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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. JJ, your one sentence argument above nails it, done, end of story. However, if I could add something else to send off to Prisco it would be that one of the Ts (or WRs) we coveat is going to be there in the 2nd.
  2. Isn't going to be expensive? Don't we have only about 9 million in cap space, and that is with rookies left to sign?
  3. Darn you, TG, why did you limit it at 3?! I would have thrown Barron in there and I can't decide.
  4. that is not just an emoticon; that is truly what I am doing right now. Thanks SJ.
  5. TSW please forgive me, but... ...you know he went to Harvard.
  6. I liked him quite a bit, too, nuch. Additionally, he was one of the last pro athletes I remember that was regularily seen with a cigarette in his hand...sad.
  7. Agree....at some point, man, you just want you team to win. I am not saying you go and sign a bunch of mid 30 vets for the team like the Over The Hill Gang (which this team hasn't done), but you need to fill holes now and make this team better.
  8. Good catch, 122. Thanks man.
  9. I was incredibly how on Gabbert going into the draft and I was stunned at how bad he played. I watched a few of his games and I mean...really...just...terrible. IT wasn't "let him grow into the position" it was "this guys has no place on an NFL field."
  10. Oh, QCity I did know that and thought the teams were good when we saw it at the end of last season. However, it just takes on this new light when you start attaching dates to them. And as far as the start brace yourself for typical Bills fan rose colored glasses 3-1 looks very doable...possibly better if we can get past the Jets.
  11. Man, that is a lot work you put in and is kind of interesting. Thanks. I normally would be more worried, but I do trust CHIX.
  12. Man, not last year for me. League's toughest (or second toughest) schedule and it was really only good at the start.
  13. If that schedule should turn out to be true, then is it my imagination or is that one of the best schedules I've seen for this team in a few years?
  14. I just think it is a no brainer to get this guy where he is projected, especially considering we have two 4th round picks.
  15. Would you guys get really mad at me if I mentioned that when I heard Anderson's deal...I thought it was a little bit too much, as well?
  16. I think KISS makes those cleats.
  17. Yeah, pretty much this all the way.
  18. Tangentially to the above some of the debate that we have as fans of the Bills is whether they prefer size to speed. Last year they had some of the biggest wide receivers they have had, on average, for quite some time. However, they briefly revitalized Parrish's career, until his injuries, due to his speed, or more so, his ability to quickly get open. So, I guess my question is and I do not ask it rhetorically or facetiously, which of the guys available when we pick can get open the quickest? ...or as the term used to be used "has quicks."
  19. They think like champions. Heck, even when they were losing last year they didn't give up and thought like champions. I'll take that as a fan.
  20. Never would I wish injury on any player and I would hope that no player would, either. ...however, if you are D-Bell, your value may have just gone up 1-2 million per, as well as your bonus.
  21. Agreed. I have no problem with this being the end of the story. His explanation is more than acceptable and I completely see the logic. My opinion based on...well, really nothing: 1st and 5th on Tackles. Second, third, and two fourths on the CB, WR and LB you need, in no particular order.
  22. Glad others noticed...this bugged the heck out of me.
  23. Buddy got his 10th, just like he wanted!!
  24. You know the Bills are doing something right if Spags comes here in March, especially to brag about wait for it...wait for it how "famous" their new FA pick up is.
  25. K-9, you and I were watching the same thing at lunch time today. Alge Crumpler It starts and ends there.
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