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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. Great points. @row_33 ...and, row, if that is true above, forgive me for being a thick skull, which I usually think I am quick on the uptake with some of these things. My bad.
  2. row, what isn't good for the image of the Shield?! What DID HE DO THAT YOU KNOW AS FACT?!!!!!! My biggest problem so far has been the use of language and allegations as fact in this. I'm the guy who twittered Howard Simon yesterday and said you shouldn't use the word "facts" and instead use the word "allegations" which he did.
  3. Jeepers-creepers, Watkins, other than claims made in a statement from his ex-girlfriend/house squatter's attorney there is no evidence against him and no reason to just flat out believe (without supplemental information) the word of someone who has a direct and contrary interest to Shady's. Come on, man, that's not right and that's not fair. He's your player if your the Bills and you run on him at the very whiff of something? Your other players would love that and thank management, I'm sure.
  4. 117 pages last night and only 120 this morning. What the hell were you guys doing, exercising?! Any chance we will get material news today? Like they've tracked or have the assailant?
  5. Chandler, the head hanging drov my father crazy. tough SOB, though. Loved him.
  6. I'm going to stick around to see this thread turn 100. My goodness...I remember all the way back to when she was just a youngling thread, maybe oh...10 or so pages long. Look at what she has become! They get so long so fast. You know, when you talk about things like crimes or how much we are all going to miss Chris Hogan.
  7. This is such BS. Not you Reed, buddy, but the facebook/susbcribe/we got it crap.
  8. Zow, if there is something afoot here, the rogue thing is what I have thought about.
  9. Absolutely, Royale, but that was a rental (apparently from your story)...can you even imagine if this is YOUR house?! I know the logistics on this aren't that complicated, but I still just have a hard time wrapping my head around this. EDIT: @Royale with Cheese If you invite me over to stay, like for a week and at the end of the week you say, "Dollars, get out of here", I'm gone. Out. Packed up and on my way. Seriously, let's try it. I'll prove I would leave.
  10. I'm being serious here...and I don't know what happened and Shady may or may not be guilty of something and this woman may or may not be guilty of something and I am sorry she sustained injuries that may not be her doing. That said, how crazy and scary is it that you can't get someone out of your house for going on a year? I can't even imagine asking someone to leave and they just. plain. won't. leave. Who wants that caustic environment? Who leaves their house every morning keeping one eye on the internet to make sure you aren't getting kicked out of a house you don't own because the owner doesn't want you to live there anymore? I don't know what happened, but what doesn't seem to be in dispute is that he wanted her gone...how does it get to this?!
  11. I hear ya, New Era, but that is part of the damn problem. These thing are being just plain slid in as facts by the press or the twitterverse. I don't know what Shady did, but I know it is not right the way some of this is being reported or talked about.
  12. 5/28 was when he allegedly gave her the alleged gift, which can be refuted in a response. If the court document claim was not refuted..well, OK, then it is fact.
  13. Casey Anthony? ...who i believe is also now backing Shady, so...Woohoo, yeaaah...
  14. First rule of crazy is don't talk about crazy. Second rule of crazy is...don't TALK ABOUT CRAZY!!!
  15. If Shady gets suspended or banned I am not sure he gets to 12,000 yards as a Bill. ...I know it's not the most important thing, but it did pop into my head.
  16. Man, Biscuit, I don't know, but I know where Vince wouldn't be!!! Although, what if the Old Buffalo Bills of the All American Football League hired him away for 1949 for their final season and the NFL was so impressed they bring Buffalo in instead of either the Colts or Niners?! Honestly, did not know the Boeheim Story.
  17. Because of everything that happened before 36! Stay young forever, Royale, but enjoy the sweet ride as you move North...the view is awesome!
  18. @Chandler#81 @vorpma @C.Biscuit97 No, no,. no Chandler. Seriously. See three paragraphs from the bottom. The one that starts "Lauffenburger discussed" : https://canisiusgriffin.wordpress.com/2017/04/07/whatever-happened-to-the-canisius-football-team/
  19. I hate you. In an envious way.
  20. I listened to OJ run for 2000 yards against the Jets in '73 with my brother. Yeah, the clock is ticking down on this end.
  21. @SouthNYfan @Royale with Cheese Tangent here and please correct me me if I am wrong, but didn't the accused in the Brawley case kill himself as a result of what this had done to his life? Edit: Yes. Harry Crist, Jr., police officer.
  22. It's interesting, Shotgunner, the information that has trickled out so far has been just enough to feed the monster from both sides. Hopefully (really hopefully) something comes out more definitively, either way, to spare us the continued drama.
  23. McCoy's body isn't even cold yet. Harsh, BP4. Beane: "...ANY-WHO, since we are up and talking about it, hey staff who was that RB you were talking about last week from East Whatever State?"
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