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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. As I live and breathe, please let me never read the phrase 'Queue up the Boys II Men" on this Board ever again.
  2. Hell, ebb, if it keeps his head together I say pullout the Kazoo helmet and slap it on him.
  3. Forgot about him completely. BTW, do you think when he finally retires he's going to sweat out the five years until his eligible for the Hall, or just be nonchalant, like a Pro. Who am I to judge. He has 146 receptions and 12 more TDs in the NFL over the 10 years than I do.
  4. Nice read. Thanks, KO30. BTW, the stat that no Bills TE has caught more than 34 balls and 3 TDs since 2001...stinks. You really just have to see it in writing first before you really say to yourself, "what the hell have we done at TE this decade?!"
  5. I'm thirding this after nero47, unless I did read far enough to see if others have beat me to it.
  6. This would be a great answer if it wasn't for the fact that we know Jauron is going to do the same thing this week and play Edwards on a very limited basis, and he pretty well has stated as much.
  7. Well said, my friend, and, although i would hate it, would it be better if Edwards goes down and we had Vick...Yeah, damn straight it would be. The more important thing is that you made no comment with respects to my suggestion to pan-sear deer meat, the only proper way to get true flavor and juiciness out of it. I'll forgive the avoidance if you are making sausages out of it, or if you are marinating it, but no other excuse, rp.
  8. Since we are bouncing things around would you guys take Charlie Frye? I've seen flashes of him with Cleveland and Seattle. I'm not saying go get him, but if he were out there, I'd grab him. Also, I know you guys are going to hate this , but if Kitna got let go I'd take him. Hey, beggers can't be choosers.
  9. rpcolosi, no offense my friend and fellow bills fan, but you are missing my point, well, some of my point, that's cool, though. (actually, maybe you do, may be you don't) Hey, I am glad you are a hunter, hell, I love hunters, you want to bring the venison over my friend, I will give you the address and i promise to do it up in the the skillet to make it nice and juicy...mmmm deer meat!!! The mistake, is grilling it, too lean to grill!!! Check Petrino's post who I quoted from, I was mainly agreeing with his thoughts. However, i highly doubt, as a dog owner, you would do what was indicated in that Real Sports story. if you did though, I doubt I would cheer for you.
  10. Two cats right now and I hope to get a dog some day. I couldn't agree with you more, Petrino. I can forgive Michael Vick, but I don't think I can forget enough to cheer for the guy when he crosses the endzone in a Bills jersey. ...sorry, I just can't. PS - sorry to make this more horrible, but during an episode of Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel last year I saw in a story they were doing on dog fighting that they will kidnap long since domesticated and gentle dogs out of people's yards, tape their mouths shut, and let them be tortured as training fodder for the fight dogs. ...so, you out there tell me that I should cheer for him?
  11. I read my post again and considering my poor writing skills I thought to myself why didn't I just say, "great point, cincy, I agree." but nnoooooo I had to get wordy!!! Yeah, I want to see the goods, too. He needs to get in.
  12. It is who we are, Todd. We are powerless to fight it.
  13. Lets see here, Just Jack decided to post, OK, blah blah blah, Oh, there's pictures, OK, I'll just click and see...and I am still heterosexual, good to know very good to know. Man, they have great skin.
  14. Man, you guys, this is the 800 lbs gorilla in the room that people outside of this board don't talk about. "Oh, the line has issues" "Is T.O. going to cause problems." "I don't know if Edwards is a true starter in this league." ??????????? Uh, no, talking heads, how about, "Is it my imagination or are the Bills' DEs getting eaten alive?"
  15. You and I are normally on the same page, stuckincincy, especially lately. So please don't mind if I feel the need to second your posts. I couldn't agree more with you more, my friend, and very well said. Maybin - either tack 5% onto last year's #11 pick salary, or do subtle derivations between the closest signed guys to you, top and bottom, come up with a number and get into to camp.
  16. Thanks, Billistic, that was a mystery from watching the game last night. No one seemed to even acknowledge Rhodes not playing on the telecast, although i may have missed something.
  17. I'm sorry, but aren't a lot of you guys leaving out that fact that before Vick even went to jail a couple of years ago that he really wasn't that good of a quarterback? Do some of you think, and I am not knocking you if you do, that going away to jail and not playing any football for years gave him insight to be a better and smarter QB than the one we have now?
  18. I had this conversation with Bagel a couple of weeks ago. No chance for Ruben Brown? 4 time all-pro and nine time pro bowler in 13 season. I'm not saying he's a lock and I am not even saying that he gets in, but I'd probably ease off that "no chance" tag.
  19. So, he may be signed in time to play in 4 preseason games? Um, yeah, I guess that kinda works for me. No harm, no foul.
  20. Nice J666. I only have one gripe with your final 53 and it is the same as others have mentioned here. Youbouty WILL make this team.
  21. Man, do I feel stupid. I did not even know we could do that with DirecTV, and I've had it for 8 years, and the HD box for 2.
  22. Don't, Dave, seriously, don't. Don't go there, because I was one of those whinny little b******* all those years ago that would have loved for us to be in the Central division - wherein the furthest city away from us, driving wise, is still closer than our closest opponent in the East - wherein Baltimore would have been a natural fit in the East, as we would in the central - wherein all the teams are at the pretty much same pay scale - WHEREIN BILL PARCELS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN LINKED TO EVERY OTHER AFC EAST FRANCHISE EXCEPT FOR US!!! SO DON'T GO THERE OR I...WILL...LOSE IT!!!!!!!!! Peace, Bills brethren and sisteren.
  23. best response ever. Nice, M & M.
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