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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. Listened a bit to what Maurice Jones Drew was saying and I believed him on it. Essentially; progress, yes, but is it almost over...not really. Sorry guys. I have no real insight here or further commentary. I just P.O.'d and venting b/c I thought this would be done about a week ago. Peace and have a good one.
  2. Since the Bills aren't going to be playing for awhile and since the cat is now out of the bag i would like to see EA release some clips from Madden 11 so I can see these unis in motion.
  3. I still stand by what I said and that has been fleshed out a little more than last couple of days on WGR, especially after the Florio interview.
  4. Can we please get a quality TE in here, even if we have to pay a lot for him?
  5. Then I believe the Bills will be the biggest money making franchise in the NFL... JK San Jose, believe me bro I know what you are trying to say, but I am just realistically looking at this franchise's situation. I am absolutely ruff guessing this...no, let me say pulling this out of my a** , but I think the next owner of this franchise is probably going to have to come up with 20-30 million dollars a year for financing...an expense that Ralph does not have to deal with.
  6. One small point here, and please correct me if i am wrong: if you are a small market team with a new owner counting upon some of that money to offset some of your financing...you are screwed. In other words, if you are interested in buying the Bills it is going to be that much tighter for you, money-wise, to break even. ...I don't think this is necessarily good news for the Bills' future.
  7. Hmmm, some logic it what you are saying purp. Alright, I'll wait and see then.
  8. I am on board with all of you with respect to the bigger Buffalo decal.
  9. Man, eball, I did not want to say it but I was thinking it. Great memory on your part. it used to drive my father crazy when he would hang his head like that. I did a quick look on that sit I provided and I think that at the time of his retirement, and don't quote me on this, he was maybe top 20 in yards and touchdown passes.
  10. Tampa made the playoffs? My memory isn't that bad, is it?
  11. Retired for 20 years and he's still 35th all-time in the NFL for passing yards. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/leaders/pass_yds_career.htm?redir ...tied for 34th in TD passes, as well.
  12. "...especially if Buffalo spends money in free agency to add a legitimate tight end. That would be a great move if Buffalo can pull it off." I have been discussing this with Bagel (a member of this board) for a while now. Everyone wants to get an OLman or pass rusher in free agency whereas I think our very first move once FA starts up again is to pay (maybe even over pay) for the best TE out there.
  13. I mentioned that in the shout box a couple of weeks ago...Yeah, I think he would have walked away in the top 3 at the time of his retirement. Some Bills to mention: Jeff Nixon (knee F'd up) Derrick Burroughs (not really an injury - narrowing of the spine, but still)
  14. No probs, Turbo! Man, I like to get excited but you are right. I am sort of tapping my fingers on the desk right now in thinking about it...sort of a weird sick feeling in my stomach. Sometimes I hate being a Bills fan. EDIT: I like our team, but man some these guys really have to pan out sooner rather than later.
  15. Turbo, we drafted Tim Anderson in the third round a few years ago and he wasn't on most draftniks top 13 Dl'men. Which we should have considered as he was a waste of a pick. I like Troupe, but i agree with your point that many were puzzled with where we took him. In other words my post clearly points to YOU being right. Which I apologize for. EDIT: ya see, Tim Anderson is claiming you don't know what you are talking about, while he is the very example of what you are talking about. Its like if John Edwards got all over Arny for cheating on his wife. ...really hope I am done explaining that.
  16. Dear Turbo, You don't know what the hell you are talking about. Sincerely, Tim Anderson
  17. This. So much this. ^^ Dwight, Matt never played for the Bills. It was Tim and Tim is married to Elizabeth.
  18. Even if it bugged me at 7 am I'd just sleep until 7:30.
  19. The Buffalo Bills playing all the home games in Donald Trump Stadium at Trump Field...in Trump Park, New York.
  20. On board with most everyone here, but the truly annoying part is that it is an entire network devoted to football...man, can't these guys just crawl into these teams they are covering a little bit? Seriously? Even if they are not the on-air personalities the NFL Network should 8 guys, one for each division, that knows these teams backward and forward, inside and out. Le them feed the info to the talking heads.
  21. Yeah, besides the above wasn't there also a charge (dropped later) against Bennett of sexual assault on a minor involving a phrase that I hate hearing even though I am a man...vaginal tearing. I believe it was in that book "Pros and Cons" dealing with convicts in the NFL.
  22. Isn't it? I mean once, possibly twice, but this is a sizable group of epic misfires. Honestly, how have we not been the worst team in this league with as bad as we've done at the top of our draft the last decade?
  23. So you're saying 7-9...hmm, unfamiliar territory for this organization and these fans. D2D EDIT: checked that, missed one, 8-8...yes I can live with that.
  24. OMG, I just thought about Maybin, McCargo and Whitner's career stats for sacks and Interceptions. 12 seasons, 4 sacks, 5 interceptions. EDIT: To Whitner's credit 60% of his career interceptions came in the last two years.
  25. Isn't it only the first 11 teams they can shove it in the face of?
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