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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. He went on a date with my sister and never called her again. ...you just don't do that to a guy's sister, especially when she has a such a really good personality, has many cats, is well read and is a chicken wing eating contest winner. Show some class, man.
  2. Shaw, I hate to see you like this. why don't you just post your telephone number here in this thread and we'll call you when something is up? TSW Members please do not abuse Shaw's number and his easy availability to chat when it's posted. It is to be used only for news purposes and not rides to the airport.
  3. No team with Kyle Williams and Shady McCoy on their roster is finishing last in anything.
  4. Thats EXACTLY what a scheduling elitist would say. ?
  5. I'm sorry, but their undefeated season ending loss to the Giants is my second most cherished sports memory this millennium, behind the Bills making the playoffs. ...I still smile when I think about it.
  6. Tangent: unless Pittsburgh and Jacksonville beat the Pats on their home fields New England could go undefeated.
  7. Agreed, K-9, and I am with them on that. The stadium will get built in due time. 130 million was spent on improvements to New Era so let's get full use out of them until 2023.
  8. It's a freaking joke. ...and there's the punchline. NFL elitist scheduling jerks.
  9. I love the Bills, and I still think they stand a good chance at starting the season 3-5.
  10. If you don't think the NFL scheduling three games here again December isn't a message to the Pegulas to get going on a new stadium then you're just not thinking.
  11. Hmmm... well...NFL schedule makers I feel like punching you in the face. ...and might I add something dirty happening to you and the horse you came in on?
  12. Sullim, you and I need to hang out and drink beers. we are pretty darn close on our first 5.
  13. 1. Cleveland - Allen 2. Giants - Chubb 3. Jets - Mayfield 4. Cleveland - Barkley 5. Bills - Darnold
  14. ...with little left in the tank, but still will be demanding 5-7 million per.
  15. NFL Schedule Maker: Ahem...Well, Buffalo03, what you fail to understand is that the demographic breakdown inertia *cough* with a flux of variables to television markets *choke* and discernible data, of course ignoring Southern Ontario as they don't count as people demographically *foot shuffle* has left us with an undeniable outcome of a handful of teams getting six prime time games a year, and we begrudgingly have to give you one..so...we're good, right? Buffalo Fans, in general: You do know there is about 5-7 million people within two hours of here, right? NFL Schedule Maker:...this conversation is over...F*** You.
  16. I wasn't even going to come in here if there were just four exclamation points. Five though...that's a head turner, baby. I honestly don't understand why this guy would play for anything less, or why teams would even pay him more, than 8 million per year. It is 80% of our remaining free agent budget, and I would assume he is still trying to even get more. That is just a number I pulled out of my Buffalo Bills backside. No.
  17. Why did I watch this? Seriously, why the hell did I just watch this?! Like I thought the outcome would be any different or just to remember how torturing it was?
  18. I'll buy that quip for a dollar. Nicely done, Shady.
  19. Part of me truly believes this. However, the other part of me wants to find out where you live and heckle you all weekend long, just outside the perimeter of your property line. I am sure you can respectfully appreciate that.
  20. I'll tell ya, I'd take even a simple 1,100 yard annual rushing average from this guy if he were to stick around until the end of 2022. He would be third all time in NFL history, ahead of Barry Sanders and behind Walter Payton. 8,800 rushing and likely more than 10 or 11 thousand all purposes yards as a Bill. ...maybe occurring in 2022 around the same date as when we are putting Eric Wood on the Bills Wall of Fame.
  21. Considering the 50/50 possibility of my ensuing death I am not sure how to respond. Oh, WTH...you got a thumbs up, BLM!
  22. Wow, neat stat I stumbled across going over historicals for this thread. The Bills are 2nd in NFL history with the most seasons leading the League in rushing (7). Chicago leads with 16, but they have been around almost twice as long.
  23. Additionally, to some of you do you feel Freddy should go up over Shady even if Shady passes him?
  24. Ya know what, I really want to hear more peoples' opinions, but WEO may have just broken the thread right there. Brilliant, Sir. Brilliant.
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