us right, it just makes them look bad.
  9. Jeez, I'm so sick of the "sky is falling" national media outlet commentaries with respect to this team. A couple of quick hits here, If I may: 1. I believe I am correct when i say that come the 2007 season, we'll have only 3 starters 30 and over and no one over 31 - youth; 2. After we draft or trade, almost the entirety of our starting defense we'll either be contractual obligated or restricted free agents for no less than 2, most likely, 3 years to come - stability; 3. Most of the current (Triplett), new (Walker, and McCargo - remember him) or possibly, soon to be (Willis) defensive players are compatible with our implementation of the Tampa 2 defensive scheme - experience or scheme knowledge; 4. There is little argument that our OL that got better last year (5-4 finish) was made, through free agency, better this year, and with a little depth - upgrade; 5. I have little doubt that either through a trade (Turner) or the draft (Lynch, Pittman) we will get a faster, more hands efficient RB that, at least for a little while, wants to be here - stability, consistency, youth, skill; 6. The guy protecting JPs blind side should probably come into his own this year as one of the best tackles in the business - experience, skill, stability, youth; 7. Cap wise, we are going to be in a good position after this year to sign JP and Evans (should they flourish) which along with our upcoming draft moves, FA so far, and our recent signings will contractually obligate a majority of our improved and improving OF for no less than 2, most likely, 3 years to come - stability; 8. We are getting back the NFL's 11th rated QB, along with our "should have been a Pro Bowler" WR - youth, stability, experience, skill and I could go on and on. Please forgive me for not feeling worse about my team, its direction and its leadership. Can anyone tell me how we go about signing Lavaar Arrington or Chris Brown?
  10. You stole the words from right out under my finger tips. If he did not suffer his injury last year i would still grade him as worthless.
  11. I can't stress this enough: I have honestly felt for years that Lavaar Arrington is and has been THE most overrated player in NFL. I watched teams throw money at him after essentially having only one career year. I've talked about this with friends and it has always been one of the more baffling things about the NFL. It was even more annoying during nationally televised games when announcers would repeatedly comment about how great he is; only to watch him play poorly during that particular game. I ask you honestly, did this guy make a deal with the devil?
  12. Yes, yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, I'M MAKING SUPER HUMANS!!!!!! No, I'm just an idiot, I mean Patrick Willis.
  13. Willis Branch will fit right into are system at LB...generallee83, we'll be reeaaaaaaal good at the position if we get him, and we'll be real young with a core of starting guys that will be around for awhile.
  14. I think I agree. Get Turner, pick up Branch in the first round, possible get a DB with our other third round pick...that's a mighty fine day one to me.
  15. Sorry, I must be out of my gourd b/c I am quite pleased with this off season. Nice pick-ups, question marks removed from the team, draft picks acquired, malcontents ejected (sorry, I love TKO, but he also qualifies a little bit as a malcontent - see last years comments about JP). I will miss TKO, as well as you do. However, I will miss the 2004 TKO, not the 2007 version. The same way I missed the Chris Spielman we signed and not the one we let go.
  16. Agreed. It is also ridiculous and, additionally, a little annoying because essentially it appears it is coming from lazy reporters who did not realize that JP Losman had a good season last year (especially in the 2nd half of the year) and are lumping Buffalo in with other teams with QB problems based upon there memories of, "JP = Bad QB." I get so tired of this from national reporters. Please, some genius tell us again how bad our 06 draft was.
  17. A draft day trade for an unproven back-up that everyone seems to love. hmmmmm, where have I heard this before? No matter what, though, i want a RB either in the first or second round, or by a trade like this for Turner.
  18. How delusional can they be? Don't they have the Red Sox to talk about?
  19. I was at the game. And why should anyone believe me over the 500,000 other people who have said that they were at the game? I was lucky enough to have a box seat on that day. 28-3 at halftime, so what. No way i was going to pass-up free chicken wings, roast beef, pizza and drinks. I still went nuts, though, in that third quarter. When I was driving home i called my buddy who was sitting in another section and left the game at halftime (by the way, my cell phone back then was almost the size of a one liter bottle today) and I could not stop screaming to him about "The greatest comeback in NFL history!!" What i really miss is that I lost my VHS tapes that i made of Gameday later that evening.
  20. Did any of the five highlights show Thurmal blocking? The talent he had for taking guys out at his size always seems to be left off his resume, except by us Bills fans.
  21. I thought, according to the Buffalo News and Clump, that we are at the very least comfortable with our cap situation. However, the Sportsline/Xchange article from the 17th makes it seem like we're right up against it. What gives, please?
  22. Death, taxes and playing the patriots after their bye week...ah, the certainties of life.
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