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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. I didn't need to read the article, figoferreira. Your subject line and four letter comment told me enough. ...I was thinking of another four letter word for it, but the one you chose handles my opinion amply enough.
  2. Also, Darth, I believe he is planning on selling the team and doesn't want to strap new ownership with large contracts they may not be interested in...even Peppers.
  3. That would be great, and if that happens, I HOPE NBC would have at least some interest in airing that game on their primary network. (Yes that was a dig, yes I know they will, but yes, it is still a pisser...my msnbc was not in HD) BTW, much respect and hats off to our Canadian brothers and sisters.
  4. You and me, both, kota. I swear to you I just had a bad feeling not only when he went down, but when we found out he was lost for the season. Honestly, it was a, "well, that's it" moment.
  5. I agree with Dr D. I think, before this takes place, we would have to show McNabb (or any QB of noteworthiness that we might try to get here) that measures have been taken to upgrade the OL. In other words, FA, or trade for at least one quality Tackle, or convince McNabb we are definitely going to address OL in the first round of the draft. BTW, I am talking left tackle as I am not unhappy with Butler, even coming back from injury.
  6. Sorry, Marv, I didn't see your post before I wrote mine. I could have just saved my fingers the work.
  7. Thanks, GW, and I like your plan, but where is the money coming from? I am not at all trying to be sarcastic. When we fixed the stadium more than a decade ago we had to beg, BEG the State for money just to try and save our franchise and they weren't real eager for it; and those when in slightly better economic times. We all know that when it comes to allocating money for upstate NY, Albany gets real, real anxious and clutches their purse strings tighter and tighter. Would we have an Erie County tax? We love our Bills, but in our economy, again, not a really favorable option. Please let me state again, I do really like your plan. I like the look and I like the vibe...I just hate the reality of our situation and the way we are viewed by the rest of the State.
  8. This thread is full of some win and a much, much, much needed 50 CCs injection of optimism we as Bills fans badly needed.
  9. I'll agree with Thirty Year Fan: Great post. ...and a great thread. Additionally, I am very much looking forward to stories along the lines of, "I woke last night to the sound of thunder only to realize that it was just Nix, Gailey and Whaley arguing the next football move to make the Bills tougher." or "Chuck Norris bows to no men...but bows to Nix, Gailey and Whaley because it's just what you do out of respect when you're in the same club."
  10. On a tangent here; I met Reeves randomly while in Georgia a few years ago at this well known steak place that I can't remember for the life of me. I was surprised, dare I say stunned, at what an affable and great guy he was. Honestly, just warm, considerate, thoughtful and would you believe, funny.
  11. SJBF, in the recent past we've gone anywhere from 9 to 11, sometimes depending upon whether one of them is a long snapper. ...so no, I think we have room.
  12. The Saving Grace to all us Buffalo sports fans but these long road trips (7 games in 14 days) are brutal on any team.
  13. 5-11...there. There it is. Now, are we going to be happy that we won more than 2 games or pissed that we didn't get to 8-8? Either way, its wash-rinse and repeat as it has been for the last decade. I envy you, b/c I utterly long for the days when this team got me excited.
  14. Tru-dat, Adam. Word!! Hey, look, I'm still hip at 40!
  15. I was 30 when the bills last made the playoffs. I am 40 now. Holy crap, I really could be freaking dead before they ever get to the playoffs again.
  16. We weren't Lenigmusx. ...Honest to God, we weren't.
  17. I hear completely, CodeMonkey, but normally when I hear this come up I smell baseball purists, maybe b/c a few years ago I used to hear them bring it up on tv or radio. Additionally, I am personally not going to be hard on football due to the extreme physical nature of the game. I think 11 minutes of 300lb men running 4.5 forties bashing people in the head is more than enough time.
  18. This stuff always comes up every few years. Fine. However, can someone do me a favor whenever they bring this up about football? Please time how long the ball is in play in baseball, and i mean in play, not the pitcher's wind-up, but anytime the ball is moving around. Thank you.
  19. Although I disagree with you a little bit, Fitz is under contract for one more year and I think he is at least good to have on the roster in case everything blows-up or they don't want to start a rookie right away.
  20. That's a great answer (as was STLBills15's that followed) and I am laughing quite a bit right now. However, we do suck, and if we could get him later in the draft and he is a Flutie type spark that can just win, I say sure. Hey, I know I'm dreaming but hope springs eternal.
  21. Honestly, I'm thinking "Why the hell not with Tebow?"
  22. A point I made, ISNOCH, to Depressed Bills Fan earlier today; there are some great QBs in this league, but besides Philly and perhaps Arizona (Leinhart looked great in some preseason games) there are not many teams that have a quality back up to take over in the future. ...Note: I like Volek and Kitna, but they are not "take over" guys in SD and Dallas.
  23. I hate to be the guy that always brings this up; but is anyone the least bit bothered or give it a moments thought that Ronnie Harmon, the same guy rumored to have thrown the 1986 Rose Bowl game (4 fumbs, 1 MAJOR drop) as alluded to in a report on Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel...is also the same guy that in my opinion (and others, obviously) short armed a critical pass against the Browns in the playoffs? Sorry, just sayin.
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