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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. Yeah, I'm a little surprised b/c i really thought the Ravens were one of the worst teams (which sort of...they still are) and people were overrating Cincy, but I still thought Cincy was going to handle them easily. Marvin Lewis is a man in trouble.
  2. Promo, it does get tiresome, doesn't it? I mean some times it's so OBVIOUS that you wonder whether they are kidding or not. BTW, how long before they start ripping on Gill now that they are no longer the flagship station for UB Football AND b/c they don't really like football anyways?
  3. Fear the Roo, my friend, FEAR THE ROO!!!! GO AKRON ZIPS!!!!!!!!! It is just a coincidence that i graduated from that fine Ohio institution of higher learning.
  4. Straight to my point and then comments: What about 3 preseason games, with the third game being played, as is with starters into the third quarter, then no games the week b/f the season starts, followed by no byes until after week four and, I know this is crazy, the byes will be by division with divisional opponents playing each other the following week? - So many times we've heard coaches tell us how important that last preseason game is for looking at young talent. However, I remember (in one instance) where we had a young RB (Gray, i think, correct me if I'm wrong) who ran for 100 yards during the last PS game against Detroit, and also led the team in rushing in the PS (250 yds)...only to be cut. I never bought into that argument by coaches and i don't think they need it. - The teams have been in there since July, give them the week off (3 days like normal bye weeks) just to get ready for the season and get healthy. - the above will lessen the need for any one to have a bye only 3 weeks into the season. - My last point above is obviously not the first time it has been brought up. There is no reason NOT to create schedules this way and there is no reason why the bills, or anyone else for that matter, should have multiple games against teams coming off of byes, and certainly no reason to play the Patriots after their bye 4 times in 5 years. Hey, I know there isn't any chance of this, but I just felt like saying it.
  5. Honestly? It was the best preseason game I saw so far this year. It was a lot of fun; lot of action, lot of movement by both teams. ...also, I'm an alum from the University of Akron so seeing Frye do well didn't suck.
  6. Really on the plus side, and a little bit of a tangent to this thread as i mentioned above, I do think we'll see a new contract for Lee Evans either late this week or early next week.
  7. It is true what you said above. ...but I believe that tradition pertains more to someone like Lee Evans rather than Jason Peters.
  8. I thought that the day of the trade. I thought that last season. I thought that all off season. ...and I'm thinking that as I type this, and I'm just as giddy. Baltimore.
  9. I loves me some sweet history/trivia like this. Ken! God, you guys, imagine if you could go back in time and let those guys know what became of what they created. MR. PEABODY, FIRE UP THE WAY-BACK MACHINE!!! "Yes, Mr. Halas, yes. You heard me right. There are going to be DOMED stadiums...in warm weather cities. To protect you from the sun."
  10. Not at all, Bill. forgive my subtle sarcasm; I'm thinking he would be a dynamite choice. I just hope the players realize that, as well. Note: i am not suggesting that it would be smooth sailing b/w the Union and Ownership, just that Troy would be a great choice for the job at hand.
  11. R.I.P. to Gene, and prayers to all those suffering from Cancer. Troy Vincent is highly intelligent, would work hard for his players, but still bring common sense to the position... ...he might not stand a chance.
  12. I logged in, instead of my normal trolling, just to give props to you, beerball, on how brilliant this is. Thank you...and i am one of those old enough to remember.
  13. Tremendous and then LABillzFan fan slams NBC, Awesome!
  14. I like your thinking, ganesh. Great post. Also, great thread, Tipster19.
  15. Bush thinks July (it was in an IGN article) but I don't know whether he was just being optimistic. Additionally, tennesseeboy makes a great point which I've previously endorsed, but which I sometimes forget; we should stay away at speculative picks at this stage. I do like Bush but we probably should not draft him.
  16. I agree with you, Kuile. Look, I'm not holding my breathe, but this is a guy I think has a chance of being special somewhere down the road. As opposed to other positions, I think it is worth taking a gamble on him even if we get a RB in R 2.
  17. Interesting, Bagel, and we are obviously starting to see a trend here in the first and second round. However, I'm wondering if we are actually seeing what these guys truly believe or really just the "trend" as we get closer to the draft?
  18. Thank you Bagel, I agree with your questioning of the Marten pick, especially considering the bodies we already have in place at that position. I believe whether our day one picks are filling in starting holes or not that these picks should be in positions where they could start shortly. For example, with the personnel on this team I doubt that a third round DT or OL is going to see much action or even run the risk of seeing much action. However, another LB or potentially a RB that dropped (Bush) could show something early, even if they are not penned in as starters. If given my druthers, and considering the state of our lines, I would rather look for a back-up OL or big DT in the later rounds, depending on availability, of course.
  19. Great post, JoeF. Additionally, although some may question certain things character-wise in the personal life of Eric Moulds, I think he exemplified what you stated. When he was drafted in the first round he was a great talent but did not make a dent for the first couple of years. I remember reading an article in the paper wherein either Eric realized or Andre Reed prodded him about the fact that it is not enough in the NFL to be a great athlete, but it is the extra time you put in, above and beyond, that makes you successful in this League and puts you in that next category. As you state JoeF, Mike Williams is a great example of the contrary; jeez, he had all the tools in the world to become great, he just seemingly did not want to work at it. Additionally, does anyone here old enough remember a pudgy, first overall draft pick by the name of Bruce Smith? A guy who was having an OK career in his first two years, who then decided that he was much, much more than what he was showing early in his career, and was willing to put the time and effort into being great as opposed to just being good. He did not just rely on the fact that he was the first overall pick, more so he relied on his own success being the engine that kept pushing him forward. Again, nicely done, JoeF.
  20. Again, if true, then I could not agree with you more. Nice info and good post, DM.
  21. You had me at "Sure." Even if he can, we're still going to go high with a LB, albeit it opens up our options.
  22. Not to get touchy here, but yes, when they first brought him in (I believe post Moulds, pre-Price) they were DEFINITELY hoping that he would contribute to the WR position. Secondly, It would be nice if they could get a receiver in here that could do both (what was that guys name, Tasker something). Thirdly, to be kind, your logic to letting Davis go as a precursor or omen to us getting Pittman (not saying it won't happen) is tenuous, at best. Jeepers, we need this draft to happen soon.
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