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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. Agreed, that profitability is not a problem under Wilson (never understood his complaints), but that changes with a new owner who could be saddled with 20-30 million in debt each year (figuring if up to a half billion dollars of the deal is financed).
  2. In short, they need to win 6 out of their last 8 games and one of those wins has to come against the Jets. It would not suck if N.E. had nothing to play for on the last day of the season. ...it is what it is. I've stated 11 wins for weeks; I've never understood anybody who was thinking that 10-6 was good enough to get you into the playoffs.
  3. Love it. Love it. LOVE IT !!!!! EDIT: Were doin', were doin', were doin', were doin'...were doin' the Stevie Shi-MEY!!
  4. I'll tell you guys, I do love that move that Stevie makes...I can't explain it, but you know the move I'm talking about. I would love to see him get away with that at least once against Revis. Additionally, if you throw Revis' way Fitzy please just make sure that it is deep and very close to the sidelines. ...If Stevie can't catch it,t hen no one should. GO BILLS!!
  5. I love it and that was so good, but why didn't he go with Chan's granny glasses!
  6. I hate to be a baby about this, or maybe it is just the day I had at work, BUT THIS IS A BIG F'N GAME WE HAVE THIS WEEKEND CAN WE PLEASE... PLEASE HAVE GUYS START TO COMEBACK!!! ...I'll Jones, A. Williams, Hairston and Bell back
  7. I like Flacco a lot, and previously I would have said that he is headed in the "elite" QB direction, but seriously if you look at this guys body of work over the last couple of years he seems to have gotten worse from earlier in his career. EDIT: I'll take that back; after review and up until this year his numbers have gotten better over the years...but it just seems like he was a better QB earlier.
  8. We have thousands of members on this Board and not all of them are unemployed. If each of us dedicates some of his or her time we'd have the Ralhp lookin' spiffy in no time.
  9. He has missed only 11 out of his last 39 games. Which means he is only 11 missed games behind...London Fletcher.
  10. Obviously, prissy, they got rid of Schottzy because he couldn't win the big one, whereas Norv Tuner in Washington was a coach that...oh wait. Yeah, big knee jerk reaction. Does Marty win the Super Bowl if he is still there? Probably not. However, they are 10 plus wins every single season no matter what if he did stay.
  11. No, I am going to go ahead and call something (I know you are all waiting with baited breathe ) San Diego will not win the West. Honestly, it is as many of us have stated before; it is not that they are a bad team and that they can't beat you just that they are a very good team...that plays poorly. I really don't consider them ahead of KC or Oakland right now.
  12. My feelings, as well, BBF. Therefore, nicely put. ^^ eball, I am in your camp as well. Sooooo many apologists for Turner and I just don't get it. For years this was a super talented team that just doesn't play really well.
  13. How many weeks is it now for Bell if he doesn't play this week...4?
  14. I know it is asking a lot to have a ll 4 back, but here's hoping we can get at least half of them back in the line up. I think Jones adds a dimension to our WRs that we'll need against the Jets and although the line played well I'd be much more comfortable with guys back at their regular positions.
  15. We've played 7 different teams and if you take away the games we played against all 7 then we have yet to play a team with a losing record. ...it's just interesting.
  16. It took all the way to the 14th post for someone to bring up Chandler? I'm with ya there, Trader. EDIT: Chandler will not only set the TE TD mark, but I think he'll set the overall receiving TD mark for this franchise. (I can't remember, but it is either 11 or 12)
  17. This is the TSW, NC...give it time.
  18. I couldn't agree with ya more Ozy. Although I do think it will take at least 11 wins to make the playoffs as a WC. Texans or Titans should only need about 9 victories to win their division.
  19. With ya there, DW.
  20. I'm sure the Bills, PTR, would love for you to pony up your "we" portion of the mil or two. $2D
  21. Got Wood, you were ahead of the curve on this one.
  22. *sigh* ...and to think they were putting Moates at ILB. We now have one spare true OLB.
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