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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. Yeah, they can pick a starter that they will have for the next 4 years at half that price.
  2. I checked around a little bit and have no idea how much Gundlach is worth. I do not believe he is on the Forbes 400. I thought there would be something out there that showed his net worth but I couldn't find it.
  3. Great thread, TLT. I read the quote about five minutes before seeing your post and i questioned Kraft's figures while reading.
  4. With all due respect to the OP, the references to The Replacements make this thread.
  5. I don't know, he seemed pretty darn good as a starting left tackle in his rookie season. Let 2013's rookie T work the inside at G.
  6. Guys I am sorry if I missed it posted in this thread, but a buddy of mine told me that there are reports that Reinhart's deal is for one year, 1.75 million, and as my friend stated if that is the case then there HAS TO BE some sort of plan for LG here.
  7. WEO...in fairness to you I do see you point. Truly I do. However, I am being completely honestly when I say this; I would take such risk and I would take the regular season success even if it meant a likely failure in the post season. Jim Kelly didn't win one Super Bowl, not one. ...I'd take that all over again for twenty million a pop without blinking if we were 10-6 and in the playoffs at the end of the season, let alone 13-3, even with a one and done playoff. Yes, I am absolutely, positively THAT FREAKIN' STARVED FOR WINNING WITH THIS TEAM! Go Bills.
  8. Yesterday I wanted to throw up a little bit when Levitre left. ...now I want to throw up a lot. A hole that could have been filled with a known quantity (and quality) is now quite empty. I love the Bills and I will "try" to stay optimistic. However, if you are fan of this team HOW DO YOU NOT have this sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach?
  9. Yeah, thank you. Man, I mean i just don't get the start of this thread. Why don't we just laugh at the stupid Pats for extending Brady or the Saints for resigning Brees.
  10. I know it is sort of an even split this year, meaning no real cap benefit to cutting him. However, how much do the Bills get back next year?
  11. This. Very much this. I think of him now along the lines of a Kitna.
  12. I don't know if anyone has posted this yet, but I am curious about how much money Chris made as bill in his career.
  13. Most likely, though, not either of 1 or 2. Probably (as stated in the article) wants to keep his team competitive and makes mad cash with endorsements.
  14. As an old timer if someone ever asked me if I would want Rob Riddick back on this team right now in his prime as a back-up RB...I would dive at that chance. As an old timer if someone ever asked me if I would want Kenny Davis back on this team right now in his prime as a back-up RB...I would dive at the chance. As a hopefully future older-timerer (yes, I said "timerer") if someone asked me 10 years from now if I would want Fred Jackson back on the 2023 Bills in his prime as a back-up RB...well, you get my drift. The thing is I have Fred Jackson RIGHT NOW on this team. Maybe he doesn't do much past 2013 and he is getting a good amount of dough. However, I still want him and he is still worth it for at least this year. After that, we shall see.
  15. I knew this thread was going to be all sorts of win before I even opened it. ..thank you for not disappointing, guys.
  16. BB...that is actually pretty sweet. Nice, man.
  17. Man, I remember when Charlie Joiner was still lighting it up at about that age. Closer to home, I remember when Frank Lewis was putting numbers up in his 30s which surprised people, in the early 1980s. (...and yes, I know CJ was a Bills coach, but I mean closer to home as a player) EDIT: Checked the stats: from age 36-38 he caught 185 passes.
  18. I think Fitz most definitely can (and will) be Kitna-esque. Meaning even if he left the Bills I think he would have a long career as a back-up in this league and have reasonable success on the field when called upon.
  19. The Eagles have almost always been great with their cap. I believe it was the Eagles and Vikings that were the first to know how to really work the system of the cap.
  20. Thank you for the memories! I can't be the only one that was sad when Rawhide died?
  21. My. favorite. Patriot. Party on Wayne! Party on Garth!
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