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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. Max, is this true? ...dang. Well, they can't have Hairston or Glenn.
  2. What do we do if Young breaks his ankle during the last pre-season game? Chan: "Hey Tyler (if you are available) I just want to let you know that not much has changed in the old playbook the last 3 weeks."
  3. Sorry to hear about your experience, Rev. Yes, it should be quite a bit better than that...I don't think you would get any comlaint from fans if the Bills crackdown on the order in the stadium. There shouldn't be just one "family" section.
  4. Please let VY or Tsquared come through and show something as a #2...that list above is wretched. I can't imagine someone else coming in and starting from scratch.
  5. Harvey did get us OJ, though, with that pathetic '68 season. ...84-85 were horrific and record settingly bad teams.
  6. Thanks Punch, that was good. The only thing I previously knew is that he worked for the Bills for a long time and was breifly their GM. I knew nothing about how influential he was in bringing the team to Buffalo and that he was the "Buffalo" guy.
  7. So many great ideas, you guys. However, it is located downtown, there is no shopping mall attached and it is a lot to put into for 7 regular seasons games a year. Please understand I do really love the ideas, but I just don't think it works for the given location. I am not offering this as an idea or even a hypothetical, but if a new stadium was tied into the Walden Galleria...then there would be tremendous money making potential.
  8. (JIMMYJO REGARDLESS OF MY COMMENTS BELOW OR WHAT I STATED BEFORE, I AM NOT JUMPING ON YA MAN...PLEASE DON'T THINK THAT. I JUST DON'T LIKE POLITICIANS...I DO GET WHERE YOU ARE COMING FROM) Did Maxine threaten the nuclear option to bring the NFL to its knees or did she just scold him? Do you think the NFL was worried about Congress with respect to concussions or do you think they were worried about law suits? Do you think any such issue like Bountygate has to do with making sure the govermenment doesn't come down on them, or is more about law suits and the money it might cost them? We'd all have to answer to Congress if Subpeonaed, but a $200,000 range Rep or Senator is not going to put the fear of God into a multi-billion dollar entity. ...they're just not.
  9. I am curious to see how long Chuck Schumer's career light would be flashing even at the slightest hint of pushing that "nuclear option." These are not mom and pop operations that go to the government hat in hand. What an absolutely, self-serving mess of nothing that presser was.
  10. I kind of want to see what is up with all this Hagan news we've been hearing of late.
  11. You guys are missing it completely. He is announcing: The Niagara Frontier Retractable Dome Stadium at Charles Schumer Field A 65,000 seat stadium with two jumbtrons set in downtown Buf, with Federal and State funding included. ...ahhh, I can almost taste the chili!
  12. Agreed and good points, wampus. It is still weird just to look at that, though. 55-10... The woman on NFL Network's NFL AM even mentioned last week that she was in attendance at that game and save for some of the obvious things that ended up happening we were giving them a fight. Yes they blew us out, but with almost 20 guys on IR and Johnson benched in the 2nd quarter the fight in these Bills was still impressive.
  13. BG, I am with you and I am interested in a number of our back-ups to see how they pan out, especially at LB and WR.
  14. From the 6 minute point of the second quarter of first game in Buffalo to the end of the 1st quarter of the game in New England Buffalo outscored the Pats 55-10. ...it doesn't prove anything with respect to this thread, but still...damn.
  15. ...I don't need to see them. I am not worried about continuity on the offense and I am sure not worried about it on the defense. Oh, for entertainment value sure, but honestly you guys I want to put them all in a bubble and deliver them to the first game of the season all shinny, new and most importantly, healthy. ...man this feels good for a change. EDIT: Crazy thing is I now sometimes worry about Fitz's arm getting tired!
  16. You call that an abomination? Sincerely, Roy Jones Jr. 1988 Olympic "silver" medalist Sorry, new with the iPad and I don't know how to copy or link but just google Roy's name and Olympics...what a crime. Edit: sorry tasker, I missed your reference to it above...not trying to steal your thunder.
  17. I've been (annoyingly to some of you) his biggest fan and proponent since the Bills signed him. That being said, I don't believe he makes this team, although I do believe he is NFL quality and could really help one of the teams in this league. Man, what if ends up in Green Bay with Starks!
  18. Where are we getting any idea from teams around the league that they are just dying to give Whaley a GM job?
  19. Getting worked by the defensive ends on this team isn't necssarily an indictment of poor blocking skills. I am not about to call it steel sharpening steel between our LTs and DEs, but with a little time and as it was previously mentioned, 4 preseason games and 6 weeks, I think LT will be fine.
  20. Hall of Fame Committe cut the crap with the, "they cancel each other out" garbage...put all three: Carter, Brown and Reed in next year and be done with this nonesense. To the OP, yes, I do think it is a weak class.
  21. Please will you guys tell me more about Preseason Live? Thank you in advance. EDIT: Yeah, just looked at it online and I am not ashamed to admit that I almost wet myself. EDIT #2: Well, what the heck, it says the games are still blacked out...?
  22. SJ, I officially give you the props you deserve. "I Knight thee Comparer of Marcus Allen, with all right, title and properties that go alone with it." Seriously, that is a great observation and being old enough to have seen MA I think it is a good comparison.
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